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  • 08-16-2010, 01:34 AM
    - bad romance -

    If you could only choose one.................?

    If the PTB phoned you up and told you only ONE of your favorite couples could live happily ever after, which couple would you choose and why?

    I'll be back to do mine later, i wanna see others answers first!
  • 08-15-2010, 05:41 PM
    Brighter Than Sunshine

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Dawson & Joey (Dawson's Creek)~ Because they never really got a chance, and there soulmates and were best friends from the beggining, and dispit everything that has happened between them, they never stopped loving.He was there for her when her mother died, he sat with her and held her hand without even saying a word, because he knew there were no words to describe how she felt.
  • 08-15-2010, 08:55 AM

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Wow, it's really tough for me to choose just one but I would proably say Sydney and Vaughn from Alias. Because I believe that they are soulmates and they have been through so much and overcame a lot to be together just to be torn apart again. I think that after everything that they have endured in their lives that they deserve some happiness.

    [ 03-22-2004: Message edited angelface211 ]
  • 08-14-2010, 11:49 PM

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Guiding Light's Lucy and Alan-Michael. They're just "my 'ship." A rare couple who were truly best friends above all else. There was also enough dysfunction in their personalities and baggage from their pasts to keep it interesting down the line without having to break them up or introduce an external conflict. Of course, the actual writers of the show didn't get this, so I'd appreciate the characters to remain off screen. Together, but off screen.
  • 08-14-2010, 11:36 PM

    If you could only choose one.................?

    I know it says only one but I still have to mention Clark/Chloe. Cause I knew they wouldn't be endgame. I knew it from the start and yet I got so invested in them somewhere along the way. That's just how good they are.
  • 08-14-2010, 09:28 PM

    If you could only choose one.................?

    I'd choose Max and Liz (Roswell) 'cause they were the couple which made me feel how love is.

    I'm too attached to them. [img]smilies/love.gif[/img]

  • 08-14-2010, 06:00 PM

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Well Buffy/Spike has already been mentioned multiple times.......so I'm going to go with one of my faves that HASNT been mentioned.

    Sean/Emma (Degrassi TNG) They broke up and got back together again multiple times, but you could tell that they were always the happiest when they were TOGETHER. Sean only wanted to be better when he was with Emma, and Emma showed a different side to her, a more compassionate side, when she was with Sean. They were the PERFECT example of opposites attract imo. I was very sad that it ended the way it did on Degrassi, but that was probably because Daniel Clark gave up on being on the show lmfao.
  • 08-14-2010, 05:12 PM

    If you could only choose one.................?

    If I could choose only one it would be House/Cuddy, ALWAYS :in_love::in_love::in_love::in_love::in_love::in_l ove:
  • 08-14-2010, 04:40 PM

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Tim and Lyla, they are my main couple that I just really want a happy ending for right now. They love eachother so much and they've made it through all their angst, hopefully they can make it through their coming angst with the issue of college coming up. I just, gah love them :love:

    Plus, I seem to have fallen a bit out of love with alot of my other ships recently so it wasn't a hard choice :lol:
  • 08-14-2010, 04:26 PM

    If you could only choose one.................?

    Sydney and Vaughn from Alias definitely deserves to have a happy ending after all the trauma of the last season

    Runners up: Mulder and Scully (The X Files) . Harm and Mac (Jag) and Max and Logan (Dark Angel)
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