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  • 07-11-2009, 01:39 AM
    Yes, but boys didn't do streamers, we also cut a strip of leather and made a circle to hang on the center of the front wheel, it would shine it to a sparkle.
  • 07-11-2009, 01:32 AM
    Lady Grinning Soul
    Oh yes, yes, yes!! And on the 4th of July put red , white and blue crepe paper to decorate it. The best part, we'd get to ride our bike in the parade! We felt so special. I would pedal away, waving at people (like I was a celebrity) and having a great time. I only ever had one bike. Well, one tricycle when I was very small and one two wheeler. But each, I can picture in my minds eye as clearly as if they were in front of me. Thanks for that memory.
  • 07-11-2009, 01:32 AM
    steven d
    Yes, after I took off the fenders, chain guard and turned the handlebars down! Funny, not long after that, I got into hot rods and have been a mechanic ever since! Thanks for the smile and short trip down memory lane.
  • 07-11-2009, 01:31 AM
    Oh yes. Mom's clothes pins were used for cards on my bike as well as pinning the blankets over the clothes line to make a tent. Loved my bike and rode all summer. I first had a blue schwinn that a neighbor ran over in his driveway where I laid it down to go in and visit his wife. His insurance got me a new black sporty bike that was wonderful. Lucky me.I remember getting my first bike in the winter and Mom and Dad let me ride it through the house until spring came. They sure were not concerned about hurting anything in the house. Thanks for the memories. Look Ma, no hands. We were cool riding around without holding on.
  • 07-11-2009, 01:30 AM
    Did you mean attach a cloth pin to the frame of a bike? Yes, years ago. I did not have streamers or spokie ddogies I had a dirt bike back then
  • 07-11-2009, 01:27 AM
    Common Sense
    A playing card many times. I collected baseball cards and wouldn't have ruined it, good trading stock.
  • 07-11-2009, 01:26 AM
    It was a playing card from a deck of cards. Queen of Hearts on front. Ace of hearts on back.

    Streamers were wiped weekly with a wash cloth to get and dust off them. Yes, each individual streamer at a time.

    With the high handle bars & a banana sheet it turned into a 2 "passenger vehicle" if needed. Sit one friend behind me & one on the handle bars. Couldn't see well, but that's why the handle bar rider got to ring the bell to warn me of up coming obstacles.

    Yes it was my pride & joy. All the kids on the block would meet with our bikes and pick a new direction of adventure. This was easily 7-9 kids all at once racing down the road & short-cut paths.

    Now that you mention it, I have not seen little "packs" of children riding around in the last few decades. But those were the high times!
    "Look what I can do on my bike." Was always the next challenge for the rest of the kids.

    And last, we'd have to find a creek or water drainage ditch so that we could wash up blood from any accidents so no one got into trouble when we returned home at dusk.
  • 07-11-2009, 01:25 AM
    I pinned a playing card to my bicycle spokes. One of the fun things was riding down the street and having dogs start barking at the noise. I loved to ride my banana-seat bike, never enjoyed other bikes as much as that one.
  • 07-11-2009, 01:25 AM
    Baseball/playing cards AND balloons attached to the front forks or fender struts! Also, red/white/blue crepe paper woven through my spokes for the 4th of July. I think I remember black and white streamers on my black and white bike's handle bars.
  • 07-11-2009, 01:24 AM
    max #1
    Baseball cards were too valuable, so I took my sisters Beatle cards and used them.
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