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  • 01-19-2009, 06:50 PM

    Could dry sex lead to pregnancy? if it does can i really be 5 months pregnant?

    you got a negative test, You had no intercourse, You had a period..even a light one. You are not pregnant. If you were pregnant the test would have been positve, especially 3 months after you had the "dry sex"your Dr is right...Constipation, weird movements in your stomach, strange bloating..those are all signs of something like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or bowel troubles. I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome and what you describe sounds just like what I go through on a daily basis. You don't feel your baby move until you are about 20 weeks pregnant. Then it is just flutters. No way possible to feel it at 3 months. The movement you are feeling is just gas and digestive tract twitches. The dark skin and dark nipples could be hormones or stress causing your hormones to act up. If you have seen a Dr..then I think you should stop worrying.
  • 01-19-2009, 06:48 PM

    Could dry sex lead to pregnancy? if it does can i really be 5 months pregnant?

    First of all, find another dr. Second if you haven't had a period in 5 months then there's a HUGE possibility you're pregnant. If you're not then there is something wrong. Either way you need a new dr, and you need one now.
  • 01-19-2009, 06:45 PM
    !! SinghOz !!

    Could dry sex lead to pregnancy? if it does can i really be 5 months pregnant?

    If you had dry sex without any clothes on, and the guy ejaculated, then there is a chance you could be pregnant. The best thing to do is to go and take another test (either at the doctor/family planning clinic/at home with a pregnancy test) and take it from there. If it is negative then you should perhaps ask to see a different doctor so they can get to the bottom of your symptoms. If the test comes out positive then you should speak to your mum and talk through your options.Good luck
  • 01-19-2009, 06:42 PM
    !!amanday trick!!

    Could dry sex lead to pregnancy? if it does can i really be 5 months pregnant?

    it will be hard, but you should tell your mom. she can probably help you out more than you think. have her take you to your doctor, and on the way, say that you and "boy" did come close to having sex, so there might be a possibility you could be pregnant by miracle. you probably aren't. you could have something wrong with you. Good luck!
  • 01-19-2009, 06:39 PM

    Could dry sex lead to pregnancy? if it does can i really be 5 months pregnant?

    I'd see a doctor again because it could be alot of things besides pregnancy. If you are really that constipated it could lead to serious problems such as rupture of your intestines. Go back and see another doctor. Ask your mom to take you to the doctor but don't tell her you think you are pregnant because I don't think you are. If there is something serious going on with you she needs to know and you need to get checked out.
  • 01-19-2009, 06:36 PM

    Could dry sex lead to pregnancy? if it does can i really be 5 months pregnant?

    If you were 5 months pregnant you would know.You would know you and you would have a belly by now.Why don't you make an appointment for the doctors and ask for a blood test. They're more accurate then pee test.and IF you are pregnant you NEED to make an appointment to get the vitamins and to get a check up.
  • 01-19-2009, 06:33 PM

    Could dry sex lead to pregnancy? if it does can i really be 5 months pregnant?

    You need to take home pregnancy tests, and get an appt with your DR to do a blood test..that is the only way you will know for sure.You never know what could be wrong with you..personally, I think your mind has created these symptoms b/c you are worried about it so much.Stop having sex if you still live at home with mommy and dont want a baby!!
  • 01-19-2009, 06:30 PM
    !P4Kii ~n~ PR0UD!

    Could dry sex lead to pregnancy? if it does can i really be 5 months pregnant?

    i really dont think you are pregnant. i think you are just growing.
  • 01-19-2009, 06:27 PM

    Could dry sex lead to pregnancy? if it does can i really be 5 months pregnant?

    Talk to someone your trust. Have them get you a test and take it. Some women don't have very high hormone levels it happened to me. Keep us updated!!!hope i helped
  • 01-19-2009, 06:25 PM

    Could dry sex lead to pregnancy? if it does can i really be 5 months pregnant?

    Pls, what is "dry sex" ?
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