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  • 09-21-2009, 10:04 PM
    Choose ipod touch.

    Ipod touch: games, music, movies, modding(if u jailbreak), map, helpful apps, internet browsing via Wifi
  • 09-21-2009, 10:04 PM
    I am 13 and i have a 360. It was the best comsole i have ever gotten. I played Halo 3 like crazy

    Also, all of my friends at skool have it, so i play with them.
  • 09-21-2009, 10:04 PM
    Dick Hertz
    i think the quad bike is most expenssive so go with that. if u get tired of the quad you can sell it and buy a 360/i pod toch/ or just have that money. so the quad leaves you with the most options.
  • 09-21-2009, 10:03 PM
    I am 13 and i have a 360. It was the best comsole i have ever gotten. I played Halo 3 like crazy

    Also, all of my friends at skool have it, so i play with them.
  • 09-21-2009, 09:54 PM
    It all depends on what your preferences are.

    First: Don't ask for money. People see that as an opportunity to give you next-to-nothing, as in, maybe $20 or something small.

    Second: If you don't use any of the other consoles, don't go for the 360, you'll end up putting it to the side. Play some games on a friend's console, if he/she has one, and go from there.

    Third: An iPod rocks if you like music, and the things you can do on a Touch are fun. Just be careful, if you pay for music, you'll have to put a good amount of money in to get what you want. If you download illegally, then be careful.

    Fourth: A Quad bike is a lot of fun. But repair and gas could pile up a bit. Still, if you have the free time and like the sense of speed, it's not a bad bet.

    Final: I'd say go for the iPod. You can get the best bang for the buck, and you can use it anywhere. Music never gets old, while a quad could get boring eventually.
  • 09-21-2009, 09:52 PM
    I would go for the ipod touch. You will seriously use it the rest of your life.

    I had an iPod for 4 years already and still use it everyday.
  • 09-21-2009, 09:49 PM
    GB krazy
    i would say money so since you can't decide now if you just get the money you can decide later
  • 09-21-2009, 09:49 PM
    I have a Xbox 360, a quad bike and an iPod (although not a touch).

    Xbox 360 - You say you have a Wii, DS, PSP and a PS2 and you don't play them. Why waste more money on a console that you won't play? The Xbox 360 is a great console, however. Maybe if you get the games you want, you may play it.

    iPod touch - Yeah, there fun and all. But its an Apple product. Meaning in eleven or so months, it'll be obsolete again. Remember, Apple don't routinely update the operating system for older iPods. iPod touchs are cool with the apps, but you have to consider how quickly the novelty will wear off.

    Quad bike - I hate physical activity...but I love going out on the quad. Just going down to the local field that council have allowed quad bikers to ride on, pulling wheels and riding over mounds. Its great fun, and its always fun. Its also beneficial to you. I'm almost 16 myself and am going to get my learner's next month, and I've already learnt a bit about gears, listening to the engine, just from using the quad bike etc.

    So, if it were me, it'd be between quad and 360. For you, I'd recommend the quad.
  • 09-21-2009, 09:48 PM
    I have owned (and still do own) alot of the consoles you have named there. The Wii, DS, and PSP. Just aren't very fun in my opinion. The PS2 was a decent gaming system back in the day. An iPod Touch, is useless if you already have an iPod.

    Definately get an Xbox 360. They are amazing. I can't stress it enough. I play alot, and before I wasn't even a big gamer. The quad would be also a good choice, but just think. How much will you be able to use it? Once a weekend? (Assuming you live in a city.)

    I would go with the 360 if I was you.
  • 09-21-2009, 09:42 PM

    What should i get xbox 360,Ipod touch, Quad bike or money?

    It was my birthday and i havent gotten anything because i dont know what to get? i was thinking of a 360 but i have a wii,DS,PSP,PS2 and dont use anyoff them. I wanted a ipod touch but then i want a quad bike. or i can just get money Which is better and is fun to have at 13 years old?

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