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  • 06-16-2011, 10:49 AM

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    "Holizontal", my goodness! This is unforgiveable on a commercial website, when spellcheckers are readily available. Granted the development team is most likely different from the marketing team, but it does not bode well for the company's commitment to quality.
  • 05-23-2011, 12:07 PM
    sexy uk indian girl

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    Thank you, Basho. $29.90 is fine, if it works - I just hesitate to purchase software and especially a browser when a website can't spell "horizontal" or a few other simple words. English may be a 2nd language that's fine and welcome -- but compounding the problem is that they deal with Handango - yikes - swore I'd never get anything through THEM again.

    Thanks for link - I've bookmarked in case I get the TX.
  • 05-22-2011, 06:54 PM

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    You might want to try Xiino 3.4E at www.mobirus.com as an alternative to Blazer.
  • 05-21-2011, 11:08 PM
    ahanda korama

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    The TX USB can not charge the unit from a PC without connecting the power adapter. The review I read answered my basic questions on the TX. Link as follows:

    I agree with PTL - at least the TX promises to be a good replacement if ever my two-year old but still very reliable T3 conks out.

  • 05-21-2011, 04:17 AM

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    OK, couple of questions. I believe this forum has a "for sale/ad" section, so there's a 90% chance my "special T3" is going in there. Before I do that, however, I have a couple of questions.

    1. Did we all decide we hated the LifeDrive? Other than size, what were the beefs again, in view of the new TX being out? Slowness opening apps and what else? Is the WiFi (brochure wise, at least) better or a newer version? I don't mind the "heft;" I'm comparing the LD with the TX. The $499 seems high to me since I won't use 4GB, but I wanted to check here with "you lot" first!

    2. Is the T5/TX seen as a "virtual drive," a la Card Export since it's USB? I seem to remember the "virtual 256MB internal card" had that function on the T5 - but the TX doesn't have that. You would still need Card Export to "see" the SD Card - what about "internal memory," such as putting a .txt/.doc/.xls right in there without hotsynching? This is rather important to me. TealDoc will "find" any .doc files - but I'm not sure about Docs2Go unless it's on the SD Card.

    3. OS 5.4.9 with the TX is a mystery so far, I know -- but did anyone find any apps that were NOT 5.4 compatible? I think "most" worked, and even Agendus 9 is compatible now, right? So I shouldn't have any problems with TomCatalog, DateDifference or ESPECIALLY MobileDB4? Those are important to me - the others I know work or I wouldn't miss them.

    I'd appreciate any input, and I'm rather excited about this. Between an Averitec laptop from Sam's Club for $899 and this TX for $299, I'd be leaps and bounds better off - especially if the USB connector sees the T5 as a virtual drive. I know that's the case with the LD.

    4. Is the USB cable a charger as well, when connected to the PC? I;'d obviously need a car charger with USB - that's a MUST - but do you get a "charger cradle" with it or just the USB cable?

    5. Bad news regarding "Minimo" and Palm OS:

    Was hoping "Mini Firefox" would work. Rats. Are there ANY alternatives to Blazer, which apparently is REALLY ironically misnamed? Remember - I'll be "Wifi-ing" for the first time and just don't want too much "sticker shock" if it looks like an Etch-A-Sketch. I'm really considering the "permanent landscape/T3 viewing area with permanent graffiti area" as the big attraction here.

    That should do it. Based on any answers to any or all of these, I think Palm have sold a TX to an "ex-Jack SpratFlasher." Sad day in one respect - I loved "pushing the limits" with Brayder stuff!! No more smoke plumes over Southern Cal, I guess. sniff . . . . . .

    PS - spoke to Tealpoint and TealBackup should be NO PROBLEM. So there's SD Card backup. Thank God. The TealMover fix (alrady done!) was related to a Z22 "glitch," not a TX problem.
  • 05-20-2011, 11:07 AM
    asu rocks

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    Yeah, I knew the T3 was "400," but didn't want to say anything. ACTUALLY, it "honest clocks" at around 375-377 (at least mine) but it's kind of a moot point anyway since there aren't any more T3s.. You've got 312 and that's that. Yes, slower clock speed and last generatoin WiFi - but HEY!! It's built in! Good news: If Old Blue can overclock his T3, I'm sure you could tweak the Tx a tad up to say, 360 - and be roughly in the same place without damage.

    I say Old Blue and I have about 4 triple-espresso breves each, swing down and pick up Moose Man - head out on 10 East and grab Egarc - all bets are off then. We'll march in to Palm, ask for SellOut Boy himself, and ask some questions. Last one arrested's a sissy. Thank God Moose kept all those bailbondsmen phone numbers in that "contact history." Always said he was the smart one . . . . . damned Agendus. It might just save our lives!!
  • 05-20-2011, 07:38 AM
    You are being watched!

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    Just because you "can" does not mean that you "should." ... to paraphrase Jeff Goldblum in "Jurassic Park"

  • 05-19-2011, 01:57 PM
    Holly =]

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    Ouch - forgot the T3 was 400mhz. It was a screamer but not too good on battery life and I'd love to have one on the 650. Thanks Old Blue for the reminder. Let's see two years old and we are going backwards with a 312Mhz......another nail in the coffin?

    As to why the 500HP......because you can.

    Good point regarding the lack of processing capabilities as being partial driver for the lower speed of the 11g.

    Can you say Treo for Windows? Looking better all the time.

    And since Jeff Hawkins is busy working on the third market for Palm, lets see what he develops that's not either a PDA or Smartphone device and then I'll pass judgement as to the early departure of the PDA or not.
  • 05-19-2011, 12:36 PM

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    PTL, contact me when you are up in my neck of the woods. We'll grab a cup of coffee and I'll show you WiFi and internet browsing on my T3 and on my Treo. You can decide first hand about the browsing experience. Like Moose says, it's not the same as on a laptop due to the smaller screen size and resolution, but it's adequate depending upon one's needs and expectations. ... I had purchased a WiFi sled for my T3, but returned it after trying it out. Connection was not a smooth as I would have like and it was, of course, bulky. Palm's WiFi SD card is much better, in my experience, but not a cool as having WiFi built in, of course. ... Power drain was solved by getting a Palm PowerToGo sled/charger.

    Moose, the T3 uses an Intel X-Scale CPU set at 400 MHz. I have overclocked it and the CPU on my Treo 650 using "PXA Clocker" ... I can crank my 650's 312 MHz CPU up to over 420 MHz and maintain stability with all apps. Anything over that and a few apps start to get a bit quirky.

    General thought ... maybe Palm kept the WiFi at 802.11b because the through-put and processing capabilities of the Palms would not take advantage of the higher speeds of 802.11g? i.e. Why drop a 500 HP engine in a car whose transmission falls apart at 75 mph? (Probably a poor analogy, but all I can come up with after a hearty lunch.)

  • 05-19-2011, 05:44 AM

    Palm Annouces the T/X and the Z22

    Just to throw in the Uk perspective, have checked a couple of sites over here, and you can pick the TX up for a bargain ?215, which as PTL says, makes it a tempting T3 replacement.

    One questionn i have is re: Wi-fi encryption - I sold my wi-fi card for 2 reasons: pants battery life on the t3, and lack of WPA encryption. Has anybody seen anything to suggest that the TX supports WPA, instead of just WEP?

    My home network is wpa protected, so don't see why i should lower security just to use my pda! Of course, if the xbox 360 doesn't support WPA i'd clearly change my mind.
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