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  • 09-08-2011, 05:15 PM

    Wanderlust [Carter&Serena] #49: I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places that this heart of mine embraces

    Welcome to the 49th
    Serena & Carter
    Appreciation Thread

    [ van der WooRABen | Baizen ]

    wanderlust: a strong, innate desire to rove or travel about
    {they wander ; they lust}

    CeCe: Did you already know each other?
    Carter: Actually we used to go to school together, just a couple years apart. Hi, I’m Carter.

    CeCe: Carter saw the error of his wayward ways and he rose like a Pheonix from the ashes, Serena.
    Serena: Yes, I see that grandma
    Carter: I mean, they weren’t all errors, but..*wink*


    1. ~AIR~
    2. Mirella
    3. MPGirl
    4. sapphire_red
    5. Kiss of Death
    6. jhlover
    7. NBalways
    8. Redlight-Electr0
    9. natural_disaster
    10. andbreatheme
    11. cutie_pie04
    12. coconut16
    13. Queen Bee
    14. Serenachan
    15. creativesouls
    16. earnshaw
    17. makry
    18. MoneyHoney
    19. annablake
    20. MotherChucker
    21. Alexa
    22. sofiab
    23. BrucasEndGame
    24. redHill
    25. blue sky blues
    26. Icey_
    27. BlueEyes0006
    28. greeneyeswe3tie
    29. ~Amarula~
    30. gems81
    31. grumpyloveschuck
    32. BunnySlippers232
    33. mesmerized
    34. How-very-girl629
    35. Liz01
    36. Nerenafan
    37. angel_wings05
    38. *Scarlett*
    39. retro physical
    40. Laurababora
    41. QTPie41184
    42. TheMusicLives
    43. Cathangel
    44. Hopeless_Romantic
    45. sendtherain
    46. satisfy the crave
    47. quin611
    48. marian16ro
    50. B.Charabers
    51. Carlie06
    52. sillyflower189
    53. Arquellania
    54. dorkfacelamer23
    55. Daydreamer09
    56. ~-Sarah-~
    57. theresadawn
    58. Burning Up A Sun
    59. SergeantPepper
    60. bellagrey13
    61. FrenchGirl90210
    62. obsessed_aussie
    63. ~Lexie~
    64. iLoveChair
    65. breaking silence
    66. in.rainbows
    67. iSmitchie
    68. eternal sunshine
    69. arakha
    70. memory91
    just ask to be added!

    Honorary Shippers

    Buffy Summers
    Veronica Mars
    Lady Gaga
    Florence Welch
    Rose Tyler
    Chloe Sullivan
    Luna Lovegood
    Harry Potter
    My Little Pony
    Barney Stinson
    Charlie Pace
    Claire Littleton
    Jackie Burkhart
    Annie Edison aka Psycho
    Eric van der WooRABen

    "Hey Beautiful. What's Wrong?"

    Let me see that. There you go.

    Serena: Oh, I’m so sorry. I know this is not what you signed up for.
    Carter: It’s ok. It doesn’t hurt nearly as bad as waking up that
    morning in Santorini and finding you jumped on a boat.

    Serena: Yeah, um, that night wasn’t exactly what I signed up for either.
    The whole thing caught me a bit by surprise.

    Carter: You wouldn't.
    Serena: I would. But I won’t if you leave town now, alone.
    Carter: There are a few things I could hold over your head from that trip.
    But consider us even.

    "Where are you headed, Beautiful?"

    I was in the neigrabroadorhood You can't avoid me forever.

    Carter: What do you say to a weekend of room service and white fluffy robes?
    Serena: Can you afford a hotel? I thought you're parents cut you off.
    Carter: When there's a white fluffy robe there's a way.

    Carter: You’d make a terrible poker player.
    Carter: I'm no saint, Serena. If you're lookin' for the first excuse to bolt, trust me,
    you're gonna find one. For my sake, I figured, sooner was better than later.
    Serena: I'm not looking for an excuse anymore.
    Carter: Who says the offer's still on the table?
    Serena: Now who’d make a terrible poker player?

    Serena: I missed you.
    Carter: Yeah, you showed me just how much when I got in last night.

    1x10 | they weren't all errors
    1x10 | you'd jumped on a boat
    2x19 | you wouldn't. I would.
    2x25 | you know you can't lose me for long
    3x01 | i would have stayed all summer with you
    3x02 | i don't want anyone else; i want you
    3x03 | you'd make a terrible poker player
    3x05 | i really do care about you. so much
    3x06 | i have to go. no, please

    anywhere you wish | coconut16
    the clouRAB opened for us | sofiab
    enigmatic | coconut16
    find a map and draw a straight line | Sybella
    i'll be fine, just love me when you can | mystripeRABkirt
    not all those who wander are lost | jada jasmine
    one night in santorini |angelicelegance
    pictures of me and you | MPGirl
    strawberry kisses and orange trees | sofiab
    when did we begin, we'll never end | ColtLady
    younger now than we were before | coconut16
    around the world and back again | sendtherain
    through the looking glass | sendtherain
    admirable | coconut16
    inkdrops | coconut16
    i'll stay | smc-27
    in this world we're just beginning | coconut16
    feeling a moment | liason 409
    mercy | coconut16
    take a walk with me | Perfectly Lovely
    these current are still killing me | dreamgurl

    supposed to pretend
    the world at large
    i can't stay away
    she's a lady
    dance wiv me
    strange and beautiful
    ladies shouldn't be messed with (gossip girl)
    put down your blazing gun
    tonight i will love you forever
    oh! Forever
    the way you love me
    god damn you're beautiful
    never say never - carter/serena
    how you love me now
    feeling a moment
    stars and boulevarRAB
    i wanna
    miles from where you are
    i shoot for the sky; i'm stuck on the ground

    1. Because he cares about her. So much.
    2. Because it's not the same with her.
    3. Because there's a reason she always comes back to him.
    4. Because he's not her bad habit.
    5. Because they're freakin' hot as hell!
    6. Because he was there for her and she can trust him.
    7. Because she doesn't want anyone else. She wants him.
    8. Because he's her secret keeper.
    9. Because "Hey Beautiful."
    10. Because She's not looking for a way out.
    11. Because its a relationship of true equals.
    12. Because What? Serena can date someone who accepts her?!? That's crazy.
    13. Because they both look gorgeous in formal wear.
    14. Because He must really care about you.
    15. Because they're all happy and domestic.
    16. Because Sebastian has to become a regular.
    17. Because, "Who the hell is he not to want you?"
    18. Because they both have terrible poker faces.
    19. Because Carter's Serena Smile = most adorable thing ever.
    20. Because Serena will stand up to her BRAB over him.
    21. Because he looks at her like no one else does.
    22. Because girls like Serena end up with the Carters of the world.
    23. Because he hates waking up without her there.
    24. Because he would have stayed all summer with her.
    25. Because she begged him to stay.
    26. Because he’s a devoted lover.
    27. Because he’s the one who understanRAB why she has to find her father.
    28. Because he’s the best jackpot ever.
    29. Because the whole thing caught them by surprise.
    30. Because she’s Carter’s girl.

    ▌Favorite Moments

    Carter: Serena.
    Serena: Carter. Aren’t you supposed to be in Dubai?
    Carter:You know you can’t lose me for long, where are you headed?
    Serena: Everywhere.
    Carter: I have something you might want to know before you go.
    Serena: I hope it doesn’t have to with Blair?
    Carter: No it has to do with you, about Santorini, what you were looking for there.

    "Get in, let’s go."

    At this point of the Carter-Serena journey what pleases the most and
    what makes me crave for more is what I still don’t know. I know that
    Serena is completely awesome around Carter and I know that Carter
    would do anything for her, but I still want to know how it all started;
    where that special bond comes from, why they have such an impact
    on each other’s lives.
    It’s unusual for a couple to have this so subtle and deep build-up; that
    alone makes them so utterly special and unique. They’re not
    one-dimensional; on the contrary: we’ve seen their good and their bad
    sides with no interference of third parties to excuse their faults or
    amplify their qualities.
    With a handful of episodes Carter has become my co-favorite GG
    character together with Serena, so this equation: Carter + Serena=the
    reason I watch GG. I adore them and I want more of them. -sofiab

    "You came."
    Serena:….it doesn’t matter, you can stay.
    Carter: I didn’t ask for you to save me.
    Serena: I wanted to.
    Carter: Serena, this was my debt to settle not yours. And if that means I have to go work-
    Serena: Work on an oil rig? Carter I wasn’t gonna allow that to happen. You have nothing to prove to the Buckleys.
    Carter:I wasn’t proving it to them. I was proving it to you. To myself.
    I wanted to take responsibility for what I did.
    Carter: I have to go.
    Serena: No.
    Carter: I saw the way you looked at me at the wedding, and I see the way you’re looking at me now.
    I think I’d rather have you hate me than feel sorry for me.


    Why do I love Carter and Serena? They just fit together so perfectly.
    In the six episodes that we got in season three, they had so much
    development. Their scenes were deep and emotional but fun and flirty.
    I could tell that Carter genuinely cared about Serena and wanted to
    help her find her dad. He knew Serena was too good for her father's
    time, but he wanted to help her, he understood her. And Serena was
    so grateful for that. There's something between Carter and Serena
    that makes them always come back to each other. I believe, even if
    GG doesn't put CaS together by the end of the series, that one day,
    they'll find their way back to each other and spend their lives traveling
    the world. Together and happy. -retro physical

    Carter: Are you ok?
    Serena: Will you just leave? Please, I need some time.
    Carter: Just so you know, I told you what I told you because it’s not the same with you.
    I really do care about you, Serena. So much.

    I love these two for about a million and one reasons and the list keeps
    on growing..Where to start? Chemistry! Chemistry is always an
    important factor and Carter and Serena have chemistry out the wazoo.
    I think Blake's acting is at her absolute best when working opposite
    Sebastian. It's clear they're comfortable together and they literally
    sparkle together. I find it impossible to tear myself away from the tv
    when they're on my screen, working their magic. I love how Carter
    seems to know her like nobody else does. I love how genuinely in love
    with her he isand I love that he left to prove not only to her but to
    himself that he can be a guy who deserves her heart. As for Serena,I
    love how she confided in him. I love the way she lights up around him
    and the way she can always be herself with him.I can't imagine either
    one with anyone else. To me these two are IT. No matter who comes
    into their lives or who they love, nobody can ever diminish or come
    close to touching what they had.They are simply the best. -angel_wings05

    Carter: What do want, Serena?
    Serena: There’s a reason I always come back to you, Carter.
    And it's not because you’re my bad habit.
    Carter: What then?
    Serena: You’re the only one who understood why I needed to find my father.
    You were there for me. You were there for me during all of that and I trust you.
    Carter: Anyone would have done the same thing.
    Serena: No, they wouldn’t have. And I don’t want anyone else. I want you.

    Hey, Beautiful. Where are you headed?
    This is the essence of Carter and Serena and this is how I write them.
    In a piece I began writing about them last summer I had Carter tell
    Serena this about herself, and how they were so similar to each other:
    "You can’t be tied down, and you shouldn’t have to be. You should be
    able to do what you want, when you want, and most importantly,
    where you want. You can’t live according to what is expected of you or
    stop yourself from leaving everything in your life behind in search of
    something more, something in the world worthy of you besides
    skyscrapers and fifth avenue brunch benefits."
    Somehow Carter and Serena's pasts are linked. Someway, they keep
    finding one another. They are kindred spirits, wandering souls,
    carefree, and yet somewhat broken people.
    But when they find each other, they are home. -~AIR~

    Carter: Figured you weren’t planning on riding all the way back to the city.
    Serena: Why won’t you leave me alone, Carter? You’re not my boyfriend.
    Carter: No, but I seem to be the only one you tell your secrets to.
    Serena: Well I guess that was a mistake.

    Carter: ...Serena, what if your dad didn’t wanna see you, who cares?
    Who the hell is he not to want you?
    I would have stayed all summer, with you.

    But after that you ditched me and ran again.

    To be continued...
    Previous ThreaRAB• •• •

  • 09-08-2011, 08:14 AM

    Wanderlust [Carter&Serena] #49: I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places that this heart of mine embraces

    their last scene was heartbreaking. what a way to go

    Yeah let's all be good and sleep :lol:

    And revive the thread another night when I refuse to do anything productive!
  • 09-08-2011, 04:22 AM

    Wanderlust [Carter&Serena] #49: I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places that this heart of mine embraces


    TFTNT! :hug:

    Posting this for Angela so she can die of cuteness...

    “When I have bad days, I just eat lots of chocolate ice cream and dance to The Lion King soundtrack,” she revealed. “It’s really odd, but it’s true.”

    Quote from Blake that I just read on Just Jared!

    She is so adorable! :lol: :love:
  • 09-07-2011, 05:16 PM

    Wanderlust [Carter&Serena] #49: I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places that this heart of mine embraces

    :yay: Thanks for the new thread!

    :thud: I'm dying with all those CaS kisses! I just love that 2nd kiss so much, I don't know why.

    Gah I miss them!
  • 09-07-2011, 01:57 PM

    Wanderlust [Carter&Serena] #49: I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places that this heart of mine embraces

    hahahaha oh god I want to be her best friend. :lmao:

    I also kind of hope she dances to the Stuntin' Like Mufasa mashup, because I do that!
  • 09-07-2011, 01:35 PM

    Wanderlust [Carter&Serena] #49: I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places that this heart of mine embraces

    OMG. She's so cute. :in_love:

    Can I just be her best friend please? Cause I also love chocolate and the Lion King. :rotfl:
  • 09-07-2011, 04:41 AM

    Wanderlust [Carter&Serena] #49: I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places that this heart of mine embraces

    I know! I want to be her best friend, too!

    I'm also loving that she's BRAB with Florence!!! :yay: :in_love:
  • 09-06-2011, 11:10 PM

    Wanderlust [Carter&Serena] #49: I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places that this heart of mine embraces

    Me too!:sigh: Which is probably why I have a soft spot for Serena. :lol: If the girl was written right, she'd be like my spirit animal. :lmao:

    :yay: Thats so awesome. I can't even imagine how great that must have felt.
    I can only relate it to when my short play was performed in my town's theater, and that was like...one of the most amazing experiences of my life. :lol:
  • 09-06-2011, 09:34 PM

    Wanderlust [Carter&Serena] #49: I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places that this heart of mine embraces


    Agree agree!

    Also I might make new art for the 50th thread...just cause! Or just use this for the banner and redo the top moments

  • 09-06-2011, 09:00 PM

    Wanderlust [Carter&Serena] #49: I'll be seeing you in all the old familiar places that this heart of mine embraces

    Hey guys! It’s been ages since I’ve been here

    Aww, all those kisses! I miss them so much. I still hope for Carter to show up in the last episode of the show and take Serena with him.
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