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  • 09-27-2009, 11:09 AM
    they like to wine about everything. they think there helping without knowing anything,

    its sorta like how they thought the world was going to die from starvation once china hits 1billion people and india, Pakistan etc.. follow, now were at around 6+billion people worldwide and threes no food shortage. i just don't understand how they thought we would eat all the fish and animals and crops and it would never grow back and repopulate?

    then they had the whole ice caps melting and rising water, if they were right about that, then half of new york city and the rest of the world would be under water but oddly thanks to winters and evaporation that didn't happen.

    now its Co2 and boy there wrong about that as well because al gore, carmen diaz, and the other wee weed people think its real while all its another scam to steal money from the world.

    they don't do there homework and they just follow the leader, it must be nice to jump on the bandwagon and always be clueless and think your doing something important when in reality your only making things worse.

    btw liberals oil is a renewing natural resource and it does not come from dinosaur bones.
  • 09-27-2009, 11:08 AM
    I am not a Liberal, but when hardwood forests are cut, they are replanted in fast growing pine trees which is used for paper and lumber. The problem with pine is that it provides almost nothing for wildlife. There are no nuts and no hollows for nesting animals. Hardwoods are much better places for wildlife to live.
  • 09-27-2009, 11:07 AM
    The Professor
    Watashi wa akachan o tabete imsau. Anata wa akachan o tabete imasuka? Hai...
  • 09-27-2009, 11:05 AM
    emvironmentalists aren't terribly bright.
    in the 70's they complained about car exhaust and implemented the catalitic converter which converts co into co2. now theyy complain about too much co2 from cars.
    they capmlained about electricity from caol and wanted wind mills. now they're all over california, among other palces, and the sierra club now talks about the estimated 2 milllion california brown eagkes which die every year form, you guessed it, flying into wind mill rotors...

    to much to list about these knee jerk reactionaries who dont think before they leap.
  • 09-27-2009, 11:05 AM
    Barack Hussein Obama II

    Fellow Liberals, why are you so concerned about the environment when we

    plant more for every 1 chopped? Yes, please tell me why.


    Barack Hussein Obama

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