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  • 08-16-2010, 07:06 PM

    Best and Worst Couples #2



    ~ Chuck and Blair
    ~ Lucas and Brooke
    ~ Sawyer and Kate
    ~ Edward and Bella
    ~ Spike and Buffy
    ~ Michael and Maria
    ~ Oz and Willow
    ~ Ryan and Marissa
    ~ Alex and Izzie
    ~ Ross and Rachel
    ~ Seth and Summer
    ~ Jake and Peyton
    ~ Derek and Meredith
    ~ Desmond and Penny
    ~ Pacey and Andie
    ~ Xander and Cordelia
    ~ Nate and Serena
    ~ Brandon and Kelly
    ~ Chandler and Monica
    ~ Dylan and Brenda
    ~ Henry and Jen
    ~ Kelso and Jackie
    ~ Hyde and Jackie
    ~ Max and Liz
    ~ Dylan and Toni
    ~ Giles and Jenny
    ~ Mike and Phoebe


    ~ Lucas and Peyton
    ~ Jack and Kate
    ~ Nate and Blair
    ~ Jacob and Bella
    ~ Connor and Cordy
    ~ Dan and Serena
    ~ Marcus and Blair
    ~ Nate and Vanessa
    ~ George and Izzie
    ~ Denny and Izzie
    ~ Fez and Jackie
    ~ Riley and Buffy
    ~ Dawson and Jen
    ~ Angel and Buffy
    ~ Ryan and Taylor
    ~ Ryan and Lindsay
    ~ Xander and Willow
  • 08-16-2010, 02:19 PM

    Best and Worst Couples #2

    I just caught up with the conversation on the last thread about Pearl Harbor, and I have to say while I thought the love story between Danny and Evelyn was sweet, I could help but root for Rafe/Evelyn until the very end. :love: Of course I would have preferred them to end up together because she wanted to be with him instead of Danny dying, but you can't pick your battles.

    The whole movie was just incredible though. :sigh:
  • 08-16-2010, 08:56 AM

    Best and Worst Couples #2

    I love the whole movie :sigh: I need to rewatch it.

    Rafe/Evelyn, there was something about them that I loved :love:
  • 08-14-2010, 09:40 PM

    Best and Worst Couples #2

    Buffy and Angel (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
    Veronica and Logan (Veronica Mars)
    Kate and Sawyer (Lost)
    Ron and Hermione (Harry Potter)
    Edward and Bella (Twilight)
    Sam and Ruby (Supernatural)
    Desmond and Penny (Lost)
    Ross and Rachel (Friends)
    Harry and Ginny (Harry Potter)
    Xander and Cordelia (BtVS)
    Xander and Anya (BtVS)
    Willow and Oz (BtVS)
    Willow and Tara (BtVS)
    Claire and Charlie (Lost)
    Sam and Sarah (Supernatural)
    Spike and Drusilla (BtVS)
    Fred and Wesley (Angel)
    Fred and Gunn (Angel)
    Cordelia and Doyle (Angel)
    Jack and Juliet (Lost) [Not a real couple... Yet, I hope :P]

    Jack and Kate (Lost)
    Spike and Buffy (BtVS)
    Harry and Hermione (Harry Potter) [Not that they ever were a couple, but a lot of people dream ]
    Angel and Cordelia (Angel)
    Connor and Cordelia (Angel)
    Willow and Kennedy (BtVS)
    Logan and Hannah (Veronica Mars)
    Angel and Nina (Angel)
    Harry and Cho (Harry Potter)
    Joey and Rachel (Friends)
    Peter and Caitlin (Heroes)
    Shannon and Sayid (Lost)
  • 08-14-2010, 05:07 PM

    Best and Worst Couples #2

    One Tree Hill
    Best: Brooke/Lucas, Jake/Peyton, Nathan/Haley (S1-S3)
    Worst: Lucas/Peyton, Clay/Quinn

    Gossip Girl
    Best: Chuck/Blair (S1)
    Worst: Nate/Jenny, Nate/Vanessa, Dan/Vanessa, Chuck/Vanessa

    Best: Puck/Quinn, Finn/Rachel
    Worst: Puck/Rachel

    Friday Night Lights
    Best: Tim/Lyla, Matt/Julie, Tyra/Landry, Eric/Tami
    Worst: Tim/Tyra

    The Vampire Diaries
    Best: Matt/Caroline, Damon/Elena
    Worst: Matt/Elena

    90210 (new)
    Best: Adrianna/Navid, Liam/Naomi, Silver/Dixon
    Worst: Liam/Annie, Silver/Teddy

    90210 (old)
    Best: Brenda/Dylan
    Worst: Kelly/Dylan

    The OC
    Best: Seth/Summer, Ryan/Taylor
    Worst: Ryan/Marissa

    Best: Ross/Rachel, Chandler/Monica
    Worst: Joey/Rachel

    Dawson's Creek
    Best: Pacey/Joey
    Worst: Dawson/Joey
  • 08-14-2010, 03:25 PM

    Best and Worst Couples #2

    I really need to watch it again. It's been a while.
  • 08-14-2010, 02:40 PM

    Best and Worst Couples #2

    Jessica & Hoyt
    Chuck & Blair
    Mike & Susan
    Gabrielle & Carlos
    Bree & Karl
    Justin & Rebecca
    Meredith & Derek
    Alex & Izzie
    Cooper & Charlotte
    Zach & Kendall
    Aidan & Di
    Erica & David
    Erica & Dimitri
    Ryan & Gillian
    Leo & Greenlee
    Fox & Theresa
    Fancy & Noah(sigh I wish Passions ended with them together)
    Luis & Sheridan(see above)
    Ethan & Theresa
    Roman & Kate
    Bo & Hope
    Liz & Lucky
    Chloe & Jax
    Bo & Nora
    Viki & Ben

    Gabrielle & John
    Mike & Katherine
    Susan & Ian
    Denny & Izzie
    Ryan & Kendall
    Erica & Jackson
    Sonny & Emily
    Sheridan & Antonio
    Luis & Beth
  • 08-14-2010, 02:36 PM

    Best and Worst Couples #2

    Everytime somebody mentions Passions all I can think about is Spike wanting to watch it because Timmy was trapped down a well :shrug::lol:
  • 08-14-2010, 01:28 PM

    Best and Worst Couples #2

    Nate and Jenny
    Chuck and Blair
    Angel and Cordelia
    Jason and Carly
    Sonny and Brenda
    Lucky and Liz (old school)
    Zander and Emily (Amber Tamblyn's Em)
    Jason and Claudia (would love them if the writers actually went there)
    Lucas and Brooke
    Julian and Brooke
    Jake and Peyton
    Julian and Peyton
    Jackie and Hyde
    Dylan and Brenda
    Ryan and Taylor
    Seth and Summer
    Buffy and Spike
    Logan and Veronica
    Desmond and Penny
    Claire and Sawyer (not a real couple but I want them..obviously not this season with no claire )
    Alex and Izzie
    Pacey and Joey
    Dexter and Rita
    Nathan and Haley (I use to love them)
    Joey and Rachel
    Syllar and Elle
    Peter and Elle
    Jess and Rory
    Clark and Chloe
    Davis and Chloe
    Lilly and Marshall
    Robin and Barney
    Michael and Isabel
    Max and Tess

    (Im sure I have many more this is just all I can think of right now) LOL!

    Nate and Vanessa (Gossip Girl)
    Lucas and Peyton (OTH)
    Jason and Sam (GH)
    Nikolas and Emily (GH)
    Logan and Rory (GG)
    Ryan and Marrisa (didnt hate them but didnt like them either)
    Dylan and Kelly (really loathed)
    Jackie and Fez (dont get me started)
    Clark and Lana

    Hmm I dont have too many worst couples..but those ones I really dont like! :nod:
  • 08-14-2010, 09:59 AM

    Best and Worst Couples #2

    Some more!

    Best: Chloe/Clark.
    Worst. Clark/Lana.

    Best: Phoebe/Joey, Monica/Chandler.
    Worst: Rachel/her never ending parade of boyfriends.

    Best: Xena/Gabrielle.
    Worst. -

    Veronica Mars:
    Best: LoVe.
    Worst: Piz/Veronica.

    Best: Leah/Jacob, Leah/Sam.
    Worst: Every single other couple.

    Harry Potter:
    Best: Remus/Sirius, Harry/Ron, Ron/Draco, Ron/Hermione, Harry/Ginny (books), Snape/Lily, James/Sirius.
    Worst: -

    (Eek! DP, sorry :flowers: )
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