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  • 07-19-2009, 05:25 AM
    Water conducts electricity therefore you and your bike WILL conduct electricity when wet regardless of what your bike or its tyres are made of.

    Don't risk it unless you really need to make the trip, especially if there's not much of a gap between lightning and thunder (ie when the lightning's close by).

    This has nothing to do with nearby trees or tall poles, if you are wet, you are a good conductor and that makes you just as likely to be struck.
  • 07-19-2009, 01:07 AM
    music freakk :D
    i wouldn't risk it, chances are slim of anything bad really happening, but its probably best not to go out in this weather.
  • 07-18-2009, 09:08 PM
    ¢нαяℓєє «3
    yup, its safe! x i have done it before just never shelter under trees as lightening bolts always strike the highest poing and if your under the tree it strikes your dead meat!

    *why would you want to go out in the thunder and lightening anyway, i onlly did it coz i left my handbag in a shop!
  • 07-18-2009, 07:19 PM
    You would probably be fine as long as you are not touching any metal. The rubber tyres would protect you if you don't put your feet on the ground. Same as a car, you are safe inside a car when it is struck by lightning as long as you don't touch any metal inside.
  • 07-18-2009, 07:13 PM
    i would of thought so, as long as you wear a crash helmet. Also ride slowly. please make fave answer cause i am new and need points.
  • 07-18-2009, 06:42 PM
    Yes, metal attracts and conducts electricity. You mostlikly wont get hit, but i personaly wouldnt chance it if you dont have to go anywhere ergently.
  • 07-18-2009, 04:19 PM
    yes, why would u ask such a stupid question? would you go outside in a lightning storm with a metall rod??? no.
  • 07-18-2009, 04:08 PM
    Only if you bring an umbrella and your rubber ducky.
  • 07-18-2009, 03:58 PM
    It should be obvious why this is a dangerous thing to do. Granted, the chances might be slim, but I refuse to take any chance of being struck by lightning if I can help it. And the first answerer is absolutely spot-on, too: wet roads on a bike can add up to some slippery moments you probably won't see coming until it's too late. Not to mention your braking and steering capability is greatly diminished due to the wet conditions.
  • 07-18-2009, 03:18 PM
    robert d
    Wet roads can be tricky on bikes. The lightning won't be a problem.
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