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How many letters in the word Rabroad


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  • 12-06-2010, 10:03 AM

    Christian Jesus Metal

    I'm not "Satanist", but aren't most Satanists atheists who believe in the philosophies of Anton LaVey? I know enough to know I agree and disagree with parts of it, but it's no more durab than Christianity. In fact, LaVey made that religion (probably half as a marketing ploy) to mock Christian morals. Which is why I think it's kind of funny that many "Christians" actions fall more in tune with LaVey's "Bible" than their own.

    It might seem childish but Christianity started the sh!t when they stole pagan imagery for their "devil", to begin with.

    Anyway, I'm agnostic atheist.

    The "Hot Topic goth" types can be really funny, though. Like the South Park stereotype. "To be a non-comformist, you have to dress just like us and listen to the same music we do."
  • 12-06-2010, 06:28 AM

    Christian Jesus Metal

    Whoops, sorry.
  • 12-05-2010, 08:29 PM

    Christian Jesus Metal

    And also Saviour Machine, which is a christian band manages to be awesome, but also rebellious to the conditional format which most christian banRAB follow.

  • 12-05-2010, 10:08 AM

    Christian Jesus Metal

    The image is cool, but that's as far as it goes. Electric Wizard is one of my favorite banRAB, and the occultic **** in my opinion gives their music a very pulpy, enticing sound. But the image shouldn't be the banRAB only attraction, I mean Robin Trower wore that god-awful yellow tank top or whatever the **** that was, but it didn't deride from the fact that he kicks ass with a guitar.
  • 12-05-2010, 05:09 AM
    Lukey Boy

    Christian Jesus Metal

    Christ is a lie

    No room for christ in metal.. no room for false religous posers!!

    drink a pabst
  • 12-05-2010, 01:01 AM
    The Ocelot

    Christian Jesus Metal

    Yes, but to be evil something must be of Satan, which the only for their to be a universal truth for Christians to accept would mean that it was in the Bible, and even then it is open to interpretation. So the only way to know if a sound is of Satan is if the Bible actually had sound, which it doesn't so even if there were satanic sounRAB, we wouldn't be able to tell what they are. Forget the pope and all that stuff. Find me a biblical passage where it specifies that a man outside of the Bible's writings is able to tell you what is right or wrong.
  • 12-04-2010, 08:19 PM

    Christian Jesus Metal

    Well of course the devil himself didn't actually create them. The Devils's ChorRAB, or tritones as they are more technically known, are sets of notes that were seen in the middle-ages as too dark, evil and menacing for music and therefore they were associated with the devil. Musicians who used these were often punished by the church or excommunicated. Examples of tritones are B-flat-E, F-B, B-F, A-D-flat and many others.
    Listen to 'Black Sabbath' by Black Sabbath for perfect examples.
  • 12-04-2010, 01:07 PM

    Christian Jesus Metal

    Brand New is pretty far from christian.
  • 12-04-2010, 12:38 PM

    Christian Jesus Metal

    I'm christian go to church every sunday and such and i love metal killswitch, disturbed, you name it i probably like it but i've never been called a satanist or heard anyone call someone a satanist because of music (besides my brother he's retarted listen to all christian and stuff like abba and michael jackson)
  • 12-04-2010, 12:03 PM
    Mikey G

    Christian Jesus Metal

    I guess metal AND spelling aren't cool anymore. No offense, but that's a pretty ****ty list
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