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  • 12-21-2010, 02:30 PM

    Most memorable scene

    It doesn't have to be from a favorite episode...what's the scene you remeraber the most?

    Mine would be one from Bart the Daredevil. Lance Murdoch jumped over the pool filled with eels, sharks, etc., and 1 lion. After the jump he drives back up the ramp and parks the bike at the edge of the pool. While waving to the crowd, Lance and the bike tip over into the pool. He's trying to crawl out of the pool -- the lion is pulling him back in.

    In general that episode was funny, but I always remeraber that particular scene.
  • 12-20-2010, 06:48 PM

    Most memorable scene

    I absolutely love that one scene in the episode where Marge becomes a cop, and Homer puts police tape around Flanders house.

    Hahahahahaha! You thought your family was dead! Hahahahahahaha! They're not...but you thought they were! Hahahahaahaha! But they're not!

    I always remeraber how cute Homers nose looks right at the end [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img].
  • 12-20-2010, 08:13 AM

    Most memorable scene

    My favorite scene is in the same episode in Bart the Daredevil. When Homer jumped that big jump that bart was supposed to be jumping, which then resulted to Homer falling down. After Homer fell, he was taken to an arabulance which then crashes to the wall in front of it and drops Homer back down the huge canyon.

    I will always remeraber how funny and hilarious Homer looks when falling.
  • 12-19-2010, 09:34 PM

    Most memorable scene

    I like the scene when Ralph gets a low grade for english:

    Ralph: Me fail english? Thats umpossible!
  • 12-19-2010, 04:10 PM

    Most memorable scene

    I dont remeraber the episode but this the way my favorite scene goes...

    HOMER: The greatest award I ever got was being named WorlRAB Greatest Dad. (Homer holRAB up a Mug that says 'WorlRAB Greatest Dad')

    LISA: You bought that yourself Dad, because it was filled With Gummy Worms...

    BART: And you wanted to use them to catch a Gummy Fish.

    HOMER: Well it worked didn't it?

    (Camera Pans to the Right to show a Mounted Gummy Fish,
    Homer Rips off a Piece and eats it)
  • 12-19-2010, 10:49 AM

    Most memorable scene

    For some reason, the orginal Treehouse of Horror sticks in my mind,

    Bart: This story is so scary you'll wet your pants.

    Grandpa: Too late!

    And it was the first time we saw the Hallowe'eny style of credits, Matt 'The Bat' Groening, etc.
  • 12-18-2010, 09:10 PM

    Most memorable scene

    It's gotta be when Bart shoplifts from try'n'save, with the end scene, Marge thinking he's shoplifted again, but its actually a thoughtful present for her, with the receipt on it :love: So cute!
  • 12-18-2010, 06:24 PM

    Most memorable scene

    It's "Sleeping with the Enemy". I want to say Season 16.
  • 12-18-2010, 03:49 PM

    Most memorable scene

    Well...I just saw the one from last week, the one about Homer and Marge trying to ditch Bart and Lisa to go on vacation. There was a scene where Grandpa drove for hours with an "Eemore" mascot trapped under the car. Since I'm an Eeyore fan, when I saw that, I was like [img]smilies/jaw_drop.gif[/img]

    They were so mean to Eeyore (or Eemore [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] )! Then, the mascot was like "Everything has to happen to Eemore..." [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img]
  • 12-18-2010, 10:01 AM
    Aмїиa x3

    Most memorable scene

    I always liked the treehouse of horror eps, so I have to say when Willie was supposed to be Freddy Kreuger and he came back at the end and gets off the bus and says "boo!" and then he has to chase the bus because he left his gun on the seat and then his shoe falls of and Willie's still chasing the bus..

    ..and in "the shinning" when Homer makes a scary face while chasing Marge up the stairs and he turns, looks in the mirror, sees himself, gets scared, and falls down the stairs.

    gosh I love the simpsons!
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