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  • 12-18-2010, 04:39 AM

    Republicans delayed these bills until now. Why do they now complain?

    START Treaty: Republicans hemmed and hawed. Again and again they demanded more time. Now they complain that it's the end of the year?

    DADT: There has been majority support for the repeal of DADT for months yet Republicans, led by the coward John McCain, filibustered this bill. Now there is a supermajority able to beat the filibuster and the cowards are trying to blackmail the Dems into not holding a vote. Disgusting.

    9/11 First Responders: This is one of the most disgusting. Republicans have obstructed and filibustered this bill. They said it should be paid for. It's paid for and they STILL wont let it have a vote. They said it wasn't important enough, that an extra tax cut for the rich was more important than 9/11 first responders. They got that tax cut and they still wont let it have a vote. Shameful.

    Appropriations Bill: The hypocrisy on this is amazing. Republicans have worked on this bill with the democrats all year. All those tasty earmarks for republican districts didn't appear out of thin air. Now republicans suddenly complain about the amount? Please. Shame on them and shame on the people who fall for their shtick.

    All of these things could have been passed/ not passed long ago. Republicans chose to filibuster and delay. How can you say that this is the democrats trying to ram things through? Since when is months of debate and majority/super-majority support "ramming things through"?

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