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  • 12-18-2011, 08:23 AM

    Should I take an allergy medicine year-round if I only get really sick sporadically?

    I'm suffering from allergies right now... my eyes are watery, my face hurts because I'm so congested, throat itches, sneezing all day, all that good stuff. I've taken ibuprofen to help with the sore throat, and a Claritin when I woke up, rubbed Vicks on my chest to try and clear some of this congestion. NOTHING IS WORKING!

    I'm wondering if it would be worth it (also, would it be harmful?) to take a 24-hour allergy medicine every morning to prevent myself from getting to this point again. I usually only get sick like this MAYBE three times a year (usually spring and winter) but I also have sensitive skin and if someone is wearing a lot of perfume I'll sneeze and get stopped up for a little bit, so I'm thinking the antihistamines would still be helpful, plus when allergy season rolls around I won't get sick like this again.

    So what do you other allergy sufferers suggest?

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