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  • 09-22-2009, 08:50 PM
    Vöt Änårж

    It says so in the Bible.

    How is that even possible, you ask?
    “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”” (Matthew 19:26)
  • 09-22-2009, 08:50 PM
    Leslie H
    You mean that Jesus only invited 11 faithful disciples to share the last evening meal with him?? What were the rest supposed to do? Eat their passover feast at their own homes? How unfair!
    Every government has those who take the lead, and have more responsibility, and those who benefit from their wise leadership. God's kingdom is ultimately, a government, ruled from heaven, with those on earth living in paradise conditions, the way humans were intended to live. Would you turn up YOUR nose at paradise, just because someone else had something different? I wouldn't.

    "Pastor Fart is a proud member of the KKK, and also a practicing Evangelical minister. How do those two groups he claims affinity with coincide with each other? God is not partial, and Jesus was a Jew.
  • 09-22-2009, 08:49 PM
    imported_Leslie H
    You mean that Jesus only invited 11 faithful disciples to share the last evening meal with him?? What were the rest supposed to do? Eat their passover feast at their own homes? How unfair!
    Every government has those who take the lead, and have more responsibility, and those who benefit from their wise leadership. God's kingdom is ultimately, a government, ruled from heaven, with those on earth living in paradise conditions, the way humans were intended to live. Would you turn up YOUR nose at paradise, just because someone else had something different? I wouldn't.

    "Pastor Fart is a proud member of the KKK, and also a practicing Evangelical minister. How do those two groups he claims affinity with coincide with each other? God is not partial, and Jesus was a Jew.
  • 09-22-2009, 08:49 PM
    According to Revelation 14:1
    And isn't it for God to decide?
    Man does not have to understand the workings of God.
    If you created ALL THINGS, then you would have the right to make whatever decisions you deemed necessary to benefit mankind.
  • 09-22-2009, 08:49 PM
    According to Revelation 14:1
    And isn't it for God to decide?
    Man does not have to understand the workings of God.
    If you created ALL THINGS, then you would have the right to make whatever decisions you deemed necessary to benefit mankind.
  • 09-22-2009, 08:49 PM
    Q&A Queen
    With God all things are possible. Heaven is not, as so many believe a reward for ALL who have accepted Jesus Christ. We are clearly told that those 144,000 will be kings and priests in heaven with Christ... part of that kingdom Jesus himself taught us to pray for. Think of a government ... any government. Are not the rulers a miniscule minority of those governed. In some cases even just one king or dictator.

    Desiree: No offense but math has absolutely nothing to do with it. Again, look at human governments. Are there not set structures for those in positions of authority? One president, 250+ senators; however many congresspeople. That's not math. That's what has been decided upon as far as representation for the people is concerned.
  • 09-22-2009, 08:49 PM
    Rev. 14:1 Clearly tells us that only 144,000 will be going to heaven. Ho is it possible, because it is what Jehovah has put in place. Anything and everything is possible for Jehovah.
  • 09-22-2009, 08:48 PM
    Susan Boyle
    its not its just one more failure in their cult
  • 09-22-2009, 08:48 PM
    The 144,000 mentioned in Revelation, if you read it, refers to 12,000 from each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. It's referring to this number being all that will be saved of the JEWS.

    Which means that if this happened today, we have around 15 million Jews in the world, yes? Yes. So this means that God is going to GENOCIDE all 15 million except the 144,000.

    Hitler would be SO proud of God, don't you think?

    What a disgusting book the new testament is, with its constant demonizing of the Jews, its lies and inaccuracies about Jewish law and Jewish culture - and ENDING in the outright FINAL SOLUTION of Genocide of almost the entire Jewish people.

    Absolutely disgusting.
  • 09-22-2009, 08:48 PM
    The 144,000 mentioned in Revelation, if you read it, refers to 12,000 from each of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. It's referring to this number being all that will be saved of the JEWS.

    Which means that if this happened today, we have around 15 million Jews in the world, yes? Yes. So this means that God is going to GENOCIDE all 15 million except the 144,000.

    Hitler would be SO proud of God, don't you think?

    What a disgusting book the new testament is, with its constant demonizing of the Jews, its lies and inaccuracies about Jewish law and Jewish culture - and ENDING in the outright FINAL SOLUTION of Genocide of almost the entire Jewish people.

    Absolutely disgusting.
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