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  • 01-31-2011, 04:48 AM

    Does a prosecutor have to publicly state or bring forth the evidence in the

    preliminary hearing? Judge gave my husband 90 days to seek counseling. In those 90 days, a new judge was elected. At the preliminary hearing, the prosecutor did not publicly state or bring forth the evidence. My husband questioned this in open court. The judge put in a motion for discovery. The judge asked the prosecutor if they had contacted the witness, (me)... they fumbled around and after a few moments my husband answered no for them. I asked in open court at the first arraignment that the charges be dropped. The new judge accepted a motion from the prosecutor for a bench trial and set a date. What can we do. My husband and I are seeing counselors and working things out. I feel like they have violated the right for due process. Is this correct? The police officer making the report knew I did not want to press charges but asked what happened, so I told him. After the fact, he stated that he had no choice but to arrest my husband. My father called the police. I didn't want any of this to happen. This was an isolated incident, nothing before.... nothing since. What now?
    He's not in jail, BTW.

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