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  • 09-02-2009, 01:55 AM
    10 Gallons of water means 10 inches of fish (not including tails). I would keep it to eight, since 10 gallons is not a very large tank and the fewer fish you keep, the easier it is to keep it clean and healthy.

    If you are new to the hobby I would suggest guppies. The males are very colorful (yes - they come in blue) and the species stays pretty small so you can have several of them in your tank.

    I would also suggest a small "herd" of corys, at least 3 but no more than 5 or 6. (Petsmart, Petco, and Wal-Mart sell them). They will eat any dropped food at the bottom of your tank and help keep things clean.

    When I had a ten-gallon tank I bought two male guppies, three or four females, and they bred like rabbits. I never had to buy another fish and often gave the babies away to friends as pets and/or feeders for larger fish.

    Make sure your tank is filtered and add a heater if your house is cool (I keep my apartment at 75F and have never bothered with a heater).

    Good luck!!
  • 09-02-2009, 01:54 AM

    I have a 10g and want as many fish as possible but to not over crowd?

    Can i have any suggestions preffered color blue = ]

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