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  • 09-19-2010, 11:49 AM

    No! I do not want the fucking combo meal

  • 09-19-2010, 09:58 AM

    No! I do not want the fucking combo meal

    Yep, Food Service workers do deserve like medals or some sort of recognition for the shit they have to deal with. At lunch today I went to the local ff resturant. It's a nice day here & must be a day off school so the fuckin place is loaded with flipflops, giggles, blue hair & grand kids none of which have a clue what they want for lunch, no matter to them they can stand there at the counter & figure it out cause they have all fuckin day. Mom is putting in an order for her 3 kids + the 12 kid fuckin birthday party she drug in with them. Mostly special orders some w/onion, some w/out, some w/ketchup but no mustard AAAGGGH
  • 09-19-2010, 07:19 AM

    No! I do not want the fucking combo meal

    Hell I never asked to upsize shit. If I could save them money by combining items into meals I would offer that, because it would cheat the store owners out of a couple of bucks.

    I'm a basterd like taht.
  • 09-18-2010, 10:52 PM

    No! I do not want the fucking combo meal

    I work at a BK, And 9 times outta 10 i will make sure i give the customer what they asked for, and that means making sure the stupid ass customer knows wtf he/she wants. Which includes asking if they want the meal (which doesn't only come with fries, although you might not know that because your too incompetent to ask what other sides they offer, you know, like a side salad for instance) and what size they want it.

    And when we interupt you it's not to be assholes (some maybe but not me) its to ensure order accuracy. When i ring up a whopper, i have to ask if it's with cheese because smart ass BK decided to make a whopper button, as well as a whopper w/ cheese button.
  • 09-18-2010, 02:03 PM

    No! I do not want the fucking combo meal

    Some people do want the combo, but they just say the sandwich or the entree, whatever. I can't tell you the number of times I've had someone say they wanted a sandwich (mentioning nothing about the combo they just say the sandwich) and then get pissed off at me because they wanted the combo. Apparently we are supposed to be mind readers. Sorry to say, a mind reading capability is not part of the orientation package of any fast food joint.

    You may mean that you just want the sandwich or the entree, but we have to ask just in case. Besides the fact that the company wants more money so wants us to suggestive sell.

    Now, at Taco Bell, if you say to me that you want the Nacho Bellgrande, that's what I'm going to ring up. I won't ask you if you want the combo because you just said the Nacho Bellgrande. I will, however, at the end of every order if you haven't already ordered one ask you if you want to try a fruitista freeze. It's annoying as fuck for me to say, but I have to say it. There are so many areas where I would lose points or get in trouble if I don't suggestive sell it.
  • 09-18-2010, 10:15 AM

    No! I do not want the fucking combo meal

    ;1011221']The colossal problem (no pun intended) with fast food is not the fast food. The problem we, as Americans have is this: We are like small children. Mommy can't leave the cookie jar where we can reach it, so she has to put it on top of the fridge. She does this because we are greedy fat fucking slobs and will shove every fucking cookie down our throat and make ourselves sick as hell. We have no self-control.

    My basis for this ridiculous statement lies is the fact that McDonald's and various other diners have taken it upon themselves to lower the flavor of their food in favor of "healthier" food. No, no, no. If your fat fucking ass wants "healthy" food, go to the fucking grocery store. Do not force McDonald's or Burger King to change their recipe because you have no self-control and need a dietary choke-collar.

    I suppose it revolves around American silliness and desire to get something immediately with no effort- which explains why so many diet fads go away- tell a fatass they actually have to do something to lose weight and look better and the appeal is lost. Instead, we'll just convert the rest of the idiots in to thinking it's pretty by making up new words for FAT and inventing "Plus-Size Models" (FAT CHICKS.)
  • 09-18-2010, 08:21 AM

    No! I do not want the fucking combo meal

    "I'll have a fur burger, thighs, and a tittie shake to go please" ~ Me

    That never goes over well.
  • 09-18-2010, 04:59 AM

    No! I do not want the fucking combo meal

    This is one of the reasons why I told my managers that I refuse to run the register at work anymore. Whenever someone comes in to eat or calls to place an order I always have to ask "Would you like a large dessert or a 32 oz. drink to go with that?". And it really pisses me off because I've pointed out to them numerous times that if they actually WANTED something like that, they would fucking ask for it. Even my managers agree that they hate it when people ask them that, but yet we have to do it. Ugh.

    Fuck the fast food scripts!! :mfinger:
  • 09-17-2010, 11:25 PM
    Philip M

    No! I do not want the fucking combo meal

    Wendy's is definitely second choice.
  • 09-17-2010, 02:20 PM

    No! I do not want the fucking combo meal

    Well I went to Wendy's about 10 minutes after I made the above post and I got a large number 1 combo meal.

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