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  • 05-02-2011, 08:58 AM

    Blackberry Pearl > iPhone

    this has been rather interesting to read...wow.
  • 05-02-2011, 12:20 AM

    Blackberry Pearl > iPhone

    Don't take this next post the wrong way...I have a Pearl and absolutely love it. It is the only phone that, once I broke it (took a small trip down a ladder shaft of 2 stories...lost the SIM card door. Still works, just has a tendency to drop calls. A lot), I bought another one. I cycle phones every 2 or 3 months normally, but haven't let this one go.

    But...it doesn't have 3G. EDGE is not 3G.

    Minor details, I guess.

    I also really like the iPhone, it's very cool and good at what it does. It's just that a) what it does isn't close to the amount of stuff my Pearl can do and b) I am not willing to sacrifice my coverage and 2 years of my money for a phone (ATT sucks where I live).
  • 05-01-2011, 03:50 AM
    shut the f#ck up Barney!

    Blackberry Pearl > iPhone

    They shouldn't have to, something is wrong in your design. I run our BES server at my job and we have over 400 peeps on it and I would quit if it had to re-verify all the time.
  • 04-30-2011, 07:49 AM

    Blackberry Pearl > iPhone


    I'd like to check it out. haven't seen this yet.

    I love my Pearl, but haven't tried the iPhone so I can't compare (as most people in here shouldn't).

    I can do everything I need to do for work and for play so I don't need a more expensive device to do the same things and possibly more.

    Predictive typing took me about 20 minutes to get used to, now I can CRUISE on my Pearl with very few errors (which I really don't care about, it's about speed, not accuracy in answering most e-mails).
  • 04-30-2011, 12:23 AM

    Blackberry Pearl > iPhone

    I hate those tiny, uncomfortable keypads.
  • 04-29-2011, 11:50 PM
    Tanjida H

    Blackberry Pearl > iPhone

    I love Maddox.
  • 04-29-2011, 05:39 PM

    Blackberry Pearl > iPhone

    The iPhone is a piece of shit, and
    so is your face.

    No, I'm not going to get an iPhone, quit emailing me about it. I'm not getting one because I already have a phone that's better: it's called the Nokia E70, it's the pinnacle of human achievement, and I love it more than my family:

    You've probably never heard of the E70 because Nokia's marketing team is busy finding every last dick in the universe to suck, so I'm going to do their job for them and tell you about this product. And no, I'm not being paid to do this. I'm just tired of the iPhone fanboys shooting huge sticky wads and high-fiving each other (literally) over their stupid cellphones.
    First of all, the E70 has a full keyboard, not some shitty stripped down, tap-and-pray smudgy piece of shit. Nokia uses a technology that's even more advanced than the iPhone's tap screen, allowing you to actually feel the keys you press as you're pressing them! The technology is called "tactile response," and it allows you to do things like dial a phone number without staring at your screen like a shit-chucking ape. In fact, every other cellphone ever made has this technology, sometimes called "buttons."

    This keyboard will not only stomp your colon, but the colons of distant relatives of the human species such as lagomorphs, and hypothetical colons of children you haven't even had yet. Want to type a backslash? No problem. Ampersand? You bet your ass. On an iPhone, you have to press an additional button that opens up an alternate keypad that will allow you to type numbers and punctuation. So typing something as simple as elipses (...) requires you to tap your finger 9 times. Enjoy your phone, losers! People like me who have shit to do will stick to a keyboard that doesn't have its lips wrapped firmly to the user-interface equivalent of a throbbing dong:

    When the iPhone was first announced, CEO Steve Jobs spewed enough BS to cover a football field full of babies 3 feet deep in bullshit, which sounds cool because he could have potentially murdered a football field full of babies, but he passed on this opportunity by introducing the phone instead. He claimed that the phone was three devices in one: an iPod, a phone, and an "Internet communications device." Oooh, an Internet communications device?! AWESOME!

    It's not three devices in one any more than my laptop is you morons. Using Jobs' loose definition of what constitutes a separate device, technically my laptop can be considered 8 devices in one:
    A clock
    A calculator
    An "Internet communications device"
    A phone (I can make voice calls with my modem)
    A pornographic media storage device
    A video player
    A word processor
    And an "iPod" (see below)
    There's no such thing as an iPod. The word "iPod" is a marketing tool for a hard drive with software that plays mp3s. Yeah, doesn't sound so sexy now, does it you chimps? And an "internet communications device" is officially the douchebaggiest way of saying "it has a browser." So actually it's just a phone that plays mp3s and has a browser. SNORE.
    The Nokia E70 not only plays mp3s, video, has a full browser and Wi-Fi, IMAP and POP3 email, and Google Maps, but you can even run terminal software to telnet or SSH into remote servers. What that means in non-geek is that my phone is invincible. I can literally do anything. I can reboot my web server if I want, and sometimes I do just because I can:

    All of this power from a phone that's over a year old, and it only costs $360. Even the browser kicks ass:
  • 04-29-2011, 08:03 AM

    Blackberry Pearl > iPhone

    Because he has a girlfriend

    I know that might be rare in your case.
  • 04-29-2011, 04:50 AM

    Blackberry Pearl > iPhone

    Yeah but I knew a guy who wiped his anal regions with an iPhone and it works okay still.
  • 04-28-2011, 09:29 PM

    Blackberry Pearl > iPhone

    If you think touchscreen > keypad you should drink bleach.
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