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  • 04-13-2011, 05:52 AM
    I am not sure low self esteem is part of it I have a relative, woman age 40, who tells everyone she meets she has 7 kids she doesn't she has 3.
  • 04-12-2011, 05:44 AM
    Basilica Collins
    As an adult, I would not be impressed by anyone who is wrapped up in self and boasts of their accomplishments ~~When my children where in Jr. High they came home now and then with some exciting things their piers did over the week end. The one that stands out the most in my MEMORY is the kid that flew to Viet Nam one week end during the Viet Nam war to see what was going on. I tried to explain that to my child as someone who probably had a very boring week end if the truth be told.
    I say, always tell the truth and then you won't have to remember what it is you lied about and to whom.
    People find you out, sooner or later, and will never forget you.
  • 04-12-2011, 05:41 AM
    He's in a fantasy world Patti, it must be difficult not to laugh in his face and take him to task over it.
    No I haven't met anyone quite like that but I have met the tedious type that has done just about everything and so much better than me.
  • 04-12-2011, 05:40 AM
    Rosie Bloom
    It must be hard not to laugh when someone is so obviously full of it.
    I would find it very hard to trust somebody like that as they can't even face the truth and the real world themselves.
  • 04-12-2011, 05:40 AM
    Rosie Bloom
    It must be hard not to laugh when someone is so obviously full of it.
    I would find it very hard to trust somebody like that as they can't even face the truth and the real world themselves.
  • 04-12-2011, 05:39 AM
    Our local club had one who claimed he was at one time or another the following..........
    A Lion Tamer.
    A Russian Interpreter.
    Made friends with wolves.
    He seemed to live in a world of his own.
    We named him `Walter Mitty' after the Danny Kaye character.
    It all seemed harmful until I overheard him telling some wheelchair bound people that he was used to being in a wheelchair.
    I had to intervene before he took it too far as the only time he had been in a wheelchair was when being taken for an x-ray after a fall.
    Enough is enough.
  • 04-12-2011, 05:39 AM
    Our local club had one who claimed he was at one time or another the following..........
    A Lion Tamer.
    A Russian Interpreter.
    Made friends with wolves.
    He seemed to live in a world of his own.
    We named him `Walter Mitty' after the Danny Kaye character.
    It all seemed harmful until I overheard him telling some wheelchair bound people that he was used to being in a wheelchair.
    I had to intervene before he took it too far as the only time he had been in a wheelchair was when being taken for an x-ray after a fall.
    Enough is enough.
  • 04-12-2011, 05:38 AM
    Suzie s
    It sound like my nephew, his wife once confided in me the only thing she regrets about her wedding day is the fact he never wore his army officers unifrom, he was never an officer.
  • 04-11-2011, 07:15 PM
    June smiles
    Two friends of mine, grown women, are incapable of telling a truthful story. One of them, if she is speaking, she is prevaricating, the other one tells stories based on truth, but she must always embellish and expand the incident.
  • 04-11-2011, 07:15 PM
    Strange Brew
    Compulsive liars are usually narcissistic little scamps. They don't care about credibility, they care about feeling above everyone.
    I've known more then just one; they're harmless unless they start making up lies about other people.
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