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  • 01-25-2012, 01:09 AM

    B&A: Does anyone know a good title for my story?

    I'd like to say more about the plot but I don't really feel like putting it up on a website, but there's not much I can say without giving things away, so I'll just wrap it up ambiguously;

    At a young age, the protagonist willingly gave her DNA to the researchers after being convinced by them that her DNA will be used to help ill children. However, this was all a ruse to obtain her DNA to produce military clones, and she's left unaware of it.

    The story focuses on the ordeals of the main protagonist after discovering the existence of a terrifying science experiment where clones of hers are killed. Clearly troubled by the ruthless events unraveling before her eyes, she starts to personally raid the facilities to halt the project. The protagonist then breaks down completely when she discovers that the clones she's dying to save are mostly accepting their cruel fates, saying they're created just to be killed. The protagonist, who has once seen herself as an idealist who would uphold ideals, descends further into a dark place and gets swallowed up by negativity.

    And also, there are hints scattered throughout the story hinting a possible future conflict and in later events of the story, it is revealed that the experiment was meant to fail from the start even without the interventions of the protagonist as the higher-ups need the clones alive for greater goals.

    Yes, the protagonist is, indeed, a tragic heroine, just in case you're wondering.

    I've written twenty-two chapters of this story I'm working on, I'm currently writing Chapter 23 as we speak, but I couldn't think of anything interesting for the story's title! I would prefer an original and simple title that sums up the whole story, but I just can't find the right word >_> Does anyone have any good suggestions? Thank you~

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