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What is the number after 87?


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  • 09-02-2010, 09:33 PM
    Messed up Mikey

    T-Mobile in NC or other "roaming" areas

    I've heard that about other companies, but I've never heard that about TMO. I guess I'm lucky, cause I've been in roaming about 99% of the time (on Suncom or AT&T networks) for about a year and a half now.
  • 09-02-2010, 09:05 PM

    T-Mobile in NC or other "roaming" areas

    I just ordered my T609 this morning, I am replacing my Samsun T809 with this new T609 because it is MyFaves Compatable. I can't wait
  • 09-02-2010, 04:00 PM

    T-Mobile in NC or other "roaming" areas

    Works like a champ. Dunno if it's T-mobile improving since I tried them 3 years ago, the 8100 has better reception, or a little of both. I get 3-4 bars inside at home, and the map shows me in a 2 bar area. I have never had a BB, so I am in love. Took less than 24 hours from time of ordering to having the phone in my hands using the overnight delivery from Amazon.

    Very satisified thus far with the phone, amazon, and T-mobile.
  • 09-02-2010, 01:39 PM

    T-Mobile in NC or other "roaming" areas

    Cool let me know how it works!!
  • 09-02-2010, 11:27 AM

    T-Mobile in NC or other "roaming" areas

    Cool, I hoped that was the case, as I ordered it yesterday around 3pm! I paid $18 for overnight and it's out for delivery now, should be there when I get home!
  • 09-02-2010, 07:47 AM

    T-Mobile in NC or other "roaming" areas

    the same thing still will apply, amazon.com will get you a number. you just call the number transfer center and tell them you have decided to Port your know over.
  • 09-02-2010, 07:02 AM

    T-Mobile in NC or other "roaming" areas

    Thanks, I am seriously almost done with the questions!

    If I am going to buy on amazon.com, will it be possible to do that, the temp number? Is it specifically a temporary number, or is it just a new number? Does that make sense? I just want to make sure I can still order this from amazon (to get the phone for $50) and not make it to where I am stuck with a new number.

    Thanks again for all the help, everyone is so great here!
  • 09-02-2010, 04:50 AM
    ill miss ariza

    T-Mobile in NC or other "roaming" areas

    You can start an account with t-mobile, the rep can assign you a temp number so you can try out the service. Once you have made your final decision to continue with t-mobile you can call the Number transfer center, give them your account information and they can transfer you number over for you. usually takes anywhere from 2 to 24 hours.
  • 09-02-2010, 02:48 AM

    T-Mobile in NC or other "roaming" areas

    Thanks for all the help guys. One last question. I was told by a T-mobile rep at a local store that I could sign up for a new account and get a new assigned number, and then port my number over later (in case the coverage is a problem). Is this true? and if so, how long do I have to do this?
  • 09-01-2010, 06:51 PM

    T-Mobile in NC or other "roaming" areas

    Welcome to rabroad Kris
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