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  • 09-02-2010, 05:46 PM
    Children of Trojans

    MyFav for T-Mobile will be available on October 2nd

    Just in case anyone wants to know, when I looked at my.t-mobile.com earlier today, the myfav plans were up and it i could sign up for them. I think it also mentioned that it wouldn't change over till the next billing cycle though. I guess it doesn't really matter all that much that the plans are up since there isn't much left of the day.
  • 09-02-2010, 01:55 PM

    MyFav for T-Mobile will be available on October 2nd

    yuppers, so did you get it?
  • 09-02-2010, 10:21 AM
    Black Keys

    MyFav for T-Mobile will be available on October 2nd

    I got the samsung t-619 my t-809 totally died (water damage) so i got something fast and quick not to expensive only paid 59.99 for it. I was being cheap but it ended up better than i thought i get way better reception than i did with my t809!!!

    My husband just upraded from a moto v360 to the samsung t619, or the trace, good reception too.

    but ive noticed these phones are not on alot of my fave list that people post when in fact they are part of my fave.

    I asked the representive how do you know if you its a my fave handset he told me that on the back of the phone you will see five little circles almost like a paw print and that means its part of '5'. and indeed both of our phone have it- i was so pleased to see that we didnt have to run back and get other handsets since we just found out about this. the new blackberry pearl also has the prints on the back.
  • 09-02-2010, 09:17 AM
    Izzy r

    MyFav for T-Mobile will be available on October 2nd

    I agree with you 100%, this feature makes me want to upgrade to a Pearl.. But I still love my 8700g
  • 09-02-2010, 06:02 AM

    MyFav for T-Mobile will be available on October 2nd

    yeah, I see why you got the high plan and yeah I see it as it will be worth it to you.
  • 09-02-2010, 12:48 AM

    MyFav for T-Mobile will be available on October 2nd

    I have the $59 plan with 1500 whenever minutes and I think I'd cut to the smaller one ($39?). Since I just came over from Verizon, the 3 or so people I always talk to are still on Verizon so I lost my Mobile to Mobile advantage which is why I went with the high minute allotment. This would fix that I think.

    When you say "Is it worth it?", what is the cost to me? It would seem it is worth it right?

    Thanks again for your help,

  • 09-01-2010, 10:25 PM

    MyFav for T-Mobile will be available on October 2nd

    yup. what plan do you have now? and is it work it for you to get it?
  • 09-01-2010, 06:19 PM

    MyFav for T-Mobile will be available on October 2nd

    Cool! So I will be able to add the feature on the website and I'll get pinged?


    I just came over from Verizon and I'm loving a) this new feature and b) the streamlined nature of the install.

  • 09-01-2010, 10:51 AM
    Igor The Clown

    MyFav for T-Mobile will be available on October 2nd

    it's an over the air, you will get a message once you added the feature to your account that talks about thank you for updating the MyFav 5
  • 09-01-2010, 03:07 AM

    MyFav for T-Mobile will be available on October 2nd

    Thats pretty cool. But luckily for me most of my friends and family uses T-Mobile also. So its free anyways.
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