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  • 10-26-2009, 04:28 PM
    jealous elf
    i have an uncle you need to meet. he believes that the U.S. is being ruined by what he calls "the browning of america."

    i call that b.s.

    immigration made the U.S. the wonderful country that it is.
  • 10-26-2009, 04:28 PM
    Immigration from Mexico is
  • 10-26-2009, 04:27 PM
    Immigration is what builds/expands civilizations, so no.
  • 10-26-2009, 04:27 PM
    Neil G
    What can you do?

    We need immigrants because immigrants are what made this country and will continue to do so. People from western europe don't want to immigrate to the US because life isn't that bad there anymore (nothing like potato famines, wars etc.)

    Remember, people only immigrate from other countries if they want a better life. So, you'll only get immigration from Latin America, SE Asia, Africa etc.
  • 10-26-2009, 04:27 PM
    Imam XIII The Fallible
    Its that a bit too much hypocritical, of a statement, if coming from a White American or Oceanian?

    America is an immigrant country, built by immigrants.

    You will surprised to know the percentage of immigrants in ALL the American research facilities, industries, IT, universities and so forth......
  • 10-26-2009, 04:26 PM
    Immigration *built* the "western world."
    It is now and always has been a vital force for new ideas and change that keeps things interesting, and greatly benefits the economies of "western" societies.

    I always find it amusing when the grandchildren or great-grandchildren of immigrants come out against immigration...it's very much an "I got mine, now the rest of you keep the he11 out!" attitude, very selfish and closed-minded. Guess they don't realize that they wouldn't be where they are if others had used their same arguments on their ancestors...

  • 10-26-2009, 04:26 PM
    It is changing it, and maybe not for the better.
  • 10-26-2009, 04:26 PM
    Yes. Most don't seem to realize that in all of North America we keep allowing in millions of Muslims and they are destroying the countries from within. They are having many children and eventually will take control at the rate they are breeding.

    The True Body of Yeshua (incorrectly commonly called Christianity) accepts no culture, it creates the culture.

    We have allowed them to come in and bring their demonic culture and spiritual beliefs with them. It is destroying us. Multiculturism does not work. They bring all their pagan beliefs and the whole nation suffers accordingly. Mosques are going up all over the place because we have been foolish enough to allow it to happen. Try going to Iran or Turkey and building a Christian type church and see what happens. NOTHING. They won't allow it. They are much smarter.

    This all takes place because our government has nothing to do with the bible. Our government is operating in the realm of witchcraft.
  • 10-26-2009, 04:26 PM
    Majority of people in western civilization have migrated/or forced from somewhere else.
  • 10-26-2009, 04:25 PM
    Well, we are kind of overpopulated as it is but people like to ignore the fact that those who already live here and have been for generations are breeding like f***ing rabbits too.You can't blame people for coming into the country and taking the jobs no one wants. I personally, think people should get paid for being married like 5 years and not having kids.Some people think it's still their duty to populate the earth.

    People also like to ignore the fact that unless you're a Native American, you're an immigrant too.

    Personally, I'm working on moving OUT of the country
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