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  • 11-16-2010, 05:55 AM
    gymnast ♥ƒor life♥

    How does one fight obesity?

    I would say that the my commuting to work on a bike helps me in many ways. You make a good observation about the oxygen rush...blood cells, the lungs which is a improvement to me being aware. I have been commuting for five years now.
  • 11-16-2010, 04:42 AM
    The Human Brain

    How does one fight obesity?

    And do you find the cycle does you good? I say you feel fresh and alert when you arrive in work. Definitly wakes up the brain I find, although we probably get worse weather here than you do, which can make it unpleasant on a bike. How long have you been bicycle commuting for? It saves so much money too.
  • 11-16-2010, 12:23 AM
    lil zebra lover

    How does one fight obesity?

    Good for you and thank you for that note of encouragement. I ride a series 7100 Trek hybrid bike which you can use off road and on the road as well. The trip back and forth to work is about 7 miles, but sometimes I go home for lunch so that is another 7 miles. I made it a point to live close to work, because I have wasted way to much time in commutes. I refuse to join some in the "white flight" away from their homes to live in the burbs some 30-40 miles away. I think that over the years I have learned that your home is what you make it.
    An interesting note, I have a co-worker that lives in Alabama and his home is about 140 miles from work--surely that is some form of insanity.
  • 11-15-2010, 05:02 AM

    How does one fight obesity?

    Good man raastee. Exercise as ameans to an end (ie work) is far better and "do-able" than as a means in itself (for the puropse of losing weight alone) . What kind of distance are we talking about?

    I myself do at least a 12 mile round trip to Uni.
  • 11-10-2010, 08:16 PM

    How does one fight obesity?

    You hit on a very important point here, because a healthy life requires a healthy life style. It is the obstacle of change that I think many do not over come.
    I love Georgia, but Georgians have a serious health problem. This is high fat country, we like our chicken deep fried and our cole slaw with mayo and sugar. We do not provide for the public a serious means for better health by neglecting to put down sidewalks, because everyone drives a stupid distance. I have taken it on myself to ride a bike to work, and it is a up hill battle. Many people think that I am odd or just poor. Money wise, I have saved over $1,200.00 in gas money, insurance, and wear on the truck per year and my lungs are better off as well.
  • 11-10-2010, 05:41 AM
    Mariana D

    How does one fight obesity?

    I'm going to hit on 2 points at once. Eating too much, and what is eaten. A lot of people eat too much because they're eating the wrong things. Your body knows what you need more than you do, so if it's craving something it neeRAB, you'll eat till your body has what it neeRAB. Another reason people eat too much, is because they eat fooRAB that don't fill. This is is one of the reasons people make a big deal of wholegrains, and unprocessed fooRAB. The biggest kicker is white breaRAB. When the flour is processed it looses it's ability to make you feel 'full'. So it takes more volume to fill you up. There a whole bunch of stuff where it's easier for your body to turn into sugar and STORE as a cute little/big pot-belly (also getting into diabetic issues) , and all that good stuff, but I'm not going to go too deep into that.
    While people eat a lot, you'd be surprised how much of this population is actually malnourished. Not undernourised. We eat a lot, and it's not what we need, so we eat more to try to get what we need. It's that simple (not really, but for my point, it's simple enough)

    On top of all that, turn off the **** TV and get outside, get some sunshine, go for a walk, go for a run, even sit in the park and read a book, but just lift your spirits at least. DO SOMETHING. You're attitude has a lot to do with your health. The less stressed you are, the happier you are, the more your body feels up for burning some of that energy.
  • 11-09-2010, 08:45 AM
    Just Believe

    How does one fight obesity?

    Indeed, out of all the possible suggestions I believe a drastic change of surroundings, of external influences, would help a person the most.

    You can have someone diet or even exercise but the core mental reason for why they are who they are would still remain -- I'm never suprised people loose weight and then put it all back on as nothing really has changed in their lives.

    Yet again, society 'claims' it's concerned about a problem (in this case obesity but equally crime or drug use etc) but it is not prepared to fully solve the root of the problem only provide band aiRAB and quick fixes.

    Obesity IMHO is a mental problem like depression -- dieting and excercise only solves the problem of excess body weight not why people over eat.

    While drinking a lot of water may distend the stomach it doesn't fool the other ways the brain checks on whether we are 'full'. We have 'sensors' in our stomach which can detect the 'calorific quality' of food and indeed the act of simply masticating is important.
  • 11-08-2010, 03:49 PM
    Lumberjack Jake

    How does one fight obesity?

    Drinking water instead of eating to lose weight is something I've heard a lot. Certainly drinking water stops what you feel as hunger.

  • 11-08-2010, 01:21 PM
    Daniel Kim

    How does one fight obesity?

    A scientist friend of mine says one of the main reasons people are fat is because when they are eating they should be drinking water. He told me that a large number of people eat to satisfy their thrist.
    Any thoughts on this?
  • 11-08-2010, 03:19 AM
    Guillermo L

    How does one fight obesity?

    Your thoughts on changing society are very interesting, so the crux of the matter you may need to change the ones you are with? A change in surroundings perhaps?
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