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  • 07-19-2010, 07:24 PM
    John Mace

    Fallujah children's 'genetic damage'

    I'm reading this thread, as I often do, from the bottom up. And in that case, I often read a post w/o seeing who the poster is. Funny thing is, I read certain posts thinking they're parodies of Zanthor's posting style, but they turn out to be actual posts by Zan The Man himself!
  • 07-19-2010, 11:51 AM

    Fallujah children's 'genetic damage'

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanthor View Post
    What have i done to try build up other souls????,
    i think nothing else is as important to me as this, i have done little else but try to cause self awareness. EG.
    And how do you think that's worked for you so far? Do you think you've convinced anyone of the correctness of your concerns? Do you think hostility and incoherence is helping change people's minds?
  • 07-19-2010, 10:35 AM

    Fallujah children's 'genetic damage'

    "Pearls" of foolishness
    rain from Zanthor's keyboard -- ping!
    striking like spring rain.

    Okay, so formally, a Haiku requires three things, in order of importance:
    1) a seasonal metaphor
    2) a cut--where things change with a distinct flair
    3) the syllable 5-7-5 thing.

    My haiku above is the best one in the thread so far. See, his posts are like spring rain--mostly inconsequential and of little weight.

    The ping! is the sound of a raindrop on concrete. Or a DU round magically giving a fetus leprosy, I forget which.

    Seriously, is there some way we can just all agree that we'll ridicule rather than respond to anyone who comes here like Zanthor or lurking guest and just posts ill-formatted idiocy? That Zen thing was particularly funny, since I'm an actual goddamn Zen Buddhist and I have never seen the word "sennyu" or the concept described in my ten years of being one.

    OP: If you come back with a coherent paragraph that's not riddled with bad grammar, I might even condescend to addressing your actual point. Granted, it'll be with a request for cites as to the causes of birth defects increasing, and how they relate to known or possible methods of warmaking by either the Iraqi army or the United States.

    Food for thought--the Iraqis have used chemical warfare indiscriminately a lot more often than the US has during history. That's my pet theory. There's just no evidence (despite testing) that DU rounds cause anything other than kidney damage, and white phosphorous (while horrific) doesn't cause anything but severe and deadly burns. ...Damn, it's addicting to set the facts out, even when not two paragraphs ago I decried such as futile.
  • 07-19-2010, 10:17 AM

    Fallujah children's 'genetic damage'

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanthor
    ...was i wrong, or right?, not sure.
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanthor
    Why are we slaughtering the ME?
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanthor
    ...what i did was try to ask questions,
    mainly, are we slaughtering the ME? causing birth defects?
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanthor
    ...Plz try to convince me how we deform them, slaughter them is honourable...
    Remember folks, Zanthor is not making accusations while lacking the facts to back them up. He's just asking questions.
  • 07-19-2010, 06:00 AM

    Fallujah children's 'genetic damage'

    Quote Originally Posted by Miller View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanthor View Post
    and here again is the Typified very worst of always being the Vulture, always the Parasite,
    seeking always to take, to bleed, rather than give, build up another Soul...
    Really? What have you done to "build up others souls" in this thread? From the beginning, you've been aggressive, insulting, dismissive, and generally rude. I'm not religious myself, but this doesn't seem to be in keeping with what I understand from the teachings of the Buddha. I don't really see how this attitude does much to encourage spiritual growth in others. Indeed, you've come the heavy in this thread, and you've gotten responses that are in keeping with the tone you opened with. You seem to be encouraging anger and discord, and not peace and harmony. Now, like I said, I'm not a Buddhist myself, so maybe I've had a misread on the whole religion up to this point, but that doesn't square too well with what I know about your religion.

    ( BTW what you give now is what you will receive, in eternity, i mention this in case you were not aware of this simple fact. always seeking to see the very worst of humanity. breeds hatred, fear, distrust, even more war )
    Well, it seems I might not have been too far off the beam after all, as far as Buddhism goes. In this thread, you've been dishing out hate and insults left and right. What sort of reward do you expect to receive in eternity from your actions here?

    FYI, Zen is a Gift, something you choose to aspire to, understand.

    IO choose to set aside what i think is righteous to meet another Soul where he is at.
    apparently steeped in aggression and righteousness,
    it was not hard.,
    Yes, that's the behavior I was commenting on in my previous post. Now, like I said, I'm not religious myself. I've noticed that a lot of people who are religious are a lot better at stating their religious convictions than they are at living them. You, unfortunately, appear to be of a kind with them: it's easy enough to talk about enlightenment, but as soon as you're faced with a situation in which it's easier to get down in the mud than to maintain your principles, you waste no time at all in getting in here and rolling around in it. Indeed, you started out from that position in this thread, without even waiting to see what kind of a response you'd get. Which is why I said I wasn't impressed by your belief system. That wasn't meant as a judgment on the value of Zen Buddhism itself: I've known a Buddhist or two who was able to live up to the ideals of their belief system, even when it was inconvenient. Of course, I've known Christians and Jews and all sorts of others who have done the same. It's fairly rare, but hardly unheard of. You, sad to say, don't appear to be one of that breed.

    Anyway, I'm not going to bother with the rest of your post, as it's just more of you lecturing on how you think others should behave, while showing no sign of that behavior in yourself. If I need any of that, I can just go over to godhatesfags.com and get my fill there. So why don't you go off and deal with that beam in your eye, and then come back and tell me what I should do with the mote in mine? Because right now, near as I can tell you don't have the ethical or moral standing to tell anyone else how to live their lives.
    Yes, you are right, i responded defensively when being told i was brain dead by linking the attack to one of a Vulture, a Parasite, someone who has nothing to add to the discussion cept ridiculing the messenger.
    as in, why not address the Issue posted, Birth defects, not attack me for trying to ask for discussion about it....

    was i wrong, or right?, not sure.
    What i wrote was meant to ask the attacker to examine where they were coming from.
    that's all. no attack intended, just a general analysis.

    What have i done to try build up other souls????,
    i think nothing else is as important to me as this, i have done little else but try to cause self awareness. EG.
    Why are we slaughtering the ME?
    what is it exactly, greed, power, Glory, what else?
    Are we individually responsible, even tho we here at home are not killing them, poisoning them?
    not actually holding a Gun, shooting them? with God only knows what???

    Anyway, I'm not going to bother with the rest of your post, as it's just more of you lecturing on how you think others should behave,
    I agree.

  • 07-19-2010, 05:42 AM

    Fallujah children's 'genetic damage'

    Quote Originally Posted by FoieGrasIsEvil View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanthor View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Miller View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanthor View Post
    so you want to qoute Zen now.
    I thought you said you had rejected my interpretation of it utterly.
    and now you want to lecture.

    Valid point tho, i put Zen aside for a moment cos all you seem to be capable of relating to is absurd ridicule, utterly devoid of reason.
    attack, deride, ridicule. no intelligence evident...
    it amused me, reminded me of the general signature of America, as perceived by the entire world,
    America, go in guns blazing, world police, fuck yeah...
    So, your value system is one which you have no qualms about setting aside when it becomes inconvenient for you?

    Can't say that's much of a value system.
    and here again is the Typified very worst of always being the Vulture, always the Parasite,
    seeking always to take, to bleed, rather than give, build up another Soul...

    ( BTW what you give now is what you will receive, in eternity, i mention this in case you were not aware of this simple fact. always seeking to see the very worst of humanity. breeds hatred, fear, distrust, even more war )

    FYI, Zen is a Gift, something you choose to aspire to, understand.

    IO choose to set aside what i think is righteous to meet another Soul where he is at.
    apparently steeped in aggression and righteousness,
    it was not hard.,
    Self awareness, like Consciousness, can be turned on or off.
    all one has to do is concentrate, or not.
    and breath, and pray, etc etc. or not.
    its a moment by moment choice...
    it is not 24.7, it requires effort, basically. learning how to let go of the here and now,
    Frig, its not for me to try to explain it to you, i am not god, you have to want to search for yourselves, understand it as best you are able to.
    Whatever level you find yourself at will be OK, it was meant for you.
    right here, right now,
    but i ask, is it right? How can we possibly justify killing them if we understand they are us, we are one, one planet one ppl?

    if you go into a Butcher shop, buy a slab of dead animal, killed, butchered by someone else, are you then oblivious to the Karma of this animals life and death?, just cos you did not personally slaughter it?
    but eat it anyway?
    you are oblivious to its death, your hands blood free?

    so, just where does the animals life force and blood lie, the Butchers or/and yours?
    Where does complicity begin and end, as if there is an ending, lol
    Why are we still slaughtering the ME?
    in so called ( self ) righteousness
    No, YOU don't understand Zanthor. I'm going to have to go out on a not-too-long limb here and guess that English is not your first language, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

    But, you are trying to post on an English language message board, and whether or not its your lack of command of the English language and its subsequent grammatical formations, or your political/whatever views that stop you from being cohesive, but I think I can speak for a large majority of this messageboard (and many that might be quite sympathetic to your political views, if you would kindly form them coherently so they/we can understand them) that your posts aren't evocative, they are infuriating.
    well, simply, don't read them then.
    its apparently a free country.
    no one is forcing you to read my comments,
    nor forcing you to understand, or NOT.

    what i did was try to ask questions,
    mainly, are we slaughtering the ME? causing birth defects?
    If you want to try to read this thread, how about you address the core issue,
    not attack me cos you fail to understand the implications of Pre - Emptive War, imposed by us, throughout this planet.
    Why we provoke their hatred is the key issue, not whether you think me literate or not.
  • 07-18-2010, 09:03 PM

    Fallujah children's 'genetic damage'

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanthor View Post
    and here again is the Typified very worst of always being the Vulture, always the Parasite,
    seeking always to take, to bleed, rather than give, build up another Soul...
    Really? What have you done to "build up others souls" in this thread? From the beginning, you've been aggressive, insulting, dismissive, and generally rude. I'm not religious myself, but this doesn't seem to be in keeping with what I understand from the teachings of the Buddha. I don't really see how this attitude does much to encourage spiritual growth in others. Indeed, you've come the heavy in this thread, and you've gotten responses that are in keeping with the tone you opened with. You seem to be encouraging anger and discord, and not peace and harmony. Now, like I said, I'm not a Buddhist myself, so maybe I've had a misread on the whole religion up to this point, but that doesn't square too well with what I know about your religion.

    ( BTW what you give now is what you will receive, in eternity, i mention this in case you were not aware of this simple fact. always seeking to see the very worst of humanity. breeds hatred, fear, distrust, even more war )
    Well, it seems I might not have been too far off the beam after all, as far as Buddhism goes. In this thread, you've been dishing out hate and insults left and right. What sort of reward do you expect to receive in eternity from your actions here?

    FYI, Zen is a Gift, something you choose to aspire to, understand.

    IO choose to set aside what i think is righteous to meet another Soul where he is at.
    apparently steeped in aggression and righteousness,
    it was not hard.,
    Yes, that's the behavior I was commenting on in my previous post. Now, like I said, I'm not religious myself. I've noticed that a lot of people who are religious are a lot better at stating their religious convictions than they are at living them. You, unfortunately, appear to be of a kind with them: it's easy enough to talk about enlightenment, but as soon as you're faced with a situation in which it's easier to get down in the mud than to maintain your principles, you waste no time at all in getting in here and rolling around in it. Indeed, you started out from that position in this thread, without even waiting to see what kind of a response you'd get. Which is why I said I wasn't impressed by your belief system. That wasn't meant as a judgment on the value of Zen Buddhism itself: I've known a Buddhist or two who was able to live up to the ideals of their belief system, even when it was inconvenient. Of course, I've known Christians and Jews and all sorts of others who have done the same. It's fairly rare, but hardly unheard of. You, sad to say, don't appear to be one of that breed.

    Anyway, I'm not going to bother with the rest of your post, as it's just more of you lecturing on how you think others should behave, while showing no sign of that behavior in yourself. If I need any of that, I can just go over to godhatesfags.com and get my fill there. So why don't you go off and deal with that beam in your eye, and then come back and tell me what I should do with the mote in mine? Because right now, near as I can tell you don't have the ethical or moral standing to tell anyone else how to live their lives.
  • 07-18-2010, 08:14 PM

    Fallujah children's 'genetic damage'

    I'd agree to be so specific when research is still on going is extremely unhelpful. The truth is 'we' don't know what combination of weaponry caused the following:

    a survey showing a four-fold increase in all cancers and a 12-fold increase in childhood cancer in under-14s. Infant mortality in the city is more than four times higher than in neighbouring Jordan and eight times higher than in Kuwait.
    Dr Chris Busby, a visiting professor at the University of Ulster and one of the authors of the survey of 4,800 individuals in Fallujah, said it is difficult to pin down the exact cause of the cancers and birth defects. He added that "to produce an effect like this, some very major mutagenic exposure must have occurred in 2004 when the attacks happened".
    Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah 'worse than Hiroshima'

    Researchers found a 38-fold increase in leukaemia, a ten-fold increase in female breast cancer and significant increases in lymphoma and brain tumours in adults. At Hiroshima survivors showed a 17-fold increase in leukaemia, but in Fallujah Dr Busby says what is striking is not only the greater prevalence of cancer but the speed with which it was affecting people.

    Of particular significance was the finding that the sex ratio between newborn boys and girls had changed. In a normal population this is 1,050 boys born to 1,000 girls, but for those born from 2005 there was an 18 per cent drop in male births, so the ratio was 850 males to 1,000 females. The sex-ratio is an indicator of genetic damage that affects boys more than girls. A similar change in the sex-ratio was discovered after Hiroshima.
  • 07-18-2010, 03:27 PM

    Fallujah children's 'genetic damage'

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanthor View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Miller View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanthor View Post
    so you want to qoute Zen now.
    I thought you said you had rejected my interpretation of it utterly.
    and now you want to lecture.

    Valid point tho, i put Zen aside for a moment cos all you seem to be capable of relating to is absurd ridicule, utterly devoid of reason.
    attack, deride, ridicule. no intelligence evident...
    it amused me, reminded me of the general signature of America, as perceived by the entire world,
    America, go in guns blazing, world police, fuck yeah...
    So, your value system is one which you have no qualms about setting aside when it becomes inconvenient for you?

    Can't say that's much of a value system.
    and here again is the Typified very worst of always being the Vulture, always the Parasite,
    seeking always to take, to bleed, rather than give, build up another Soul...

    ( BTW what you give now is what you will receive, in eternity, i mention this in case you were not aware of this simple fact. always seeking to see the very worst of humanity. breeds hatred, fear, distrust, even more war )

    FYI, Zen is a Gift, something you choose to aspire to, understand.

    IO choose to set aside what i think is righteous to meet another Soul where he is at.
    apparently steeped in aggression and righteousness,
    it was not hard.,
    Self awareness, like Consciousness, can be turned on or off.
    all one has to do is concentrate, or not.
    and breath, and pray, etc etc. or not.
    its a moment by moment choice...
    it is not 24.7, it requires effort, basically. learning how to let go of the here and now,
    Frig, its not for me to try to explain it to you, i am not god, you have to want to search for yourselves, understand it as best you are able to.
    Whatever level you find yourself at will be OK, it was meant for you.
    right here, right now,
    but i ask, is it right? How can we possibly justify killing them if we understand they are us, we are one, one planet one ppl?

    if you go into a Butcher shop, buy a slab of dead animal, killed, butchered by someone else, are you then oblivious to the Karma of this animals life and death?, just cos you did not personally slaughter it?
    but eat it anyway?
    you are oblivious to its death, your hands blood free?

    so, just where does the animals life force and blood lie, the Butchers or/and yours?
    Where does complicity begin and end, as if there is an ending, lol
    Why are we still slaughtering the ME?
    in so called ( self ) righteousness
    No, YOU don't understand Zanthor. I'm going to have to go out on a not-too-long limb here and guess that English is not your first language, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

    But, you are trying to post on an English language message board, and whether or not its your lack of command of the English language and its subsequent grammatical formations, or your political/whatever views that stop you from being cohesive, but I think I can speak for a large majority of this messageboard (and many that might be quite sympathetic to your political views, if you would kindly form them coherently so they/we can understand them) that your posts aren't evocative, they are infuriating.
  • 07-18-2010, 02:28 PM

    Fallujah children's 'genetic damage'

    Quote Originally Posted by Todderbob View Post
    Yeah... You don't understand zen, buddy.

    Zen is kind of like nirvana. It's a binary thing, you've got it or you don't. You can't be zen sometimes, and a douche other times. It's a lifestyle. I could be zen, if I wanted to -- I can anything -- but I like being an asshole, so I'm not zen, I'm an asshole. You can't be both, even I can't be both. And I can do anything.
    Never pretended to understand Zen, PAL.
    what i said was, i respect it. admire it, consider it something worthwhile to aspire to.
    buy hey its what ever you want to see it as, i agree.
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