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  • 01-16-2011, 12:45 PM

    Spironolactone using please reply

    It is good to know we are in this together. your post really hit a chord with me...just when i thought i was clearing up, bam, like you said in your post, another wave of pimples. They seriously appeared over the course of a few hours i think! depressing, but i'm hopeful this is all part of the major clearing process. I really thought my skin was starting to improve! my skin is kinda peely too(from some unintentional sun exposure i think earlier in the week) but anywhere i put moisturizer seems to breakout.
    what's weird about it is since i've started taking the spiro my acne has changed. i used to get 1 or 2 random cysts on the lower half of my face and have really oily skin. Over the course of the month i've been on spiro i now have much drier skin and lots of little pimples allover my forehead and a few on my cheeks. they are much more coverable but give my face a terribly uneven appearance....and my forehead is just gross i think. ugh.
    good news is that, like you my chest and back have cleared completely! i love that!

    looks like this may be a roller coaster ride for another month or two. i hope that is all it takes! I go back to my derm second week of May and I might ask her for an antibiotic like you to help get me through the beginning of this. I am using Benzaclin as a topical at night.
    good luck. i will keep posting and hope you and sidraz7 will too. the more support/info the better!
  • 01-16-2011, 07:43 AM

    Spironolactone using please reply

    Bob - because I don't like taking meRAB and don't want to take any more than I have to.
  • 01-15-2011, 11:03 AM

    Spironolactone using please reply

    sidraz7 and goosepimples - please post updates on your progress. I am about two months in 100mg now and still having mild breakouts, continuing acne regimine and taking doxycycline to help until the spiro works. I noticed some days I think I am completely clearing, then bamo! a new set of zits will arrive. Even so, nothing compared to the cysts I was getting. One thing to report, any body acne I had on my back, neck, chest, ears, etc . . . has completely disappeared on the spiro. good luck to you and please post, I am monitoring your progress and hoping for the best for all of us.
  • 01-15-2011, 08:27 AM

    Spironolactone using please reply

    Hi Nic,
    I was just wondering whether or not you have seen any significant changes since your last post? I have been using spiro for a couple weeks now and have broken out terribly on my forehead and a few on my cheeks/mouth area. My forehead is a wreck right now though--- much much worse than before I started treatment. Does this get better? Any encouragement/advice would be much appreciated. Should I stick with it? Was it worth it for you?
  • 01-14-2011, 09:06 PM

    Spironolactone using please reply

    I'm really sorry to hear that your not doing so well goosepimple . I'm not doing the best I could be either, I'm on 100mg of Spiro, and I'm on bactrim as well now. and I guess i'm just having a hard time being patient becasue its only been 3 weeks and I heard I should give spiro atleast 2months to work. I'm still breaking out as usual so its just killing my confidence of this medication working... I hope it does tho.
  • 01-14-2011, 08:12 PM

    Spironolactone using please reply

    HELP please!
    Hi everyone- I just started Spiro two weeks ago(50mg, 2x/day) and have had a huge breakout on my forehead. My cheeks and nose are starting to dry out but my forehead(where normally i had very little pimple activity) is all red and bumpy. My skin is 5x worse than it was before I started Spiro. Has this happened to anyone else? I am in graduate school and have a boyfriend...all I want to do is hide in my house. Did anyone who has posted success stories have an initial breakout like this? I am getting so worried that I am destroying my skin even more than it already was! I feel hopeless, as I've tried everything (3 treatments of accutane and every topical and antibiotic)but the acne keeps returning...Spiro was my last ditch effort to stop this nightmare.
  • 01-14-2011, 07:24 PM

    Spironolactone using please reply

    goosepimples, I am so glad to hear you are finally clearing up! Isn't it exciting? People just don't understand what acne does to your life. I have been off the minocycline for 7 months now and the melasma is almost all gone. I am still taking doxycycline about 5 xs a week, and still getting a few pimples here and there, but it's so minor I can't complain. I need to change my skincare though, skin and hair getting dry. I have hypothyroidism too, so that causes dry skin/hair too. I saw a friend over the weekend, and thru casual conversation found out that she has been on spiro for 9 years. Her skin is just beautiful, she is a fair redhead. She said spiro is the most wonderful drug for women that have hormone irabalances due to one thing or another. She just loves this stuff and takes only 50/day. Why drs are not using it more I have no clue. good continued luck! You might have a few more breakouts, but nowhere near as severe as the medicine continues to clear your skin. Just watch your potassium intake. Take Care.
  • 01-14-2011, 06:27 PM

    Spironolactone using please reply

    no, not yet.
  • 01-14-2011, 03:41 PM

    Spironolactone using please reply

    update for all you spiro users -
    I am 3 full months in and my skin never looked better. I'm hoping the adjustment period to this drug is over and I'm on my way to no more breakouts. I've heard give it 3 - 4 months to see full results, my dr. says it works well for other women that he has on it for acne, but will need to stay on it until past menopause for clear skin. I am thrilled, it's so easy to get ready for work w/o having to cover up broken out skin. I can go w/o makeup and don't feel self-conscious. Good luck to all and just wait for it - clear skin is coming.
  • 01-14-2011, 03:31 PM

    Spironolactone using please reply

    Thank you for replying to my post, I really hope it works for the both of us too! keep me posted on your progress as well.
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