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  • 08-13-2011, 07:28 PM
    Lawn Gnome
    The Divine Comedy is a great book. Dante only lived like 21 years, and wrote that masterpiece that still confounds and alarms people to this day, we are and we are not, at the same instance brilliant idiots.
  • 08-13-2011, 07:27 PM
    The bible is all make believe, so why can't dante's inferno build upon the fairy tale?
  • 08-13-2011, 07:26 PM
    No, no 9 circles of hell. That came directly from Dante's Inferno...
  • 08-13-2011, 07:26 PM
    It is not in the Bible.
  • 08-13-2011, 06:23 PM
    The teaching of Hellfire is taught so wrong.
    It does not go along with what the Bible teaches.
    Think of this say you are a Parent, and you have a child and he does something wrong,
    would you put your kid in an oven at all, but just to torture him.
    That doesn't make any sense, people would see you as a cruel and insane parent.
    "The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one."-1 John 5:19.
    This world is full of churches controlled by Satan the Devil. He wants people to have
    a bitter attitude about God. He wants people to see God as someone to be feared, or as someone who tortures and makes his people suffer, someone cruel. These are lies about God.
    God is love. He is a lover of justice, and peace.
    He would never torture or make his people suffer.
    Hell is mankind's common grave. So when we all die, we all are in hell.
    But we don't feel, or come back, we don't go anywhere. We are just simply dead.
    The Fires mentioned in the Bible are figurative for death and destruction.
    No one is going to be tortured in a Fiery pit.
    Jehovah is abundant in mercy and loving-kindness. He would never do that.
    It just doesn't make sense.

    Many false churches teach this to many, when really this teaching originated from
    Pagan or Satan-worshipping religions. Why they accepted or tolerated this teaching, who knows?
    I don't remember why they are still teaching this garbage. There's a lot of garbage being taught in churches.
    The Bible can really help you to understand the truth about God and the truth about life.
    Best Wishes
  • 08-13-2011, 06:23 PM
    Biker for Life
    It's made up.
  • 08-13-2011, 06:22 PM
    Dante made up all kinds of iconography that has been usurped by the superstitions of the common people and exploited by the church, none of which is reflective of anything in The Bible.

    #1 on Cracked.com's list of "5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In The Bible" explains further:
  • 08-09-2011, 11:45 PM
    !brooke ?'s mcr!

    Does the Bible mention 9 circles of hell, or did Dante's Inferno make it up?

    Did they make it up for the Divine Comedy or does the bible really mention 9 circles of hell? (Also, should I read that instead of jist playing Dante's Inferno to get the whole experience lol)

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