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  • 07-06-2011, 03:29 AM

    This list

    I was talking to Tom about the Dai Won and Shin Won info he found actually. But I will agree that it should be on Google Groups.
  • 07-05-2011, 11:34 AM
    Dollar Bill

    This list

    A list like this really belongs on Google Groups (rec.arts.animation). We can fix it :-)

    Bing has the cached page:
  • 07-04-2011, 01:23 PM

    This list

    Oh and Tom, mind if you give me links to this info? I cannot seem to find it.
  • 07-03-2011, 02:04 PM
    Petite Priincess

    This list

    Figured I'd ask as, to me at least, Bakugan, some episodes of Ranma 1/2, You're Under Arrest and some of Sunrise's shows (as well as the openings for most of Kyoto Animation's shows *Lucky Star and K-ON's first season in particular*) look like they had Akom as a subcontractor due to them moving either fluidly like the Simpsons Movie or moving like a somewhat better Hanna Barbara show like Transformers G1 or X-Men. (At this point, I'm kinda not surprised that they didn't work on an Anime, though it would be amusing to laugh at).

    And no, I'm am not confusing this with Batman: The Animated series in which Akom did work with Sunrise (Which, to the extent of my knowlage, Bruce Timm fired both of them). As they both worked on different episodes (However, The Cat and the Claw was a Sunrise/Akom outing, doing parts 1 & 2 respectively)

    Oh Yeah, another thing I discovered about Akom is that they worked on the opening titles of the Marvel movie Mosaic (Mook handled the film proper) But I never noticed it on the list in question (I only saw Mook, no sign of Akom).

    Oh and about the whole Toei thing, I wasn't directly referring to your post, I was just pointing out an error on the list.
  • 07-03-2011, 11:05 AM

    This list

    I wasn't saying Toei was involved with Inspector Gadget. Nobody ever suggested that Toei might have been involved. I was using that show as an example of how many different subcontractors could be involved in a Japanese anime, especially a series with a large number of episodes.

    No. Akom was almost exclusively a subcontractor for Western studios, never Japanese ones.
  • 07-03-2011, 01:06 AM

    This list

    Yes, I do know that animation was subcontracted to AIC and Cuckoo's Nest/Wang at times in Inspector Gadget (and Ink and Paint to Sunrise), but I never, at one point saw Toei's name on the credits. That'd probably be an error there.

    Also, did Akom work on Animes? I as since some animation in certain ones look like it.
  • 07-03-2011, 01:00 AM

    This list

    Well, Dai Won's website specifically mentions Transformers and G.I. Joe in their history. And I used Internet Archive to look up the old website of another company, Grimi, who had formerly been known as Shin Won; they also mentioned having worked on Transformers, G.I. Joe, and Jem. Since Akom wasn't involved with G.I. Joe or Jem, and since Shin Won also worked on Toei shows like Galaxy Express 999, it would make sense if Shin Won had worked on G.I. Joe and Jem as an outsource studio for Toei (rather than directly receiving work from Marvel). That would explain why only Toei and Akom are ever mentioned by the American crew, since they would have been the only studios that Marvel directly dealt with.

    Season 1 of G.I. Joe had 55 episodes; not only is that a lot, but Toei was working on lots of other stuff at the same time. As was/is usual in the Japanese animation industry, they outsourced work to smaller studios (read the end credits of season 1 of Inspector Gadget), and Toei was one of the earlier Japanese studios to send work to Korea. (On Japanese anime, these studios would actually be credited sometimes, with their Korean names written out in kanji.)

    Not everything is mentioned on that site; not everything is mentioned on any website.
  • 07-02-2011, 02:24 PM

    This list

    Then I guess it does. But there is still no sign of either the Filipino studio (for obvious reasons) and TMS listed there.

    But then again, who's to say that those Sei Young and Dai Won employies also didn't work at Akom?
  • 07-02-2011, 07:57 AM

    This list

    Sei Young and Dai Won often did subcontract work for Toei. Some people who worked at those studios mention Transformers and G.I. Joe on their resumes on the Korean Movie Database. I think that's where the info comes from...

    Toei, of course, was the main animation studio for TF and Joe, so it makes perfect sense...
  • 07-01-2011, 08:08 PM

    This list

    I was looking at this list of animated shows: http://digidownload.libero.it/dottor...roduction1.htm. And noticed a bunch of errors in it (The multiple personality disorder of Wang Film Productions* aside):

    First of the bat, there' not too many mentions of TMS working on a show (Inspector Gadget, Transformers G1 and The Real Ghostbusters primarily)

    Many shows are credited to the wrong studio (Rescue Heroes was Akom, not one of the many names of Wang and Road Rovers didn't have Akom for instance *unless I'm wrong*)

    More then once have I seen a studio given a credit to a show that they haven't worked on (G1 for instance had Toei and Akom, but also had Sei Young and Dai Won, two studios that lack evidence of even working on the series(At least TMS has the fandom to back upon). Not only that, but there were shows that were animated domestically or just by one studio (H-B and Wang *or Toei, Mr. Big Cartoons, Mook and Fil-Cartoons depending on series*))

    But I will give it an A for effort at least. Only because It tries to list every animated show done though overseas work.

    If you think this was a rant, I do apologize, but it's just full of glaring innacuacies that I'd thought I'd address.

    Anyways, your thoughts on the matter can be posted underneath (obviously). Also, can anyone mirror this to the Disney, Anime and Warner forums, it has stuff pertaining to them (Halo Legends, Ducktales, Animaniacs, etc.)

    *Wang is listed under many names on the site (Cuckoo's Nest, Hong Guang and Thai Wang *that being the Shanghai sud-division of Wang, but still*) But either way you cut it, Wang is Wang.

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