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  • 07-09-2011, 06:37 AM
    The Racing Sniper

    Family Guy - "Stew-Roids" - Talkback [4/26]

    You know what, even I've grown weary of defending Meg Griffin. After seeing the reruns of Family Guy on Adult Swim these past few nights, I've come to the conlusion that you guys are right: Meg is a lame, uninteresting character. She's the Zeppo Marx of the Griffin family and the time to have "fixed" her character has long since past. The time to done something to improve Meg's role on FG was before the series was un-canceled.

    The only solution that I see for the Meg situation now is to simply remove Meg from the show and replace her with a cute, interesting, funny teenage duaghter character.
  • 07-09-2011, 06:35 AM
    Katie skaterbabe

    Family Guy - "Stew-Roids" - Talkback [4/26]

    "I flew today."

    I think this is possibly one of the best episodes of Family Guy to date. I'm dead serious.

    Notice how Brian only had a small speaking role?
  • 07-09-2011, 06:32 AM

    Family Guy - "Stew-Roids" - Talkback [4/26]

    That Spike TV jab was awesome

    so much potential wasted...
  • 06-18-2011, 01:11 PM
    Lizzie G

    Family Guy - "Stew-Roids" - Talkback [4/26]

    This was a pretty good episode. My only problem was they spent more time on the Meg/Chris/Connie plot then they did on the Stew-Roid plot. So really the Stewie plot was the B-plot and I think it would've reached full potential as the A-plot.
  • 06-18-2011, 02:22 AM

    Family Guy - "Stew-Roids" - Talkback [4/26]

    people forget that she Joe's daughter
  • 06-17-2011, 03:39 PM

    Family Guy - "Stew-Roids" - Talkback [4/26]

    I'm a bit surprised how many pages one episode can get.
  • 06-17-2011, 02:24 PM
    Raymond 007

    Family Guy - "Stew-Roids" - Talkback [4/26]

    The setup for the horse joke was Peter commenting on his hunger by saying he could eat a horse. Eating is a slang term for performing cunnilingus. The setup for the Flintstone gag was someone(Stewie I think) saying something smells like Fred Flintstone's rear end. Fred's response was "Hey, you don't have to smell it." I don't know why that's funny, it just is.
  • 06-17-2011, 02:42 AM

    Family Guy - "Stew-Roids" - Talkback [4/26]

    That's kind of a huge problem I had with this episode: continuity or not, if someone arranged to have meat thrown at me, I wouldn't want to be their friend. Instead, I would arrange a series of 'accidents' for that person, each one more dangerous than the last.

    Note to FG writers: if you do use this for a future Meg episode and not credit me, I will sue the bloody lot of you.
  • 06-16-2011, 10:26 AM

    Family Guy - "Stew-Roids" - Talkback [4/26]

    Sometimes they streach a joke way too long, call me blasformest to say this, but one of the Chicken fights is an example of that.
  • 06-15-2011, 01:44 PM

    Family Guy - "Stew-Roids" - Talkback [4/26]

    Saw it yesterday, loved it. There were alot of good parts.

    Episode Highlights:

    * Bonnie+ Lois+ sunscreen =YES
    -Especially when Quagmire watched them through the fence
    * Johnson & Johnson is evil?
    * Stewie getting pwned by Susie
    * Fred Flinstone gag ("HEY! Noone said you had to smell it.")
    * Connie hates HSM? Nice.
    * SpikeTV in a nutshell.
    * Peter giving Stewie steroids FTW! ("I HAVE THE POWER!!" Also He-Man refrence also FTW)
    * Chris sharing his feelings about Connie...aww.
    * "UHP!!"
    * That trumpet getting louder
    * Meg confronting Connie
    * "What are ya looking at?! It's a cartoon!"
    * The seagull watching the Sandler movie
    * Stewie flying a la Rocky and Bullwinkle (even though I saw that gag coming from a mile )
    * "I flew today."

    Awesome episode. 8.5/10
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