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  • 11-29-2009, 12:38 PM
    Louise C
    I think men do tend to be better at maths and science than women are.

    I am sorry you are finding physics such a trial. The education system in the UK is quite different, here nobody has to study anything they are not interested in afer they take GCSEs when they are fifteen or sixteen. That means that when they are doing 'A' levels (the equivalent of the last two years of high school in America), they study only the three or four subjects that they are best at, and when they go to college they normally only study one subject, or possibly two.

    I have to say that forcing everyone to continue studying subjects for which they have no aptitude and in which they have no interest seems to me rather pointless. I think a lot of suffering could be avoided if they let everyone study things for which they have an aptitude rather than making them struggle with subjects that they can't cope with.
  • 11-29-2009, 12:38 PM
    Humanities OK maybe, but social SCIENCES, no, men are better at anything science related, since it requires objectivity and peer-reviewed studies, hard unbiased work, rather than feelings and emotions and projection.
  • 11-29-2009, 12:37 PM
    Honey, as a woman it isn't your fault it's someone elses.
  • 11-29-2009, 12:37 PM
    Honey, as a woman it isn't your fault it's someone elses.
  • 11-29-2009, 12:37 PM
    I just wanna be...
    If you're smart enough to get the grades you got i those other subjects, you're smart enough for maths and physics, you just need to be taught better.

    Don't feel like an incapable moron, that's insulting to me who is an incapable moron.
  • 11-29-2009, 12:37 PM
    It partly has to do with that more women like humanities and social sciences than men, and more men like math and science than women. People tend to do better in subjects they like. A fair number of men don't like math, but more men like math than the number of women that do.

    I'm a synthetic organic chemist, and I don't like math. I can do high level math, I just don't like it. To me math is a tool that I use and it is very dry. It would be like me taking a course on the various uses and theory behind using a screwdriver.

    I suggest you get a good tutor for physics and/or calculus. If you don't have a solid math background physics will be very difficult. Calculus is much easier than the algebra necessary to do it. The hardest part of answering physics questions is figuring out how to go about solving it.

    @defek8: Social "sciences" aren't science, it's a discipline, like archeology.
  • 11-29-2009, 12:36 PM
    well, i am in high school at the moment, and it seams that boys are VERY good at maths and science. I am the opposite however, i excel at english, history and drama.
    all of my friends get maths A chemistry A physics A english B any sose B
    i am maths b-c science b-c english A and then i suck at econs, but other sose A

    so i am womanly minded ^^ who cares.

    there will always be exceptions but generally.

    anything that has emotion factors females will excell.
    problem based (often numbers) to the point, males will strive at

    this is also representitive i think of that males are straight to the point, and dont beat around the bush, down to earth if you don't mind.
    ie males are 1+1=2

    females, well i dont know they probably see a window in 1+1 and will write a story about somebody who is suicidal :P (maybe a bit extreme :PP)

    but you get my drift....
  • 11-29-2009, 12:36 PM
    In a silent way
    I took a physic's class over the summer. Despite not taking physic's since the 7th grade I easily got an 97 on the first test. I never bought the book, never studied, and hardly paid attention in class (spent most of the time sleeping). I easily got by far the best grade in the class. But to be fair I was taking that class at a city college, and not at my college since it would of been far more work.

    But to answer your question. Yes their is clearly differences in strength of women and men in math, science, and logic.
  • 11-29-2009, 12:35 PM
    wendy g
    I got A's in high school and college physics, B's in calculus and trig, but only because I was bored and DIDN'T try in those classes.

    So, no offense, but maybe it's just you.
  • 11-29-2009, 12:35 PM
    Actually, you are being sexist. More men get 'A' and 'F' than women according to research, women are more mid range. I think it is all Bull SH**. Don't listen, new subjects are always difficult, especially if you have had no prior experience.
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