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  • 12-22-2010, 08:04 PM

    Tenchi Muyo on toonami

    Ladies and Gentlemen, where is Ryoko #5?
    Are you ready for the 3rd OVA?
    One, Two, three, four, five
    Yosho trapped Ryoko while she was barely alive.
    Now he works in the shrine 'round the corner,
    The girls wanna do Tenchi but he really doesn't wanna,
    Get in trouble like he did last year,
    When his daughter showed up and grabbed his rear.
    He had Mayuka, Haruna, Sakuya was Yugi,
    Leaving the five other girls in between.
    But he'd like to try a new piece of thigh,
    While old grape hair is on Jurai,
    If she's dead or alive she will try to jump him,
    And then she will hump him.
    A little bit of Seto, oh no more!
    A little bit of Mihoshi out the door!
    A little bit of Ryoko on the bed!
    Tenchi's mom Kiyone now is dead...
    Ryoko #5!
    Pull his pants down and drop him to the ground,
    Now meow like a cabbit and make a kitty sound.
    She'll chase him so he runs away,
    If he get's caught she'll kiss him anyway.
    Clap your hanRAB once, here's a big surprise,
    Turns out Dr. Clay was wrong and he can't reproduce Ryoko right.
    Aeka's gone away,
    Maybe Miss Noike wants to play,
    A little bit of adult Washu would be nice,
    A little bit of Sasami, he's... on... ice.
    Tsunami calls? Hahaha.
    Hey baby, ever been involved with an apocalyptic madman?
    As a matter of fact the cave does have the Jurai royal seal on it.
    Hey, wanna see my lighthawk wings get real big? Hahaha!
    Note to myself: nail her later
    A little bit of Ryo-oki, oh no more!
    A little bit of Kiyone out the door!
    There's two Ryokos in his bed,
    If Aeka finRAB out, boy... he's... dead!
    Oh I do like Serio,
    Will you please make Aeka your wife?
    You know, get her outta the house cause I have some... gardening to do. Yeah, that's it.
    Oh excuse me, Ryoko nuraber six? (Pretty Sammy version)
  • 12-22-2010, 04:29 PM
    lil hip hopper : )

    Tenchi Muyo on toonami

    Yeah...That movie was a little "shady". I think "Tenchi Muyo! in love" was the best out of the three movies.
  • 12-22-2010, 08:50 AM
    Don D

    Tenchi Muyo on toonami

    Pure awesome. WorRAB cannot describe it.

    Seriously, what they heck was all that "daddy" stuff in the english dub and sexual suggestiveness? She's his daughter, technically. And the original title of the anime was "Summer's Christmas Eve". They must have been like, "well we just spent the last hour putting the main character in suggestive situations with his biologically engineered daughter. Now what to do? I know, let's have them all celebrate Christmas together!"
  • 12-13-2010, 01:05 PM
    Future Mrs. W

    Tenchi Muyo on toonami

  • 12-13-2010, 04:41 AM

    Tenchi Muyo on toonami

    I Like the OVAS too especially when they found out tenchi had a older sister.
  • 12-12-2010, 04:55 PM

    Tenchi Muyo on toonami

    Ummm yes...Wack indeed.
  • 12-11-2010, 06:47 PM
    Hannah F

    Tenchi Muyo on toonami

    yeah i agree wit u but the tokyo one is just madd wack
  • 12-11-2010, 06:44 AM
    kids J

    Tenchi Muyo on toonami

    Yeah, I have to say that Tokyo was my least favorite of the Tenchi series. Although i'm a devoted fan i can't help but think what they COULD of done with it..Maybe if the animation was similar to the other series then maybe it could of been better...But, Its Tenchi and i love it!
  • 12-10-2010, 08:09 AM

    Tenchi Muyo on toonami

    Sometimes the Story Plot confizzles me cause first Tenchi is Jurian then in Tenchi In Tokyo hes not and they just got me real messed up lol
  • 12-10-2010, 06:57 AM
    Jan T

    Tenchi Muyo on toonami

    Just be glad that they didn't air Daughter of Darkness. What they heck was that whole thing about anyway? And the original title was even stranger.
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