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  • 05-02-2010, 10:38 PM
    um your life doesn't end in high school, its where it beings...sorry had to quote from 17 again.
    Why instead of lying why don't you make this life, your actual life, why don't you get to know her, or get to know a new girl that actually likes you, and actually have a real relationship.

    LOL ...ha what i'd could do in be in your place. Why don't you go to parties, if your not into the binge then just go to pick up girls. Live freely, now before you have to get into a whole bunch of complicated crap, of university, tax, and rent. Yeah it might be screwed up now but, doesn't mean you don't have a chance to change it, you have another year to live, life your senior year with no consequences...End of high school at a highpoint
  • 05-02-2010, 10:38 PM
    Mel Sally
    This is kind of typical. Most people who weren't so happy in high school find that college is way better for them. if you just wait it out and give yourself time to become you then it'll work out.
  • 05-02-2010, 10:37 PM
    You're nothing but a lie!

    PROTIP: Stop lying about your life and grow up
  • 05-02-2010, 10:37 PM
    your future will be fine trust me your in grade 11 u got ur whole life ahead of u
  • 05-02-2010, 10:37 PM
    you can lie to your parents but you cant lie to yourself so actually try going out with this girl and your life will get better! get a job or something
  • 05-02-2010, 10:37 PM
    um your life doesn't end in high school, its where it beings...sorry had to quote from 17 again.
    Why instead of lying why don't you make this life, your actual life, why don't you get to know her, or get to know a new girl that actually likes you, and actually have a real relationship.

    LOL ...ha what i'd could do in be in your place. Why don't you go to parties, if your not into the binge then just go to pick up girls. Live freely, now before you have to get into a whole bunch of complicated crap, of university, tax, and rent. Yeah it might be screwed up now but, doesn't mean you don't have a chance to change it, you have another year to live, life your senior year with no consequences...End of high school at a highpoint
  • 05-02-2010, 10:36 PM
    chill man you'll be fine go to parties, get drunk, talk to girls, dance with girls sooner or later one will give you a "come on" and bang all your concerns are over
  • 05-02-2010, 10:36 PM
    Your life isn't screwed up - it's actually quite average. I didn't have my first kiss until the end of grade 12 and it was worth the wait. I didn't have sex until first year of college and that was worth the wait as well. It isn't bad that you have never dated or kissed a girl before! Don't you want it to be a nice girl, someone who you actually feel something for? Not just a random girl.

    Your future will be fine. Once you're done high school, just get out there and meet people. Well, you can do it now while you are in high school. Actually, it's probably better to start now so that you are more confident in college.
  • 05-02-2010, 10:36 PM

    how skrewed up is my life, is there a chance my future is going to be better?

    k well im in grade 11. i havnt really had a serious girfriend before. never had sex never been kissed. theres one girl ive liked all of highschool and she did know but it just didnt work. i have one really good freind he goes to another school. grade 10. im not a loner but im not rlly popular. i hang out with like the popular kids at school. like they tlak to me so. i dont really hang out with loners but liek i dont go to parties and stuff liek that. i have a few friends but i wouldnt consider them good freinds. and the sad part is i like lie about my life. my parents think im popular and stuff. my best friend i pre much lie to him he thinks i have a girlfreind and that i party and stuff liek that. i dont know if its normal for ppl to feel they hafto lie about there life. i just feel lie i hafta tlka about this girl i really really liek her so i guess i feel i hafto pretend were dating how wrong is this? and liek i cant wait for higschool to be done i jsut want to start a life. but how bad is it that ive never dated or kissed a girl. im nto a bad looking guy. kinda skinny. 5,9 130 pounds but could is till have a good life after this............. and sorry for spelling mistakes i kinda rushed this

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