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What comes after M0nday


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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 05-19-2010, 10:32 PM
    2. school
    3. home
    4. nope
    5. 5. okay
    6. not really
    7. seeing ashton kutcher at the killers premiere
    8. prob not
    9. june 24
    10. watchin supersize me
    10. it was a little creepy but ok
    11. no i didnt
  • 05-19-2010, 10:31 PM
    1. What were you doing at 6 am this morning?
    Getting ready fo schoool.

    2. 12pm?
    At school o_o

    3. 5pm?
    Eating cheese steak sandwiches<3

    4. Have any homework? How much?
    I have to make a math boardgame.

    5. How was your day on a scale of 10 to 1 (1=crappy as heck 10=best day eva)

    6. Do you like Wednesdays in general?

    7. Looking forward too....
    Going to Seaworld.

    8. Any plans for the weekend?
    I wanna see Shrek ;o

    9. When do you get out of school? (if your in school)
    Uhh at 2:55 pm. Unless you mean when is school over.. May 27.

    10. What was the best part of the day?
    Hugging Wilbur <3

    10. Did you like my survey??

    11. Did you notice that i used 10 twice?
    Yuuuhhpp. Cause I'm smart.
  • 05-19-2010, 10:31 PM
    The Lizard King
    1. surfing the web
    2. i cant remember
    3. i cant remember
    4. no
    5. 7
    6. yea
    7. Summer
    8. nothing specific
    9. June 11
    10. the nap i took
    10. sure
    11. yes
  • 05-19-2010, 10:31 PM
    1. What were you doing at 6 am this morning?
    Getting ready fo schoool.

    2. 12pm?
    At school o_o

    3. 5pm?
    Eating cheese steak sandwiches<3

    4. Have any homework? How much?
    I have to make a math boardgame.

    5. How was your day on a scale of 10 to 1 (1=crappy as heck 10=best day eva)

    6. Do you like Wednesdays in general?

    7. Looking forward too....
    Going to Seaworld.

    8. Any plans for the weekend?
    I wanna see Shrek ;o

    9. When do you get out of school? (if your in school)
    Uhh at 2:55 pm. Unless you mean when is school over.. May 27.

    10. What was the best part of the day?
    Hugging Wilbur <3

    10. Did you like my survey??

    11. Did you notice that i used 10 twice?
    Yuuuhhpp. Cause I'm smart.
  • 05-19-2010, 10:30 PM

    Who wants to take a survey?

    1. What were you doing at 6 am this morning
    2. 12pm?
    3. 5pm?
    4. Have any homwork? How much?
    5. How was your day on a scale of 10 to 1 (1=crappy as heck 10=best day eva)
    6. Do you like Wednesdays in general?
    7. Looking forward too....
    8. Any plans for the weekend?
    9. When do you get out of school? (if your in school)
    10. What was the best part of the day?
    10. Did you like my survey??
    11. Did you notice that i used 10 twice?

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