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  • 02-12-2009, 05:01 AM

    Obama and his " stimulus bill "?

    He should accept accountability for it, but as has been proven thus far in his career, Obama does not deal in accountability. At least, no his own. That, clearly in his view, is what other people are for. When it fails, he will no doubt gleefully toss the whole of Congress under that magic bus, including those three turncoats Snow, Collins and Specter. But then, it might well be argued that America's failure is his goal, at least, and perhaps that of his democratic comrades.Whichever it is, you can bet on it that the Zero will accept plaudits only when the deed can be called good.
  • 02-12-2009, 05:00 AM

    Obama and his " stimulus bill "?

    Facts on the debt under past presidents Presidentpolitical partychange in deficitG.W.BushRepublican$395,508,515,357W.J.Clint onDemocrat-$164,787,361,848G.H.W.BushRepublican$34,326,854,93 6R.ReaganRepublican$97,338,623,234J.CarterDemocrat $462,596,259G.FordRepublican$61,738,694,763R.M.Nix onRepublican$18,395,825,212L.B.JohnsonDemocrat$63, 242,392J.F.KennedyDemocrat$7,815,205,722D.D.Eisenh owerRepublican-$6,183,275,064H.S.TrumanDemocrat-$294,348,329,938F.D.RooseveltDemocrat$296,963,393, 318H.HooverRepublican$27,411,255,199C.CoolidgeRepu blican-$348,130,844W.G.HardingRepublican$7,444,813,407W.W ilsonDemocrat-$11,516,694,067
  • 02-12-2009, 04:58 AM

    Obama and his " stimulus bill "?

    Every elected official who voted for this porkulous bill without even reading it should be ousted, impeached, and left with no government benefits. The same goes for dumbo ears when he signs it, because you know he will not read it either. He has alot of travel plans next week, and is acting like the whitehouse PR person instead of a president. The demorats along with their big earred leader are now planning on politicizing the census to favor them in the election process. He is the absolute worst president to come down the pike, and I am beginning to think he is the antichrist. Look at the damage he has done in just a few weeks. Oh gee, what happened to the puppy? It was just another political stunt to get a camera on his sorry azz.
  • 02-12-2009, 04:57 AM

    Obama and his " stimulus bill "?

    I agree with praetoriangrd1 and all those who recognize that this plan is pure BS. Obama is leading us rapidly down the path of socialism. Under his plan unemployed will get an extra $25 per week while working people will only get $13 per week in tax breaks. As somebody once said, if you take from those who work and give it to those who don't eventually nobody will want to work. And as history has so often proven, socialism does not work. It stifles the economy rather than stimulating it since there is no incentive.
  • 02-12-2009, 04:55 AM

    Obama and his " stimulus bill "?

    The total package is pay back. He promised those that he would givethem something for nothing, and he is going to do that, He promised'those that gave him vast amounts of money, Meaning AFL-CIO UAWand teamsters he promised them huge paybacks. and he will. Who hedidn't promise a thing to are the people in this country, who play bythe rules. Pay there taxes and go to work each and everyday a damnthing. He smoke and mirrored there ass to give them a lousy stinking13 dollars a week. WOW Obama can you handle it, He is setting out to ruin this Nation, and he will. and when he does, He needs to beheld directly accountable for his theatrics and his lies. He is goingto be the worst President in the entire history of this country,
  • 02-12-2009, 04:54 AM

    Obama and his " stimulus bill "?

    Obama assumed the Presidency on January 20th and is responsible for whatever happens after 12:00 PM, at which time under the Constitution Obama became President.This bill was a mistake and with the the support of only 3 Republicans it shows that there is no way that this bill and the 800 billion dollars will benefit the economy.In two packages, totaling 1 3/4 trillion dollars, there are projects like saving some mouse in Pelosi's district, for billions of dollars, while American taxpayers only get 13-26 dollars a week in tax cuts from Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.Within a year Obama and Pelosi will be asking for the money back in higher taxes, that will wipe out the cut altogether.Obama should be impeached for coming in and leading this country into deeper financial ruin, by him and his policies. Which he is getting from his cabinet and fellow Democrats in the Senate and House.It has nothing to do with the man's race either, he has no idea of what he is doing as POTUS and it shows, when he sends billions of dollars overseas to pay for abortions that these countries cannot afford to perform otherwise.The 4 days series of balls and parties with a price tag of over 150 million dollars, while the homeless of Washington, D.C. were put on buses and sent to other cities and told not to come back to Washington until after January 20th.Obama's popularity has dropped at the very least 17 points since he took the oath of office, and will plumment even further, when the current stimulus program along with all the pork barrel projects that had been added for the Democratic House and Senate's Districts.Barack Obama having been in office for only 24 days has created the highest debt of any President in History.
  • 02-12-2009, 04:52 AM

    Obama and his " stimulus bill "?

    He should go back to Chicago and have tea with Ayers.
  • 02-12-2009, 04:51 AM
    !*Y U!*

    Obama and his " stimulus bill "?

    He's trying to help us, Bush was trying to hurt us while he and his VP stuffed their pockets with money before they had to give it over to other businesses men.Can you not see the difference.If you can the differencence alone should get aplause, and demand your support.
  • 02-12-2009, 04:49 AM

    Obama and his " stimulus bill "?

    Obviously You expect Obama to fail . As most Republicans You seem blind to the past 8 years . Most Republicans dearly want him to fail. This negative attitude by Republicans will not gain future votes. Nor in dear Republicans to so many Americans who have lost every thingTo answer > Obama himself said he would except responsibility a few days ago at a town meeting.My question is will Republicans give him credit if his plan succeeds ?
  • 02-12-2009, 04:48 AM
    #1 AJ

    Obama and his " stimulus bill "?

    I can see it in 3 years, democrats will be saying that Obama has only been President for 3 years and that we all should just give him a chance.Obama's failures will affect us all. We should all march on Washington. Unfortunately, those of us that aren't democrats have jobs, and we can't afford to take the time off to spend a week in DC like they did for the Inauguration.
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