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  • 08-28-2010, 01:45 AM

    data plans

    That is not what they told me... I pointed to the BB plans in the brochure and they told me that was WAP only... and if I wanted full Internet access I needed a full BB data plan in addition to a voice plan. I have been over this with store personnel and on the phone with the support line, and they all still insist I need two separate plans. I'd love to see where you are getting this pricing info so I could hold it up to their face when they tell me it doesn't exist.

    I just switched plans after about 10 days because they neglected to tell me that when I signed onto the 3-month unlimited data/half price promotion that it was only available if you also signed on to a 3-year contract. When I got the first bill (covering only my first 3 days at the end of January) and saw they were showing me on contract till 2010 I called in a huff. I had to give up the unlimited data promotion but they changed me back to no contract, but then when I wanted to get the best long-distance package for my voice plan given that I rarely work within my home territory and get charged LD for incoming calls, the only good choice requires a minimum 1 year contract. I reluctanly agreed (1 year is better than 3)... voice only, 250 minutes anytime, 500 minutes E&W from 6pm, All calls to within NA are local... $67 (IIRC, it is all becoimng a blur). That doesn't include the 2500 SMS messages and enhanced caller ID packages I pay an extra $16 dollars for. And of course... the BB data plan is $60 EXTRA for 25Mb, so all told, I am paying $143/mo before taxes and access/911 fees. The only good thing about this highway robbery is that I think my voice plan will allow me to dump my landline, which just happens to be with Rogers Homephone. Take that Rogers!

    We in Canada are totally strung by the short and curlies by the cellular carriers in this country. When I called to ask Rogers tech support about the particulars of using my phone with a different SIM card in Colorado where I travel to about one weekend a month, the tech told me I couldn't because the phone was locked. When I explained my phone was my own and unlocked, he asked me incredulously "are you sure". When I said yes he behaved like I was the second coming of Jesse James. My 7100t is identical to Rogers 7100r with a different case, so there is no technical reason any Rogers technical personnel should be complaining.

    I have been in Rogers wireless stores and been shown glossy printed brochures outlining the available plans, then I've called Roger customer service and been told those plans don't exist. I am convinced Rogers has a huge bait-and-switch program going on, making the choice so confusing that you don't realize that they are publishing price plans that they won't let you have.

    I am a pretty savvy guy, but choosing voice/data plans for my BB with Rogers is about the most difficult and confusing enterprise I've attempted in years.
  • 08-27-2010, 11:06 PM
    Sunny louise

    data plans

    There's special plans for BBs. Voice and data. 45$ 0,5mb 150 mins, 60$ 1mb 200mins and 90$ 25mb 350mins. For the 60 and 90$ plans, you can double the MB bandwidth for 5$/month.
  • 08-27-2010, 09:30 PM

    data plans

    Does the BB plan actually have any talk time? I have been through this multiple times in the past few weeks with Rogers and they assure me that the BB Data plan has no talk time, that you also need a voice plan.
  • 08-27-2010, 02:23 PM

    data plans

    I'm on the $60 plan too, just got it. I'm curious what the $65 25mb + 25Mb plan is. What is the second 25Mb?
  • 08-27-2010, 01:27 PM

    data plans

    ~via BB (wap.rabroad.com)~
    The data plans on some carriers are very high. I pay 45.00 for mines but it's worth it to me be able to use my bb without restrictions.
  • 08-27-2010, 11:16 AM

    data plans

    Yes, it is very expensive for us canadians. Voice and data plans are both much more expensive than other countries. I don't know why ..would be much easier for me to sell phones if it wasn't that expensive.
  • 08-27-2010, 10:29 AM
    Gary W

    data plans

    That would be the thing to do, ever thought about Cingular's International plan?
  • 08-27-2010, 02:55 AM

    data plans

    ~via BB (wap.rabroad.com)~
    Man I'm glad I'm in the US. Too bad you guys can't hop on a US network.
  • 08-26-2010, 06:28 PM

    data plans

    Us Rogers customers really pay for it... We only have business section to choose our data from. No unlimited here... I'm on the 60 dollar plan and haven't gone over the limit yet... It's been a while too!
  • 08-26-2010, 11:25 AM

    data plans

    ~via BB (wap.rabroad.com)~worth the cost! Choose the unlimited data plan.
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