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  • 09-10-2010, 03:17 PM
    Malibu 310

    Looking for first bike, NEED HELP

    I know I will probably get beat up for this but...my first bike was the 2008 Ducati 1098 base. I am 41. I have ridden motocross for 7 years now. So there are some bike skills. Very handy with the whole clutch, throttle, braking, etc... Also I have cycled on the street since I was 18. So not only do I pay attention to cars and their antics but even every sliver of glass that could be on the road. My point is I think it depends on how aware of your surroundings you are and how comfortable you are on a bike. ANY bike can get you in to trouble quick. You must know your limitations and be disciplined. I always wanted a Ducati superbike. True I will probably never maximize its potential. But I am ok with that. I love being out in the countryside by myself on the bike. I love the whole experience of it. The sound the feel the performance, and the looks. I have a passion for it. I would not have been satisfied riding some Honda nighthawk. But thats just me. Having said that, the other two bikes your looking at are nice too. I looked hard at the Triumphs and Monsters. Even the Hypermotard, which I probably will get one of too.

    I agree with everything Armoredsquid says. One thing I have learned from motocross is that all the protection gear is a must. Saved my butt I don't know how many times. And he is also right about crashing...not if but when you do.

    So how much riding experience do you have? How mechanically inclined are you?
  • 09-10-2010, 02:46 PM

    Looking for first bike, NEED HELP

    I know it lacks the "cool" factor, but it's always been my theory that a dual sport makes the best first bike. Even new, you can pick up an XT250 or something like that cheap. And they sell like hotcakes used, so you should get most of your money back. The benefits it offers are many, fer instance:
    -It's built tough. Tip overs don't hurt much. The signals are rubber mounted and just bend when youfall over. Pick it up, they're good as new.
    -It allows you to ride off road. People that have ridden off road will agree- nothing teaches you about traction and control like riding around in slippery, muddy conditions.
    -Easy to work on. You'll be able to do minor work on it quite easily and cheaply, and you'll be learning the fundamentals of working on all your future bikes.
    Parts are cheap. You're going to drop your first bike. You just will. Even if it's just while moving
    it around in the garage. Break a mirror on a dual sport, youmay be out $30. Price a Duc mirror.

    Thats all I can think of for now. But you get the idea.
  • 09-10-2010, 09:57 AM

    Looking for first bike, NEED HELP

    for gloves I look for leather gloves with gauntlets and extra protection at the palms and knuckles. The Maze may be too short and roll if the road is moving from your elbow towards your fingertips (does that make sense?) and expose the back of your wrist or the heal of your palm. most of us need hands to do stuff.
  • 09-10-2010, 07:16 AM

    Looking for first bike, NEED HELP

    On second thought, That's much better than my advice...

    For a first bike I'd suggest a 1098 R if you can afford it, otherwise the GSXR 1000 will suffice. Don't bother with gear yet, first you'll need to invest in Nitrous to get the performance up to snuff. Go new or you'll always be working on the thing. I prefer flip flops for footwear, you get an excellent feel for the shifter, all those Honda riders can't be wrong. A helmet also robs you of really feeling the open air, and it looks cooler riding without it too. If you decide to get into stunting you can use some skateboard pads, it's almost the same thing anyway. Those riding courses are over rated, just rent Torque or Biker Boyz and you can observe and learn. You'd get major respect for stunting an R bike IMO. Not likely you'll fall but if you do, chicks dig scars!

    Kidding aside, I'd just say get a beater for the first year, you will almost for certain drop it, and the less you care for the bike the less it will hurt. It's also hard to have an opinion on what suits you until you've got some riding experience to base the decision on. I rode nothing but large standards my first few years because I was told by everyone a sport bike would wreck my back. Turns out it was the opposite, and I didn't really enjoy biking other than the image until I got my first Ducati.
  • 09-10-2010, 04:41 AM
    Smart a$$

    Looking for first bike, NEED HELP

    I had a s4rs as so called first bike since my real first bike if you want to call it that was a vespa 125 in the '80's. Monsters are a blast to learn on, mine was a little overdone as first, if I had to choose again, I'd opt right now for a 696 or a Mv Brutale 750. The monster, on the 600 line you'll toss them around and get the real confidence as opposed to a crapload of power that might work against you. I bring up the Brutale because I have one and I keep telling myself how great bike it is as far as fun factor is concerned; of course, is not a twin, so it does sound a bit like a jap given is an inline four. I might be wrong in your case, this is just my point of view!
    As far as power, in both bikes there's more than you need to start with.
  • 09-09-2010, 10:43 PM
    Future Reflections

    Looking for first bike, NEED HELP

    It is my first bike and I dont wanna over do it with the power and shit so I was just keeping that in mind, when I came up with the smaller monsters.

    I have been looking at equiptment and so far all I have are gloves. Alpinestars Maze Gloves. I need suggestions for helmets, boots, jackets and pants.

    Are the monsters fast at all? I havent had a chance to test ride any of them yet
  • 09-09-2010, 01:38 PM

    Looking for first bike, NEED HELP

    My first street bike is a 1988 Honda 650 cc twin, purchased slightly used for $3k. It was dropped, crashed into, low sided, high sided, endo-ed, tank slapped, and bitch slapped. I ran out of gas, had a front end flat and rear end flat, dead battery, dead headlamp, you name it. I learned a lot from it. It was my only mode of transportation for three years.

    My recommendation is to get a cheap first bike, cuz you'll be fixing it and you probably don't need to pay for exotic (expensive) bike parts. Learn to ride and experiment on this bike. The SV650 is a great idea, and would be my choice if I had to start now, but from your list, I'd choose the 620M. It has more than enough power to get you in trouble.

    If I may give some unsolicited advice...
    Before the bike, get the best armor you can afford, and get it all. Try it on while sitting on a bike to see if there's interference with movement. You will fall, and you will get hurt, everyone does, even experienced track riders. the more you pay up front for protection, the less you'll pay later in pain and med bills (unless it's a catastrophic accident). Make sure your insurances are up to date.

    That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
    Take it slow and don't get in over your head. Concentrate on being smooth on the controls and riding offensively.
  • 09-09-2010, 12:06 PM
    Secret N Keyblade Master

    Looking for first bike, NEED HELP

    Go for an S4R. It is an easy bike to learn with and has plenty of power to keep you satisfied. Just my opinion.
  • 09-09-2010, 08:19 AM
    KIVEN <<

    Looking for first bike, NEED HELP

    My first bike, purchased when I was 44, was an SV650S. I rode that for a year, then I fell in love with the first picture I saw of the 1098. Bought the Ducati and sold the Suzuki. I absolutely love my 1098, but if I had it to do all over again, I'd buy a Monster as my first bike and ride it for another year or two before (keeping it!) and adding an 848 or a 1098 to my garage.

    That's just my opinion. I could be wrong.
  • 09-09-2010, 12:53 AM

    Looking for first bike, NEED HELP

    I just got my license and am in the market for a bike. Since it will be my first I was considering options with generally less power that would be easier to get acclaimated with. I am looking at the 620M and 695M, but on the flip side for not that much more I was looking at a Triumph Street Triple.

    Now I know that this is a Ducati forum and that probably wont be taken well, but im trying to get a bike that will be easyishh to ride as well as have longevity and not allow me to get bored.

    Any imput would be great as far as the speeds and challenges associated with each.

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