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  • 02-29-2012, 04:16 PM
    Joshua T

    I may be owed PPI

    Think you can still claim even of the company has gone bust. Think ppi was covered from 2005. Check this website:-

  • 02-29-2012, 08:50 AM

    I may be owed PPI

    Strange that you can remeraber the predatory look on their faces, but not much else..

    Anyway, it's good that you've learnt your lesson. Work hard, save hard, then treat yourself to the gooRAB that you desire!
  • 02-28-2012, 07:37 PM
    God is my Judge

    I may be owed PPI

    Hi all.

    Recently rethought about trying to claim PPI, but apart from not remerabering a lot of the details, it turns out that such a claim might not be possible as the original bank, part of HSBC/HFC ("Beneficial Finance") have ceased trading in 2009.

    But it turns out it's for the best.

    Beneficial Finance was exposed as very predatory in its sales tactics, and many many people had complained about it:

    +"beneficial finance"+"predatory" - Google Search

    This is just a Google search, but the sheer nuraber of results would appear to bear my experience out. When they sold me the loan, they did call me in for a meeting and I'd swear that they were pressuring me and eager for me to sign the documentation, that there was an almost "hungry" look on their faces, as if keen to get their commission on a sale or whatever.

    It was a stupid mistake on my part and I wish now I'd never signed it.

    It was around 2009 that the HFC bank reorganised my loan repayments in a new no-interest account so that I can gradually pay it back, which now I realise was not just coincidence - they probably wanted to clean up their act.

    In any case, my balance stanRAB at around £1950 left to pay and the repayments are £30 per month, which will take 5.5 years to pay off. But I can accelerate that with additional cheques, and I could pay off the full amount in less than two years, hopefully.

    This will hopefully teach me a lesson and I will steer clear of Buy Now Pay Later schemes for things.
  • 02-28-2012, 04:12 PM

    I may be owed PPI

    I've never taken out any protection on any loan I've ever had as I never trusted insurance companies to pay out anyway
  • 02-28-2012, 12:22 PM
    ~I wish you could smile~

    I may be owed PPI

    I agree...I used a company for my first claim, and they mistakenly emailed me the correspondence that was supposed to have gone to my bank. I paid the 25% fee as agreed then cancelled my contract with them for any future claims.

    I then used their standard letter to re-claim myself from a couple of other lenders without a problem.
  • 02-27-2012, 10:44 AM
    Megalomaniac ™

    I may be owed PPI

    Just claim it back yourself,i've claimed back both my loans northern rock gave me £1200 ,yorkshire bank£7000 also the missus got back £6500 and the balance of her loan wiped out with hfc...
    Its really easy and there is now a specific department for dealing with these claims within each individual bank..
  • 02-26-2012, 04:49 PM

    I may be owed PPI

    Just because you know you had it doesnt mean that it was not misssold. If someone was sold it and was self employed they could not have claimed redundancy benefit and so it would have been an unsuitable product.

    I am not saying jump on the band waggon like evryone else, but if you put a claim in it is usually up to the seller to prove it was appropriate and suitable at the time of the sale.

    Although there is absolutely no need to go through a claims management company on this type of policy as there is very little you need to do and most claims that are accepted would have been accepted without a third party!

    As on average they take 25 - 30% of your settlement this can be quite a chunk
  • 02-26-2012, 03:15 AM
    Devin M.

    I may be owed PPI

    True, I don't know his actual situation.

    But I still beleive that the majority are claiming just because they can rather than really being mis-sold a product.


  • 02-25-2012, 09:26 PM

    I may be owed PPI

    Just because he remerabers taking it out, doesnt mean it wasnt mis-sold at all- its about how it was sold to you- be it just telling you its part of the policy, not explaining what it is, having it pre ticked, or it not even being relevant for your circomstances for example
  • 02-25-2012, 02:40 AM
    Kit-Kat Jesus

    I may be owed PPI

    Well, that's that idea knackered then, innit?
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