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What is the number after 87?


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  • 09-17-2009, 07:39 PM
    Good Guy
    why ask us? You will buy the best vehicle you can for the money you must spend, whether it's made in america, or overseas, whether it's a "socialist" company or a private one. We all search for the best buy.
  • 09-17-2009, 07:37 PM
    S K Duncan
    Truthfully all car companies have received some type of government support. All the Toyota, Honda, BMW and Daimler (Mercedes) Benz factories were massively damaged from aerial bombing after WWII. Government support and guidance brought them from ashes to the powerhouses they are today.

    The reason Ford, GM and Chrysler were so profitable and powerful in the 1950's through the 1970's was because of government-funding during WWII. They retooled and built new factories during the war, all with massive amounts of government money. After the war their brand new modern factories, built with government money, churned out cars for the consumer instead of war vehicles for the government.

    If you want to support free enterprise, without government support for a industry that builds transportation vehicles...you might consider a bicycle.
  • 09-17-2009, 07:37 PM
    Toyota makes a better car, and, both of my Toyotas were made in the USA by non-Union workers.
  • 09-17-2009, 07:37 PM
    christopher h
    You should buy what you want - but keep in mind how many good jobs Toyota, Honda, Subaru, Nissan, and BMW have created in the US building good quality cars. GM and Ford's quality has risen to the highest level ever, but only in response to the superior product that Japanese-owned or other manufacturers produced here. But Ford should be applauded for refusal to take the bailout. We should support them more than ever. They are true capitalists.
  • 09-17-2009, 07:36 PM
    Victory !
    Like we say down here, If you want a pickup truck built in Texas by Texans you gotta buy a Toyota.
  • 09-17-2009, 07:36 PM
    Toyota makes a better car, and, both of my Toyotas were made in the USA by non-Union workers.
  • 09-17-2009, 07:36 PM
    Toyota got a bailout from Japanese government.
  • 09-17-2009, 07:36 PM
    randall flag
    ford is first on race day..
    300,000 trouble free miles on my f150 4x4
    Toyota is reporting bigger losses than gm..if they were not backed by the Japanese government they would be out of business...they are still being forced to close many plants.
    ford is the most successful car company at this time.

    PS Toyota is also having the most quality problems of any company at this time..
    i think you should buy two of them so most of the time one will run
  • 09-17-2009, 07:36 PM
    Who Flung Poo?
    I though Ford was "Found On Road Dead"
  • 09-17-2009, 07:36 PM
    Certified Asshole

    Im a chevy guy.

    GM= Government Managed.
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