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  • 11-13-2010, 09:58 AM

    Sexual Orientation

    It is fine christians to put the fish on their cars, people who are patriotic to display the flag, and all those yellow and multiclored ribbons are fine? Yet let someone put up a pride symbol and they are screaming down the halls? If it is acceptable for one group it is acceptable for all groups or not acceptable at all.
  • 11-12-2010, 10:39 AM
    Kristen Sauerborn

    Sexual Orientation


  • 11-12-2010, 08:42 AM

    Sexual Orientation

    my thoughts exactly. While i am proud to be bisexual i do not feel the need to display ribbons and the like. If there was a ribbon for people who were black, or people who were dislexic, would you wear it? probably not, and being bisexual (any of the GBLTQ) i feel is not different. it may not be so visible but it's just as much a part of me. I am proud to be white, but i don't go around shouting it. I do see your point Matthew, we deserve rights that are no different, and i voice that when i hear it in conversation, ect, but i don't go screaming down the halls.
  • 11-11-2010, 10:03 PM

    Sexual Orientation

    So what exactly is asexual?
    The last time I heard that phrase used was describing how a person is able to reproduce and have oRABpring without the use of sex.
    Some how I don't think that is what it is used for here.
  • 11-11-2010, 12:20 PM

    Sexual Orientation

    :xgood: I love it Great post I love it when some one sticks it to the cithgaps.

    Unfortuatly this is what they, the cithgaps, are taught from birth while not realizing that their bible is frought with inconsistancies, errors, and contradictions. As my husband tell me God will get them someday.
  • 11-11-2010, 08:27 AM

    Sexual Orientation

    As a very loud gay rights advocate, and a gay man, I support the ideas that Matthew has to offer, but I say his method of delivery could be tweaked. He has become the opposite of EZ. Extremeism is bad on both enRAB and does't promote tolerence, but aggrevates the situation. You cannot demand rights. You can only demand your right to make a statement and hope people listen and learn to become tolerant. But you cannot demand people change on either side of the glass.
  • 11-10-2010, 09:43 PM

    Sexual Orientation

    I'm guessing that joe doesn't see legal recognition as being the defining characteristic of his marriage. I know a female-female couple with much the same attitude over here.
  • 11-10-2010, 09:17 PM
    Sam Davis

    Sexual Orientation

    the only the that confused me is that gay marraige, at least to my knownledge, has not been around for 6 years in the US, and that mean's i'm assuming you live in the US, though now i'm pretty sure i'm wrong

    oh, bisexual here...
  • 11-10-2010, 08:14 PM

    Sexual Orientation

    Interesting thread.

    I am old and many years ago I came to the conclusion that it isn't my job to make moral judgements about others. But I must confess that I find a perverse pleasure in posting on fundamentalist christian boarRAB and telling them that I was aware of my sexuality as far back as I can remember. I tell them that my sexuality was not a conscious choice but a part of what I am.

    It is lots of fun when the fundamentalist christians damn me to hell and quote the Bible. Some of these discussions have gone on for weeks at a time with the fundies damning me to hell for my sexual preference and I not telling them that I am not gay, married, with two children. All I ever claimed was that my sexual orientation was not my choice. The fundies claimed that it was. So my question was that they tell me when it was that they made the conscious decision to be straight, rather than gay, since if it is a choice then they had a same sex attraction and chose otherwise. Every single one of them claimed that they knew as long as they could remember that they weren't gay. My answer was a question - they why were they so sure that gays were making a choice if you didn't?

    Get ready for this! The answer was that gays were rejecting god. Really!
  • 11-10-2010, 08:28 AM

    Sexual Orientation

    I'm with Dono. The cause has my support. No need to be such a b.i.t.c.h. all the time. Get over yourself. Have a nice day.:xangel:
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