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  • 04-17-2011, 01:02 AM
    Why are both sides arguing it at all? Is America this stupid now? A condom used in conjunction with birth control is way cheaper than an abortion or keeping an unwanted child. Use your heads people.
  • 04-17-2011, 01:01 AM
    Preach it T- Party brethren, for the victory is neigh against the host of hell and the race of cain demon bealzobama!
  • 04-12-2011, 11:31 PM
    As a female, I like to point out that it's complete BS to say that the fetus is "merely part of your body." That's an assault on the intelligence of women to suggest that the baby is merely part of your body.

    If it's more than merely a part of your body, how much more is it? Turns out it is an individual entity, with unique DNA, blood type and fingerprints. That shouldn't have to be said, but that's really how dense the pro-abortion crowd has become.

    Yes, the fetus is using the resource of the female body, not as a parasite or invader, but as a fragile life that needs their mother. Nature has set up the womb to protect the developing life, but that's not going to stop a mother intent on killing the fetus.
  • 04-12-2011, 11:31 PM
    I don't believe in abortion at all. And I have known someone who has done that and she felt so regretful. The feeling usually doesn't go away. I love adoption. I was adopted and have known it since I was little and have never seen or met "the people who helped create me" and I'm just fine with it! I'm actually grateful that the woman, whoever she is, had enough sense to know she was not ready to be a mother and she took the time to give me up for adoption. I however, do not support "gay rights". Whatever that is.
  • 04-12-2011, 11:31 PM
    Alicia Holloway
    I don't understand liberals. They want to kill innocent babies and keep murderers alive. It makes no sense to me.
    Make abortion illegal, let taxpayers pay for birth control instead. Cheaper. Save the babies! And pay our military!

    Abortion: the # 1 cause of death. Kills more people than heart and lung disease and cancer combined. *shakes head sadly*

    Hey, I have a question. If its ok to abort "fetuses" because they don't look human, can I kill my mother in law? She's too ugly to be human.
  • 04-12-2011, 11:31 PM
    We don't like grizzly bears coming near us.
  • 04-11-2011, 07:15 PM
    Big Peter
    Oh pontificate would you. Take half your wealth (you won't be suffering that much) spend it in Africa to rescue a dozen kids who would otherwise die from starvation or diarrhea or malaria or whatever. and then comeback and talk about real life and living.
  • 04-09-2011, 08:47 PM
    "you obviously have something against women.

    If you are a teacher shouldn't you care about kids and babies being killed? or money and your gay rights are all you care about"

    You did not answer the question. Instead you decided to get personal with me. You get personal, I block. You don't want to get blocked, simply answer the question.
  • 04-09-2011, 08:47 PM
    Here's the problem with your argument:

    You're basically using an emotional appeal by calling the fetus a "baby", when there is no clear line about when the fetus actually becomes sentient. Obviously a blastocyst is not sentient, as it is a sphere of cells. However, I believe a little ways into the second trimester, the fetus starts to take the shape of a human and starts forming organs. Now tell me, should we call amputations "murder"? Of course not. However, what's the difference between an arm and a blastocyst? Potential, maybe, but potential isn't life, and if it was measured that way we'd have to consider masturbation and birth control murder as well. Instead, we should focus on when the life form becomes "human", which I believe is when the life form develops sentience, or a "soul" if you are religiously inclined, though I am not.. However, there is no real way to measure that, though the best estimates put that maybe somewhere in the second trimester.

    If you're going to have an abortion, I say do it early. Once you're a ways into pregnancy, there's a risk that the life form you're aborting may actually be "human", in such case the abortion would be inhumane. No one's arguing that late third-trimester abortions are good. However, it's a flaw to draw the line simply at conception, since there is really no support for that line of reasoning.
  • 04-09-2011, 11:03 AM
    Igor T. Unspeakable
    I am the other way around, I support the death penalty, I do not see an advantage to housing and maintaining convicted felons indefinitely.

    I oppose abortion except in cases of rape and incest, I would not be so bold as to insist that a victim of a violent crime be forced to carry the reminder of that attack.

    I do believe a woman's right to chose begins with protected sex.
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