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  • 07-03-2011, 07:44 PM

    iPhone 4 vs. Nexus One

    I might actually be the only one on the planet who will say this, but i actually like the trackball! Its easier then using the microscope thing that iOS has for selecting where you want to put your cursor. Either way, it looks like its in the correct place, and its not in the way of anything.
  • 07-03-2011, 09:42 AM
    B x

    iPhone 4 vs. Nexus One

    At least on my old Nexus One, just scrolling through the homescreens was faster. 3GS vs. Android 2.1
  • 07-03-2011, 04:33 AM
    Kyaw Soe O

    iPhone 4 vs. Nexus One

    Actually, iPhone 3GS was never faster than the Nexus One on its original Android 2.1. Much less compared to Froyo.

    Furthermore Android 2.1 on some handsets like the Samsung Galaxy S and HTC Desire feels faster than the Nexus One due to localized driver optimizations.
  • 07-02-2011, 06:03 PM

    iPhone 4 vs. Nexus One

    Works better; but is it useful? The only reason it "works better" because a lot of functionality has been stripped away.

    I'm sorry, but aside from the apps, the operating system that the iPhone uses is really boring and dull. And there isn't much that you can do with it. I feel like even some of the Android apps on Nexus One are far superior in functionality than the same ones on for iOS, even though Apple is known for their apps. The apps might not be prettier, but they're far more usable.
  • 07-02-2011, 04:05 PM

    iPhone 4 vs. Nexus One

    Actually I just did . Got a new one so I can return for a refund if I don't want it! I'm sure I will tho. Loved my old n1, I just got money happy when the latest and greatest comes out (iP4)
  • 07-02-2011, 06:44 AM
    !a??? ADD ME a???!

    iPhone 4 vs. Nexus One

    What's the hold up? Sell the iP4 for a decent profit and buy the N1!
  • 07-01-2011, 01:48 PM

    iPhone 4 vs. Nexus One

    Not a day goes where i havent considered dropping my iPhone 4 for a Nexus/Desire. :-/
  • 06-30-2011, 05:39 PM

    iPhone 4 vs. Nexus One

    One thing I noticed about those who think the Iphone 3gs/4g is speedier than the N1 is that......they never actually use Custom ROM N1 from XDA developer. no point beating the dead horse.
  • 06-29-2011, 06:26 PM
    Monica D

    iPhone 4 vs. Nexus One

    Zipping through homescreens faster on an iPhone? That's nonsense. Android does it faster, not just matching the iPhone in terms of screen speed and touch sensitivity, but also able to hit to the center screen with the home screen button, or the ability to display all screens at once and go to which one you want.
  • 06-28-2011, 08:46 PM

    iPhone 4 vs. Nexus One

    Personally, it just depends what you like. in terms of media, iPhone wins hands down right now. There are apps that let you sync your itunes library with your Nexus One but it's still not the same as with the iPhone. As far a usability, customization, and openness, Nexus One is far ahead of the iPhone. It really just comes down to your personal preference in the end. For myself, Android does exactly what I need, and yes I have used an iPhone, several times actualyl and owning it twice, and Android is just a friendlier experience. It's best to say what you want in a phone and honeslty finding friends that have them so that you can see which suits you best

    that's a personal taste really, just depends how you like it.
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