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  • 08-13-2011, 06:18 PM
    Mr Wolf (I block no one)
    Right-wingers are so easy to manipulate it’s not funny. Big Business is posting record profits, sitting on record assets and giving out record bonuses while economic growth is at a stand still. The Republican solution to the problem is to let Big Business know if conditions don’t change they will get more tax breaks and deregulation so that their profits will go even higher.
  • 08-12-2011, 08:35 AM
    The Lie does not Fly ...you must acquit.....

    If it weren't for the Internet boom this slump would have much earlier..The jobs went overseas..Who you kidding...Any Lie for a Vote.

    "Con's Fuzzy numbers"...oh you so funny.
  • 08-08-2011, 06:05 AM
    The American dream is not dead but they have to wake up from this nightmare web of lies that Obama and his czars are spinning .
  • 08-07-2011, 01:08 AM
    B x
    liberals do not accept numbers and facts, they go with there pasion and how it feels right,
  • 07-29-2011, 05:58 AM
    You just keep thinking that way, Sunshine....what you DON'T seem to quite grasp is that while America's conservatives have been moaning and complaining about "economic collapse", your nation continues to be invaded by LEGAL immigrants (like me!) who are doing VERY well during this recovery you view as so anemic!

    I'll take forty more years just like the last four!

    Dow under George W Bush; 10,860 DOWN to 8,279 (-23.7%)

    Dow under Obama so far; 8,279 to 12,657 (up 52.9%) as of Friday…
  • 07-29-2011, 05:58 AM
    NOpublican's in 2012
    We love America . Why do conservatives hate America and try to turn everything into doom and gloom. 91.8% of americans are employed . Times are tuff a lot of thing contributed to this recession its not going to change overnight
  • 07-29-2011, 05:58 AM
    They could be a lot better if Republicans actually gave a dang about jobs, the economy, or the American people.

    Republicans say no to help for small businesses

    Republicans kill jobs bill

    Republicans block bill designed to prevent jobs from moving overseas, and to help move our jobs back home

    Republicans say no to teachers, firefighters and police, & no to closing tax loopholes that help send our jobs overseas

    Republicans block Wall Street financial reform bill

    Republicans are sending billions in green energy investments to China, Europe instead of US

    Republicans say no to making college more affordable

    Republicans block campaign transparency disclosure act

    Republicans kill fair pay for women bill

    Republicans block unemployment benefits

  • 07-27-2011, 06:01 AM
    Tea Party 2012
    Most jobs lost were government jobs
  • 07-23-2011, 10:20 PM
    Because the american dream has been dead for a long time, Republicans are just too afraid to admit it.
  • 07-20-2011, 05:58 AM
    Liberals Fail

    why do liberals try to gloss over the job numbers they are horrific the american

    dream is dead? you have to have 100,000 jobs created just to keep up with population growth 14 million Americans are un employeed and have been longer than any other recession. This is the longest deepest recovery ever. Also the last 2 jobs reports had to be revised downward -44,000 jobs. Making 18,000 jobs a month when 100,000 new people are coming into the work force is not a recovery is a disaster waiting to happen.
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