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  • 05-14-2011, 10:00 AM
    Uh, maybe you haven't heard of 911, some of those insane, murdering scumbags were from pakistan, and yes, we were and are pissed.
  • 05-14-2011, 10:00 AM
    Simply put. Yes, of course.
  • 05-14-2011, 10:00 AM
    Higgs Boatswain
    What if we Brits sent some SAS troops over to take out a couple of the GOP lawmakers who were sending money to the IRA back in the 90s? I don't think the American government would be terribly happy about that.

    (By "take out" I mean kill, not take out to dinner and a movie. And then maybe cocktails and dancing till late. And then coffee back at theirs. Yeah, Peter King (R-NY), you know what I'm talkin' about.)
  • 05-14-2011, 10:00 AM
    Ou812 The Hated Crakker
    Yes, especially if we were hiding and protecting him. Obviously we support whatever he did if we're doing that.
  • 05-14-2011, 10:00 AM
    Dr. Bendo
    Islamic extremists have a lot of influence in Pakistan. If the mission was announced, OBL may have been tipped off and fled.

    Let me correct some of the other answers: The Pakistani govt. WERE NOT harboring OBL. In fact, the Pakistan Taliban are such a big threat to the govt.'s legitimacy, they are probably more annoyed that they didn't get to him first.
  • 05-14-2011, 10:00 AM
    "In all fairness", we wouldn't knowingly, KNOWINGLY! harbor a worldwide terrorist.
  • 05-14-2011, 09:59 AM
    Harriet Wifflebeans
    Yes you're right. And this would be an issue if we had Pakistani Assassins in US jails but we don't and US assassins aren't in Pakistani jails either. So what is your issue?

    Pakistan was a US ally in the war on terrorism. Pakistan was being paid millions of dollars for this cooperation but they weren't fulfilling this obligation. Pakistani intelligence either did not care or did not pick up on the fact that OBL was hiding right under their nose. So the US had to do something if it wanted to get OBL.

    If the US alerted Pakistan OBL might have escaped as he did in Tora Bora. So what was the US to do? Let him go? Wait for Pakistan to go after him? Even Benazir Bhuto said Pakistan was infiltrated by terrorists. The US had no choice. It was one of those choices when we had to do bad to do good.

    Sometimes life doesn't fit into comfortable, logical, predictable little boxes. Sometimes we have to think outside the box.
  • 05-14-2011, 09:59 AM
    Simply put. Yes, of course.
  • 05-14-2011, 09:59 AM
    It's complex diplomacy, where they all agree to put on one face for the people, and one for the media, a little sabre rattling to show you are properly "upset"
  • 05-14-2011, 09:59 AM
    Island Fever
    Sure we would. But terrorists didn't fly into the World Trade Center in Pakistan; they did it in NYC. Pakistan is trying to play the game both ways where it thinks it can smile in our face and then let the killing continue by allowing the country to be a sanctuary for terrorists.

    Well, let them get pissed. I'm sorry to have to say it, but so what? What are they going to do about it? They were duplicitous and cannot be trusted. What would you suggest we have done? Just let a mass murderer continue to live as if nothing was any different?

    Let them get pissed; now they know that they can either get serious and we will respect their sovereignty or they can keep trying to jack us around and we'll just go in and do it ourselves.
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