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  • 06-08-2011, 10:34 AM

    Want Palm OS screen capture (again)

    Well, here I am, back once more - didn't think I'd be - but here's what I want.

    I once had a Desktop Accessory called Screencapture DA (I think); cleaned it out with a bunch of other stuff at the beginning of the end of my use for Palm. Now, I'd like to get a copy of it again (the archive copy went away with my former computer I got rid of last year). You see, my little girl drew a bunch of pictures with BugMe+, and I still have them; but very soon My workhorse T3 will go into permanent retirement (& the trash), but I'd like to save my daughter's art work. The Screencapture DA was good because the saved image could be moved to the SD card. (& it was free, too).

    Now, if I remember correctly, I'll need what I think is called a DA launcher to use it.

    Hope this isn't too big of a bill to fill.
  • 06-07-2011, 11:39 AM

    Want Palm OS screen capture (again)

    Never used DAs much, but Snap is very easy to use. It's only limitation was that it would capture the VG area because it doesn't see it (It will do the full size screen I believe, just not the DIA skin). It's free.

    Freeware Palm: Snap v0.2.5

    It saves shots to SD card as bitmaps.

    Hope this helps.
  • 06-06-2011, 08:06 PM
    MJ tribute

    Want Palm OS screen capture (again)

    Hey there, Hook. Can bitmaps be displayed as regular images in the computer desktop screen? Doesn't matter what other miscellaneous stuff is included - if any is (this is on a T3, if that makes any difference). The Windows 7 Snipping Tool can shave off unwanted stuff.
  • 06-06-2011, 02:44 PM
    Boiled Egg

    Want Palm OS screen capture (again)

    Sure. However, I would import it into an art program, even Paint will do, and save it as a jpeg first-- much smaller file size.
  • 06-05-2011, 08:52 PM

    Want Palm OS screen capture (again)

    Actually, I wound up doing what I hoped I could do originally: re-loaded Tapsmart Keylink from Palmgear and snipped the images from the desktop display of the Palm screen. Thanks for your help anyway, Hook (I couldn't figger out how to make Snap capture anything, anyhow)!
  • 06-05-2011, 05:52 AM
    rewardsboy 93

    Want Palm OS screen capture (again)

    I'd go as Hook says. Snap is a simple app, not a DA, but it does the job clean. It indeed saves in .bmp though, but as long as you're not trying to make a stop-motion movie, you can clean the device's memory every now and then and there you are. Actually, Snap is my screen capture app of choice.
  • 06-04-2011, 03:58 PM
    Sarah C.

    Want Palm OS screen capture (again)

    Tapsmart Keylink did exactly what I really was looking for: displayed the T3's live screen image in larger-than-life scale (set to %150), then snipped w/Win7 tool. Fast, neat, got it all. Daughter's art preserved
  • 06-03-2011, 09:06 PM

    Want Palm OS screen capture (again)

    Congratulations getting it to work. Don't throw the T3 in the trash, please! I'm sure someone would love to take it off your hands. :newpalm:
  • 06-03-2011, 05:53 PM

    Want Palm OS screen capture (again)

    Well, there is a pack-rat mentality part in me that screams "Don't throw it!" However, the reality of it is that the digitizer on this unit is slowly failing , and it's not worth unloading a eventually-to-be-unusable unit onto somebody, IMO...unless there's some geekish collector that doesn't care (& can replace the digitizer) and simply must have a T3! BTW, Jig, if you want it, i'll mail it to you!

    I will be so glad to leave Palm touchscreens behind and jump full bore into my iPod Touch!!!
  • 06-02-2011, 11:58 PM

    Want Palm OS screen capture (again)

    I agree with Jig. I'd throw it in a drawer. Infael was going to throw his T3 away and I PM'ed him to take it off his hands, but he/she never answers PM's it seems. I always liked the T3.

    I'll tell you what I wrote in that thread. You never know, digitizer or not, whether you might want to use it as a 'throw away' MP3 player or something where you might not want to take your primary device. If it fails or is damaged, you won't care.
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