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  • 01-18-2011, 08:13 AM

    addicted to Percocet Somebody please help me.

    Lisa, good morning.

    Just peeking in on you, hope yer ok, keep posting!


  • 01-17-2011, 11:09 AM

    addicted to Percocet Somebody please help me.

    I feel for everone who sufferes a percocet addiction, im 23 years old I been where you are allot of you been felt what what you have felt I was taking 20 percocets a day im an addict but i did recover and still in recovery i did it the hard way i ended up in jail for 10 days because i spiraled out of control i was going to different doctors to obtain perceptions i didnt think i had a problem I stopped cold turkey didnt have a choice it hurt so badly but i did it im now 20 days clean off them i m in counselling and i do suffer chronic pain so the alternative they gave me was anti inflammatory (naproxen) with acetaminophen it works wonders after drying out from narcotics i still needed something for my back. comming off percocets cold is always the best way everyone is different sometime methadone is needed or rehabilitation and there always support ion the community and so many resorces if you do suffer chronic pain be honest with your doctor about addictions and they will help you! best of luck to all of you my prayers are with you
  • 01-17-2011, 06:38 AM

    addicted to Percocet Somebody please help me.

    How you doing today? Have you called your doctor yet?
    Just thinking of you and you are in my prayers.
  • 01-17-2011, 12:15 AM

    addicted to Percocet Somebody please help me.

    good morning young50, so nice to hear from you, and of course your challenges your facing, unfortunately percocet is one of the hardest drug to come off of in my opinion, however i have been off since April 6th or so and it certainly can be done cause if i can do it anyone can, i still cant believe i did it though, shocking but having it in your head and heart you CAN do it hun but you have a situation that perhaps prevents you right now and thats ok, i hope everything goes well for you and your proceedure, but what i know is that you will know when your ready and only until then will it work, you have to be pain free almost, so maybe after your proceedure things might be a whole lot better for you and you may be ready cause this pill is vicious and it tells your brain that its ok and thats the part you have to be strong to do it, i kinda explain it like a monster in your head that always wants to be fed, but what we have to do is starve the dam monster!....let me know how you are doing and i will be thinking of you, in my prayer always hun,,take care and i know you will be ok one day soon i hope.....hugs..xox
  • 01-16-2011, 11:50 PM

    addicted to Percocet Somebody please help me.

    When you are ready to quit, you will and not before. You are doing what addicts do naturally--using. I'm here for you if you decide you're ready. Don't ever feel hopeless. You CAN quit no matter how many pills you have left. I have a bottle of 40 right now and i am on day 2 of detox. I hope you get clean. If I can, you can too.
  • 01-16-2011, 08:04 PM

    addicted to Percocet Somebody please help me.

    Hey lisa i hope you are around to read this and please listen to what ashamed has told you! Im hurting for you and your minpin(i had 4 of them now got a 5th ) and i know how loving they are. You gotta get right, your baby would love to see you sober, able to give him/her a walk everyday and all that good stuff. i hadn't walked my guys for most of the time i was high and now that im sober i walk them all everyday and they LOVE it i think they know i have changed too.
    I was just looking at all the posts i had when i was trying and successfully quitting and saw that last post of yours, its scary.

    Please Lisa let us know whats going on i fear the worst.
    Praying for ya, Mec
  • 01-16-2011, 06:45 PM

    addicted to Percocet Somebody please help me.

    God Bless you. I was just doing a search on google to find out if I had a problem with Percocet. I have never taken it before, I am 49 years old and I have herniated discs in my lower back and neck, with narrowing of the spine. I have been taking them since Deceraber of 2007 and I hate taking pills of any kind, so I didn't really think they were doing anything. The most I take now is 1/2 in the morning and maybe 1/2 in the late afternoon. I got scared and thought I was addicted.
    I in my earlier years had a bout with freebasing cocaine. I never knew how addictive that drug was and I thought that the person who told me to try it cared about me. I didn't realize he was addicted to it himself. Wow did that take me down hell's alley. I just thank God that I had my wonderful son in my life, a straight A student who has always excelled and was actually inspiration for me to leave that death trap alone after about 1 1/2 years. Also I had the gift of having a very loving and understanding Grandmother who took care of my son and never stopped loving me even after she found out that I had been on drugs.
    You say you have everything to live for, then start living. Tell your doctor and take responsibility for your actions. I know it may not be easy, but I have a newspaper article that stays right in front of my face everyday as I sit down at my laptop to peruse the world and the headline reaRAB..."With God, all things really are possible". And I am here today to tell you it's true.

  • 01-16-2011, 01:34 PM

    addicted to Percocet Somebody please help me.

    Thanks my frienRAB for checking on me. I am not doing well...out of pills and hurting so bad. damn..I hate this.
  • 01-16-2011, 12:49 PM

    addicted to Percocet Somebody please help me.

    That's a great point there Reach

    Fear controls you right now. The fear of you w/o the pills. The misery of w/d's, the unknown all of it.


    Face Everything And Recover

  • 01-16-2011, 10:45 AM

    addicted to Percocet Somebody please help me.

    Hey Lisa, Im on lunch break and thought Id check in see how you are doing??


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