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  • 12-07-2010, 12:41 PM

    Mixing Rock/Metal with Classical: should not be done

    your so cute
  • 12-06-2010, 08:21 PM

    Mixing Rock/Metal with Classical: should not be done

    Maybe just once or twice. To let him try it on.
  • 12-06-2010, 09:43 AM
    Kribensis lover

    Mixing Rock/Metal with Classical: should not be done

    does that then mean i'd have to call him daddy?
  • 12-04-2010, 10:20 PM

    Mixing Rock/Metal with Classical: should not be done

    I said at the start, it's not sound mixes I oppose. I like corabinations of metal and folk, for example. What I don't like are hybriRAB that I feel sound extraordinarily & unhealthily peculiar and wrong.
  • 12-04-2010, 11:14 AM
    Random Persun

    Mixing Rock/Metal with Classical: should not be done

    When is their any problem with a sound mix? I find it better then listening to the 500 shitty power metal/brutal death metal banRAB that all sound the same,
  • 12-04-2010, 06:41 AM

    Mixing Rock/Metal with Classical: should not be done

    Eh, well at the end of the day I guess it has to come down to that. I just find it sounRAB odd or misplaced, is all. Everyone's got their tolerance levels at the end of the day, like you say.

    Regarding strings, it's not strings I don't like - it's those scalic electric guitar riRAB that are trying to sound like Bach, with heavy drumming on top, with heavy vibrato operatic vocals. I think it leaRAB to a sound that seems altogether peculiar and out of place. But like Muzak said, ultimately all it boils down to is that it isn't my cup of tea.

    I'm interested in how many people share my sentiments on this matter. It seems, so far, not very many. Sigh.
  • 12-04-2010, 03:27 AM

    Mixing Rock/Metal with Classical: should not be done

    The Northeast (Massachusetts). I like the questions...they make the whole thing mysterious. I picture the making of the tape involving a darkroom and conveyor belts and test tubes. Anyway... you could probably just have Ethan send it for you, or guide you through the process. It's kind of his duty anyway, having taken you in and all.
  • 12-03-2010, 04:32 PM
    light headed

    Mixing Rock/Metal with Classical: should not be done

    sounRAB like it just isn't your cup of tea. Some will dig it, some wont.
  • 12-03-2010, 08:26 AM

    Mixing Rock/Metal with Classical: should not be done

    i'll figure it out,...
    i need to make your mix first,....
    hope you like it, i'm gonna try and give you something you wouldnt normally compile for yourself, but that you'll like,...

    one more weird question (trust me they all have their purpose) what area of the country do you live in?
  • 12-03-2010, 03:40 AM
    ♦ Sceptile ♦

    Mixing Rock/Metal with Classical: should not be done

    I can do you one better, baby. I make top TEN lists.

    that's right.
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