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  • 10-25-2011, 03:09 AM

    Book about a girl whose family is killed because They are Jewish?

    I read this book in 7th grade. It's a small short book probably like a hundred pages but the pages were very short. They live in like a civilization from the past I wanna say it's like you would imagine early greece while reading it... I think the Main girl was like 13 or 14 and her bestfriend turns on her and gets her family killed saying that they're Jews. And then the parents go to court and won't eat a pig or something? & so they are sentenced to death. In the story the main character doesn't even know she's jewish because the family knows it's illegal so they never tell her but they still practice and so the girl is still considered guilty. So they get killed. But the girl makes it out with this boy that she falls for and he takes her in a boat to like another land.

    The reason the friend got mad at the main character and turned on the main character was because she (the main character) liked the friends future husband (i'm pretty sure the friends cousin) and the guy liked her back. Also near the end The grandmother is going with her right before they leave and they go bathe in this pond thing that's like ancient because it's like a family ritual or something. This book had a orange/gold/shiny cover. (I know all the covers aren't the same but still)

    Characters (roles to help)
    Main character (girl)
    Best friend who turns them in
    Best friends cousin (boy who likes the main character)
    Grandma & grandpa
    Mom & dad
    And a brother

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