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  • 02-12-2009, 04:36 AM

    PLZ HELP: What should I do?

    Well, first of all, sorry in advance for putting your Gf on blast but here is how it is.1) She's being a little immature brat.2) She wants her cake and she wants to pig out on it too.(Yeah, I know, whats so great about getting cake if you can't eat it. Simple, why eat old cake that you got rid of in the first place, that's like eating cake out of the garbage in her case.)3) She's not easily satisfied, or promiscuous, either one or both.4) Her EX probably treated her like crap and from the looks of it you treat her too good and you are too good for her. But hey some girls love being treated like crap and in that case, that's what they deserve.5) She's blind.Now here are some options, just SOME i can suggest, consequences follow as for clarity and accuracy.1) Ease into it, she may just want to still be friends with him.my only problem with that is that she is hiding stuff from you and from what you say, she is lying about it as well, BIG no no in a committed relationship.2) Talk to her about it calmly. She may blow up at you.When a predator is stalked or confronted, they tend to react viciously.The reason I use this analogy is because your gf is acting like a beast not a gf.3) Express your feelings, but keep your manhood.Now, you should tell her exactly how it is. Tell her you know that she is lying and provide proof, even if it circumstantial evidence. Tell her how it makes you feel. But grab hold of those jewels because she already has a grip on them if shes making you feel this way and is still telling her ex she misses him. So, be stern and calm. Voice what you feel is wrong.4) If all options fail and she continues to write messages she hides from you, tell her that in her own words she stated she is totally over him and moved on, so why is it that she keeps talking to him and writing messages. Give her an ultimatum, if she doesn't move on and act like it, then you will be moving on and she can bank on it that YOU WILL act like it. Also, explain how they are both disrespecting you, when that idiot ex of hers texts her on the date YOU are paying for and she texts back. That's some kind of@^&*ed up BS.5) If #4 fails as well, DUMP HER @ss."Im taking my balls back B^#%H.."You do not need someone like that. Maybe the only reason she doesn't go back to him is because of convenience, she does seem very selfish, and you did state that her ex lives 2 hours away. She may not be able to deal with the distance.Either way, she does not deserve someone like you from what you describe. Get to steppin chick, give some good girls a chance with Mr. lova over here.Again Im sorry for putting your gf on blast, but for doing dumb stuff like that, she deserves it.Good luck, give us some updates. EDIT****************Quit nagging this guy about the red lobster BS, that's not what his question is about, and if she's going to cheat on him because of that..well, bye bye Gold digger.The man is paying for a meal for this selfish no good chick.it does not matter if he took her to red lobster of Che Paris whatever the hell. She should say Thank you baby, and put away her God forsaken Cell phone when she is out with her man, especially on Valentine's Day.You don't know how much this man has in his wallet and you don't have the right to. So back off with the Red Lobster crap.END RANT*****************************
  • 02-12-2009, 04:34 AM
    !<3 2 @ct! hug~a~tree

    PLZ HELP: What should I do?

    I agree that it does sound a bit suspicious, but to be honest it sounds a bit like her age might be a factor in your suspicion about her and her ex. Maybe you should evaluate that when you think of your future together. But about the infidelity question, maybe you should offer to visit the city with her. But these trust issues are not going to go away until you resolve this.
  • 02-12-2009, 04:32 AM

    PLZ HELP: What should I do?

    Well, red lobster? Really?Come on...She won't be excited with that.You fail on that alone.
  • 02-12-2009, 04:30 AM

    PLZ HELP: What should I do?

    she will dump you for sure man...but make sure what you read was real and not just your own mind making it look worse than it seems
  • 02-12-2009, 04:29 AM

    PLZ HELP: What should I do?

    Try talking to her blunting, directly and clearly. Tell her you know that she's been talking to her ex and the text wasn't cool on Valentine's Day when she was out with you. Ask her what her intentions are with this guy, does she still want to be with you, does she want to take a break, etc. Seriously, you need to talk to before she goes over there or this continues any longer. If my mate was in contact with his ex so much, I'd be letting him know that I was gone if he wanted out. You can do much better and anyone deserves to have a mate you will be respectful and attentive.
  • 02-12-2009, 04:27 AM
    !*Y U!*

    PLZ HELP: What should I do?

    I would just let her go and when she comes back, break up with her. The fact that she is going to him. it means that she probably has already cheated on you before.If you believe she never had which is unlikely. because she erase the send messages that's call covering your tracks, has she ever deleted her send messages before or is it a habit, if it's just the send messages then she has been cheating on you for a while.No matter what you should break up with her. Now the question is do you want to make her feel bad about going to her ex. if you do then the break up with her after she has already done the did this will give you a psychological advantage you will be able to call her name and the names will apply. You could just be nice and brake up before so she has no guilt of doing anything afterward but where is the fun in that. Remember be nice and you will get run over don't spare her feeling she obviously doesn't give a crap about yours.
  • 02-12-2009, 04:25 AM
    #1 dUe DeC 16

    PLZ HELP: What should I do?

    The best thing to do is confront her, but I know that's hard to do sometimes. If you can check her history again and make sure before you do anything drastic!
  • 02-12-2009, 04:23 AM

    PLZ HELP: What should I do?

    tell her that the communication she keeps with her ex makes you uncomfortable, and if she lies or doesn't listen then maybe you should just spare yourself the hassle and end things with her, at least temporarily, so she can figure out her issues
  • 02-12-2009, 04:21 AM
    #1 Dale JR fan

    PLZ HELP: What should I do?

    she is lying to you , you are spying on her , trust is gone , this relationship is crap. end it. and last time i went to red lobster it was good , and 100 dollars or so for 3 people , if the other answerers have more money than you and i , yay for them , but they shouldn't be putting us down , i work hard for my money. i bet they are kids and mom and dad give them their money to fly to paris for dinner.
  • 02-12-2009, 04:20 AM

    PLZ HELP: What should I do?

    call the ex boy friend or talk to her and she what she says about all that stuff you knowI would ask how she going with and just disprove the story but thats me
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