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  • 07-28-2010, 10:18 PM
    Beautiful Disorder

    CV (CharmerღVixen) #29 - Because their hotness strikes fear in the hearts of men!

    welcome to the 29th
    chuck bass & vanessa abrams
    appreciation thread

    c a t a l y s t s; [ktəlist]
    someone or something that helps bring about a change.
    when two completely different worlds collide;
    the couple

    brooklyn beauty, has her own style of things, good morals, nice.

    desires the finer things in life ... such as expensive clothes, alcohol and sex. rich, pompous ass jerk.

    {everyone loves them.}
    "Back at the party, Blair, looking pretty in a dress Chuck
    bought for her (pictured), is furious when she sees Vanessa
    at the party. So she tells Chuck the bet is off. But Chuck's
    not really ready to call it off. See, he genuinely wants to
    buy the bar and he seems to actually like Vanessa."
    - San Diego Union Tribune

    "I thought we'd seen him as real as he was going to get when
    he was falling for Blair then fighting to get her back, but this week,
    Vanessa's Brooklyn project actually got to Chuck's heart as he
    saw more to himself than the rich jerk, and more to Vanessa
    than a bet with Blair that would get him well, Blair."

    - sidereel.com
    The offscreen couple, Ed Westwick and Jessica Szohr, finally get a chance to
    bring their love onscreen tonight when they share what seems to be a passionate kiss.
    The name of the game is revenge and nobody knows that better than Chuck Bass,
    so you would think Blair would know better than to cross him. We are a little sad to see
    Blair rush back into the arms of her ex, Nate, but the new couple of Vanessa and Chuck
    is sneaky, shady, and we absolutely love it!


    What's more fun than mean Serena? Mean Vanessa.
    This is how the character should be from now on. It’s more
    entertaining and actually gives her something to do besides steam milk.
    And how beautiful did she look at Jenny’s birthday? Purple is definitely
    Vanessa’s color. It feels like Eric Daman and the costume folks have been
    really stepping up their game with Vanessa’s ensembles. Also, she and Chuck
    have surprisingly good chemistry. Their scene in the elevator before arriving at
    Jenny’s party was oddly sensual. And that final moment between them in Chuck's
    bedroom was pretty great. I like the idea of this coupling.


    1.Because Vanessa brought Chuck to real life.
    2.Because learning about each other's worlds could make both of them grow.
    3.Because it would be extremely interesting watching Chuck trying to survive in a world where "I'm Chuck Bass" doesn't mean that much.
    4.Because there actually is tension between them.
    5.Because he wanted to tell her the truth about Blair’s seduction plan.
    6.Because the criminal falling in love with his victim is always a romantic storyline
    7.Because it would be a great twist in the story
    8.Because Ed and Jess are best friends and would be absolutely into it
    9.Because what started out as a con became something real
    10.Because he held her hand and asked her not to go

    90. WalaBridget
    92. c_114
    93. lightofshadows
    96. Jordan_Alexa
    97. BassIsAlpha
    98. eNVylove
    99. revolution
    100. fetch
    101. SolveMyMystery
    102. bbroccs
    103. ilovecappie
    104. NateBlairlover
    105. lovelyanddangerous
    106. Neda16
    107. mrs shue
  • 07-28-2010, 06:36 PM

    CV (CharmerღVixen) #29 - Because their hotness strikes fear in the hearts of men!

    Welcome Neda & Mrs Shue! :flowers: Aw, that's awesome we're getting a few more shippers after like years after having a scene :lol:
  • 07-28-2010, 05:32 PM
    Beautiful Disorder

    CV (CharmerღVixen) #29 - Because their hotness strikes fear in the hearts of men!

    what chuck&vanessa fans have to say..
    I love Chuck & Vanessa because they're complete and total opposites but their chemistry and growing concern for one another is undeniable. They're feisty, snarky, refreshing, and not to mention HOT! They have slowly gone from hatred towards each other to an unspoken understanding about each other, and I think that all started in episode 7 of season 2, Chuck In Real Life. Chuck was supposed to seduce Vanessa and humiliate her in order to win Blair, but halfway through the episode, we see Chuck actually start to care about Vanessa and about her cause. I'll never forget the moment when Chuck actually wanted to tell Vanessa the truth about Blair's game, but he was unfortunately interrupted. However, in that episode, we see Vanessa do something no one has ever done, and that was showing Chuck that he deserves better than how his father treated him, how others treated him, making Chuck see that he isn't the scum of the earth as so many believe, which can sometimes cause Chuck to believe that himself. Vanessa brings out the good in Chuck, his flirtatious, and even shy side, and in turn, Chuck kind of brings out a rebellious side to Vanessa, as we saw in Episode 20 of Season 2, in which it ended with the both of them sleeping together, not once, but twice! Sober in the morning, and they still did it! I don't think that's the last we've seen of CV.
    - Lyn/**bittersweet**
    In the few scenes that Chuck and Vanessa have shared; there has been an intense chemistry between them. Whether it be enemies or potential lovers. One gets the sense that it can go either way between them and that what's intriguing. Chuck, being the devil, tempts Vanessa to bring out her dark side. Vanessa, though at times judgmental, is always willing to see the good in Chuck. The two lonely souls have the possibility of being great friends and bitter enemies. The Brooklyn Boho Barista and The U.E.S. Basstard Billionaire would be a match made in Gossip Girl heaven.
    - Biana/FenixxB
    I love CV because really, isn't it always fun to see two people from extreme ends of the moral spectrum get together? He thought she was weird, she thought he was the scum of the UES. But somehow she managed to see a side of Chuck noone really gets to see and that's his humanity. He encouraged her to explore her diabolical side, take a risk. Despite their snark and faux-irritation, you can see a genuine curiousity, even amusement in their interaction. And when they got together? There was no denying the chemistry. It was fun to watch and despite all the odds, you find yourself rooting them as friends OR lovers.
    - Onyeka/cbluv


    by mylu

    by maryeemeeh


    by mylu

    while i'm wide awake, she's got no trouble s l e e p i n'
    cause when a heart breaks, no, it don't break [s]even[/s]

    the real-life chuck/vanessa

    the soundtrack

    download here

  • 07-28-2010, 05:07 PM

    CV (CharmerღVixen) #29 - Because their hotness strikes fear in the hearts of men!

    :woot: TFTNT!
  • 07-28-2010, 02:50 PM

    CV (CharmerღVixen) #29 - Because their hotness strikes fear in the hearts of men!

    :yay: new fans!
    lol imagine if they had scenes or a scene
  • 07-28-2010, 01:33 PM

    CV (CharmerღVixen) #29 - Because their hotness strikes fear in the hearts of men!

    We will have forgotten again by then :sigh:

    I really don't understand why FF makes it soooo complicated to edit thread titles :no:
  • 07-28-2010, 12:04 PM
    Beautiful Disorder

    CV (CharmerღVixen) #29 - Because their hotness strikes fear in the hearts of men!

    that's bad for your health
  • 07-28-2010, 11:19 AM
    Beautiful Disorder

    CV (CharmerღVixen) #29 - Because their hotness strikes fear in the hearts of men!

    i guess there's a character limit. it lets you get away with it at first, but the you click edit and the everything goes to hell.

    also, i never noticed chuck behind her in this pic.
  • 07-28-2010, 08:47 AM
    Beautiful Disorder

    CV (CharmerღVixen) #29 - Because their hotness strikes fear in the hearts of men!

    oh gos i fail at life, i didnt add the frakkin' thread number and now i cant edit.
  • 07-28-2010, 06:25 AM

    CV (CharmerღVixen) #29 - Because their hotness strikes fear in the hearts of men!

    :lmao: very true
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