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  • 06-11-2011, 11:23 PM

    1GB SD Card Format Hell!

    It worked a treat - thanks.

    I wonder if HP will pay for the software for me hmm.....
  • 06-11-2011, 11:15 AM
    Nova The Star

    1GB SD Card Format Hell!

    Thanks - I'll give it a go.
  • 06-11-2011, 09:47 AM

    1GB SD Card Format Hell!


    Have you tried Card Export www.softick.com ?

    This is a program on the Palm that allows access to the SD card, just like a card reader. The latest version that I have does a reasonable job as long as you don't want to use it to back up the entire card or read the entire card. It would eliminate the need for a card reader on one or both machines.

  • 06-10-2011, 10:31 PM

    1GB SD Card Format Hell!


    To top it off the reader on my laptop can read a 256MB SD card with out any bother.
  • 06-10-2011, 07:57 PM

    1GB SD Card Format Hell!

    All I can offer is that Sony Memory Sticks ("old type") for my Sony digital cameral read fine in my trusty Memorex card reader.

    However, the faster, newer 256MB memstick will only read in a SECOND card reader by Lexar, which (I guess) takes the "zippy zippier zippest" format or whatever is out this week!

    I would say you've got a "tired" card reader, which must be annoying for you if you're running XP and it's outdated already - but that's all I can think of if the other reader you tried works.

    Fortunately card readers are cheap now, but it's a pain needing two (trust me!)
  • 06-10-2011, 05:48 AM

    1GB SD Card Format Hell!


    I recently moved from a m105 (a faithful servant for many years) to a T2 (which is tops for what I could afford).

    However, my PEAK 1GB SD disk is proving to be a real pain.

    I have an HP nx9110 laptop with a texas instruments 4 in 1 card reader. Trouble is XP or the reader refuses to read the SD card. My T2 reads it fine, and a desktop unit at work with an SD reader, reads it fine.

    Tried HPs driver update for the reader, still no joy.

    I was thinking of buying a USB SD reader, to see if I could get around this - does anyone know why this is such a pain?

    Any advice greatly appreciated, och aye!

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